Cross-rollup NFT wrapper and migration ideas

This is a very smart and timely post. The only issue I have with this is, as the price of NFT fluctuates wildly within days or even hours, I doubt there would hardly be anyone willing to put up with the ~1 week withdraw delay.

Is there any realistic way to have near instant withdraw (people can withdraw within minutes instead of days)? I think in 99% of all cases, people will just use one single layer 2, plus the Eth base layer. Is there a good design that can make NFT trading gas efficient within the context of one single rollup + Eth base layer? I am pretty sure cross-rollup transfer will be followed on once there is a good single rollup people are using.

Also I am pretty new to L2 stuff so if my question is obvious or my understanding is wrong, please forgive me. Would really appreciate your response, Vitalik @vbuterin !


In the design in Extension 1, you could just make a wrapper of the NFT on rollup A instantly, and immediately put it up for auction. It would take a week until the receipt from rollup B propagates and the wrapper becomes withdrawable, but in the meantime anyone running the correct software would be able to automatically see that the wrapped NFT is valid and would be willing to buy it.

Is there a good design that can make NFT trading gas efficient within the context of one single rollup + Eth base layer?

You could just take the design I describes verbatim, but put the base layer in place of one of the rollups. The gas costs would be higher, but users could just make a wrapper of the NFT in the rollup and generally trade it inside of there.


Thanks for the quick response @vbuterin !

So in the case of issuing NFT in ETH base layer (I doubt how many people would issue NFT in rollups), there would be one time gas fee of transferring/wrapping ETH to/on roll up. And then trading is not expensive because it is on roll up. Is that correct?

To me it looks like how Uniswap uses Arbitrum. There is a one time fee on depositing/withdrawing in and out of L2, but then trading is cheap.

Please correct me if I am wrong. Thanks again @vbuterin !

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RIght. But why wouldn’t people issue NFTs on rollups? If it’s cheaper to do the creation step inside a rollup, surely you might as well just do it there. If that rollup ever becomes untrustworthy, then you just recognize the wrapper in a different rollup as being the real one.


Good point. I think the real issue is to get NFT issuer convinced to use rollups then. Onboarding them project by project. Maybe over time the herd will all come.

I am very interested in taking on this one. The remaining issue is if all this work will become useless once ETH 2.0 sharding is alive? People might just trade on eth base layer, or even after sharding the rollups solution will be significantly cheaper to trade NFTs?

Thanks @vbuterin !


The remaining issue is if all this work will become useless once ETH 2.0 sharding is alive?

It will not become useless for a long time. The current proposed implementation of sharding is just data sharding, meaning that you would not be able to have txs “directly” on the shards; rather, the shards would just be data space so that rollups could have much higher scalability.


Thanks @vbuterin !!! :grinning:

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Interesting thread. Many important trade offs to consider.

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Vitalik, is it safe to say that what you have outlined here would be similar to the approach of the Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) being developed by Chainlink Labs to tackle these problems?

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Why just rollups? The same “wrapper” can be used for multi-chain approach as well. Theoretically, an NFT specific parachain can connect with ETH for the exact same reason using the same framework.

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What do you think about


Zero gas fees, instant trades and scalability for games, applications, marketplaces, without compromise.

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So eth can’t handle defi, “let’s take that to l2”

Then eth can’t handle dog tokens. “They dont belong here”

Then “eth should be for the metaverse”, but wait. Eth can’t handle that either. “Time for nft’s to move to l2’s”

Defi didn’t move to l2’s. It moved to other l1’s

Shitcoins didn’t move to l2’s. They moved to other l1’s

Why would nft’s go to other l2’s? Noone likes the centralized l2’s. They are expensive and not convenient. Bsc is more convenient and less centralized than the l2’s and so is avax, sol, and the rest.

How about we increase the gas limit?


People like to actively trade and issue NFTs (much more so than ERC-20), and interactions with NFTs cost more gas. There is a huge incentive expand the market by issuing directly on L2 while fully preserving the security and data availability aspects of Ethereum, then wrapping L1 “legacy” NFTs into L2.

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The difference between rollups and the multi chain world is that while a proof of rollup state can be 100% reliable, a bridge to another chain always has a risk of breaking in extreme scenarios: what if the bridge itself is unreliable, or there is a 51% attack and the community forks to recover but the bridge doesn’t capture that, etc etc. So you can absolutely do the same thing, but I do think that there will always be security uncertainties with multi-chain that don’t exist in a rollup ecosystem.

l2’s? Noone likes the centralized l2’s

The centralized training wheels on the L2s are a temporary measure, because this is new tech with high risk of software bugs. All the L2s I know have a clear roadmap toward removing them.


You won’t get those 100k tps and instant finality with an arduino running from your home. Rollups will always be very expensive, inconvenient, easy-to-censor, datacenter chains. So yes, highly centralized

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@vbuterin This seems nice to reduce gas costs, but for user experience its really taxing. NFTs are traditionally much more easier to grasp than something as complicated as DeFi and as such, more users using NFTs are brand new to blockchain and not experienced.

Asking a user to submit multiple transactions, to jump from one layer to rollup, and from one state to another will be much more complicated and confusing. Having a user try to verify an NFT is legit (say an official cryptokitty) when its on a L2 and was used on Rollup B and then on Rollup C - would be basically impossible for a newer user.

Having one marketplace on rollup B and one marketplace on rollup A and C would be another issue all together.

Depositing funds on a rollup would be a final issue - total gas costs to the user is probably higher in this situation (correct?) since they need to:

  1. Deposit into rollup - mainnet gas costs
    or 1a. deposit eth into rollup to make a purchase/transfer
  2. Move the NFT from one rollup to another because wallet X only support Rollup A and not rollup B, or marketplace Y only uses Rollup C.
  3. Move back on mainnet

Opposed to currently, where a user can just submit one transaction to buy an NFT on mainnet, effectively saving them money instead of using a layer 2.

So the problem here is:

  1. Over-complication for a generalized user (not an experienced blockchain user)
  2. Higher gas costs for the end user - which reduces their desire to actually use it opposed to mainnet
  3. User experience where metamask only supports Rollup A, trust wallet only supports Rollup B and C, and rainbow supports all three. (or marketplaces, viewing dapps, rarity tools, etc). Fragmentation within the ecosystem basically.

Instead - I believe there should be one, dedicated NFT rollup, not rollup a b or c, but one dedicated NFT rollup on Ethereum. So that apps, marketplaces, wallets can know exactly which is the official and which has 99% of the NFTs on it.

I think we need to consider the withdrawal and deposit of funds and NFTs quite hard - because if I have to submit 1 transaction to deposit ETH, then trade an NFT and submit multiple free transactions, then submit a second transaction to withdrawal my ETH, I’m looking at paying more in gas costs in some scenarios - depending on however many of X transactions I submitted. If I submitted only 1 tx to buy a single NFT or sell, then I’m negative in terms of savings and have spent more.

These don’t even address the waiting period of a week for settlement, which is another issue all together and really not acceptable for an average user who just bought a $50 jpeg to be used in a game/redeemed for access to a page.



Agreed. The assumption was to have a reliable bridge.

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Well said! NFT’s were all about onboarding new users

People seem happy (ok, not happy) to pay the fees, but this is far too complicated

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There are challenges of crossNTF for L2 on crosschain security and decentralization. Recently, there has been a big increase in attacks on crosschain bridges.

Since a crosschain bridge is a holistic system that connects a source chain with a target chain, the attacks on the crosschain integrity can be on source chain, target chain, or the bridge connecting them. The crosschain security has not been mentioned much and recent crosschain attacks have caught crypto communities attention.

To ensure the crosschain bridges are secure, besides securing source and target chain smart contracts, there should also be a shaking and slashing mechanism to safeguard crosschain assets.

Because the value of NFT are subjective and hard to define, the staking and slashing model might need to re-evaluated.

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You can define your own data availability and consensus policies on L2, wallet/UX/usability can be improved but that is an iteration once the infrastructure is built out. For example a VRF based selection mechanism with a POS L2 rollup would allow for seperations of concerns where NFT’s can exist for certain applications (for example a sports theme’d NFT marketplace). Apply this idea to be able to jump across individual L2’s which wallet’s can adopt and likely it will cut down on L1 settlement times and skip L1 altogether for the most part.

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