A decentralised solver architecture for executing intents on EVM blockchain

we are planning to operate the Router component inside a trusted execution environment so as to eliminate any inference from the solver component of the client.

how do you guarantee that every node ensures that the solver component is unable to access information meant to the router component, given that all information is received over a network interface?

Additionally, what incentive does a node have to “not” try and intercept the solutions from other solvers? As a node runner in the network, I could simply choose to not run the router in an isolated component and claim the fee for the solutions myself.

I also had an unrelated question: In the original post, the first step is to send a raw intent to the “constraint system” which is responsible for breaking down the intent into ATOs that are then further processed by the driver/router. How does this constraint system work?

Nice research, you mentioned, “These ATO’s can be presented in the form of a private manner where information is hidden and executed in such a way that the user doesn’t reveal any information to the public blockchain.”. I have a few questions:

  1. Is this achieved by encrypting the ATO’s using cryptographic techniques?

  2. How does the driver and the solver get through the ATO’s in ciphertext form and eventually generate solved ATO’s?