Block Persistent Storage

The following contract is an example of a ‘stateless contract’ that is bitcoin like in that each UTXO gets split into a couple of different UTXOs upon each transaction. The lines that have the comment //todo: check and swap equivalence in block are the place where it would be nice to check some kind of short term storage…maybe it is just during this block, maybe things get stored for a hundred blocks and then dropped.

pragma solidity ^0.4.18;

contract StatelessToken1 {

address public owner;
bytes32 public root;
uint256 public totalSupply;

event NewBranch(bytes32 indexed addressFrom, bytes32 amountFrom, bytes32 indexed addressTo, bytes32 amountTo, bytes32 indexed parent);
event SwapLeaf(bytes32 indexed oldLeaf, bytes32 indexed newLeaf);

function StatelessToken1() public{
    owner = msg.sender;
    totalSupply = 1000000 * 10**18;
    root = keccak256(bytes32(msg.sender), bytes32(totalSupply));
    NewBranch(0x0, 0x0, bytes32(msg.sender), bytes32(totalSupply), 0x0);

function Transfer(address _to, uint256 _amount, bytes32[] proof){
    require(verifyProof(bytes32(msg.sender), proof[1], proof, root));
    require(_amount < uint256(proof[1]));
    root = splitBalance(bytes32(msg.sender), bytes32(uint256(proof[1]) - _amount), bytes32(_to), bytes32(_amount), proof);

function splitBalance(bytes32 _sender, bytes32 _senderBalance, bytes32 _to, bytes32 _toBalance, bytes32[] proof) constant public returns(bytes32){
   bytes32 lastHash;
   bytes32 emptyBytes;

   bytes32 newLeaf;

   require(_toBalance > 0);

   newLeaf = keccak256(keccak256(_sender, _senderBalance), keccak256(_to,_toBalance));

   bytes32 newHash = newLeaf;

   for(uint thisProof = 0; thisProof < proof.length; thisProof++){
     if(thisProof == 0){
       //do nothing, this is what we are replacing
     } else if(thisProof == 1){
       lastHash = keccak256(proof[0], proof[1]);
       if(lastHash == proof[2]){
        NewBranch(_sender, _senderBalance, _to,_toBalance, proof[2]);
       } else {
           NewBranch(_sender, _senderBalance, _to,_toBalance, proof[3]);

       SwapLeaf(lastHash, newLeaf);
     } else if(thisProof == proof.length -1){
        //do nothing we have newHash
       if(proof[thisProof] == lastHash){
         lastHash = keccak256(lastHash, proof[thisProof + 1]);
         newHash = keccak256(newHash, proof[thisProof + 1]);
         SwapLeaf(lastHash, newHash);
         //todo: check and swap equivalence in block
       } else {
         lastHash = keccak256(proof[thisProof], lastHash);
         newHash = keccak256(proof[thisProof], newHash);
         SwapLeaf(lastHash, newHash);
         //todo: check and swap equivalence in block


   return newHash;

 function updateBalance(bytes32 _sender, bytes32 _senderBalance, bytes32[] proof) constant public returns(bytes32){
   bytes32 lastHash;
   bytes32 emptyBytes;
   bytes32 newLeaf;
   bytes32 newHash;

   for(uint thisProof = 0; thisProof < proof.length; thisProof++){
     if(thisProof == 0){
       //do nothing, this is what we are replacing
     } else if(thisProof == 1){
       lastHash = keccak256(proof[0], proof[1]);
       newLeaf = keccak256(_sender, _senderBalance);
       SwapLeaf(lastHash, newLeaf);
     } else if(thisProof == proof.length -1){

        //do nothing we have newHash
       if(proof[thisProof] == lastHash){
         lastHash = keccak256(lastHash, proof[thisProof + 1]);
         newHash = keccak256(newHash, proof[thisProof + 1]);
         SwapLeaf(lastHash, newHash);
         //todo: check and swap equivalince in block
       } else {
         lastHash = keccak256(proof[thisProof], lastHash);
         newHash = keccak256(proof[thisProof], newHash);
         SwapLeaf(lastHash, newHash);
         //todo: check and swap equivalince in block
   return newHash;

 //used to clear a 0 balance
 function clearBalance(bytes32[] proof) constant public returns(bytes32){
   bytes32 lastHash;
   bytes32 emptyBytes;
   bytes32 newLeaf;
   bytes32 newHash;

   for(uint thisProof = 0; thisProof < proof.length; thisProof++){
     if(thisProof == 0){
       //do nothing, this is what we are replacing
     } else if(thisProof == 1){
       lastHash = keccak256(proof[0], proof[1]);
     } else if(thisProof == proof.length -1){

        //do nothing we have newHash
       if(proof[thisProof] == lastHash){
         lastHash = keccak256(lastHash, proof[thisProof + 1]);
         newHash = lastHash;
         SwapLeaf(lastHash, newHash);
         //todo: check and swap equivalince in block
       } else {
         lastHash = keccak256(proof[thisProof], lastHash);
         newHash = lastHash;
         SwapLeaf(lastHash, newHash);
         //todo: check and swap equivalince in block
   return newHash;

//utility function that can verify merkel proofs
//todo: can be optimized
//todo: move to library
function verifyProof(bytes32 dataPath, bytes32 dataBytes, bytes32[] proof, bytes32 _root) constant public returns(bool){
   bytes32 lastHash;
   bytes32 emptyBytes;

   for(uint thisProof = 0; thisProof < proof.length; thisProof++){
     if(thisProof == 0){
       require(dataPath == proof[thisProof] );
     } else if(thisProof == 1){
       require(dataBytes == proof[thisProof]);
       lastHash = keccak256(dataPath, dataBytes);
     } else if(thisProof == proof.length - 1){
        require(lastHash == proof[thisProof]);
     } else{
       if(proof[thisProof] == lastHash){
         lastHash = keccak256(lastHash, proof[thisProof + 1]);
       } else {
         require(proof[thisProof + 1] == lastHash);
         lastHash = keccak256(proof[thisProof], lastHash);


   require(lastHash == _root);
   return true;
