Cheon's attack and its effect on the security of big trusted setups

Can you explain the intuition? I haven’t before seen anyone suggesting we need to care about factors of p-1 for security reasons, either in pairing or non-pairing curves.

(An extreme case for example is NIST P224:

sage: factor((2^224 - 2^96 + 1)-1)
2^96 * 3 * 5 * 17 * 257 * 641 * 65537 * 274177 * 6700417 * 67280421310721


Well the basic attack of Cheon requires a small factor of p-1. Moreover, Corollary 1 in Cheon’s paper, gives improved run time compared to the main attack, when the attacker possesses g^{a^{(p-1)/d}} for each factor d, and the run time is dominated by sqrt(d) for largest prime factor d. The specific attack in cor 1 is not of concern cause it requires such high powers of tau, but generally there’s more subgroups to play with when you have many small factors (credit: some of this intuition relates to thoughts shared with me by others while trying to improve Cheon)


This new [Guillevic19] paper revises all the recent security estimations with respect to the Special TNFS attack on pairing-friendly elliptic curves due to Barbulescu, El Mrabet et Ghammam [DEG19], Fotiadis and Konstantinou [FK18] and Fotiadis and Martindale [FM19]. It concludes that for 128-bit security with the fastest pairing one should consider BLS12 over 440 to 448 bits or or a Fotiadis–Martindale curve of embedding degree k=12, discriminant D=3 and twist of degree 6 over a 446-bit prime. I implemented this curve as BW12-446 here and it has a subgroup of order 296-bit and a 2-adicity s=37. So with respect to Cheon’s attack, for the biggest setup (Perpetual Powers of Tau), this translates to 1.25(\sqrt{\frac{2^{296}}{2^{28}}}+\sqrt{2^{28}}) \approx 2^{134} exponentiations in \mathbb{G}_1.


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References (as a new user, I am restricted to 2 links per comment):

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Coda is now using a half-pairing cycle with a Marlin/Halo hybrid, which has a powers-of-tau-style setup. However, this still resists Cheon attacks because the pairing-friendly curve of the cycle is 382-bit BN, so its security against Cheon attacks for powers of tau up to \tau^{2^k} would be 1.25 \left(\sqrt{2^{382 - k}} + \sqrt{2^k}\right) exponentiations. I don’t know what power of tau the new Coda setup goes up to, but it would have to be infeasibly large (more than 2^{126}) for Cheon attacks to be significant.

[Edit: this was correct in March 2020, but Mina (as Coda is now called) currently uses the Pasta curve cycle instead, and does not use a trusted setup so Cheon attacks are not applicable at all.]

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