Cross-shard DeFi composability

You said in the post A simple synchronous cross-shard transaction protocol that a synchronous cross-shard transaction protocol would be simple, which implies they would be easy to support. So why are you saying they’re not supported?

My biggest worry is loosing the atomicity of the contract calls that we have to day, and leaving users “stranded” on intermediary states. Let me give an example:

Suppose that we have our user on shard A, he has DAI but he wants to lend on RCN, and RCN it’s on shard B, while Uniswap is on shard A too.

Currently, without sharding, and smart contract can, in a single transaction, convert from DAI to RCN, and then execute the “lend” operation, if the lend operation fails (maybe because some other user filled the request first), the DAI -> RCN convertion it also get’s reverted, and the user just get’s a message saying “ups, someone else filled the request”, but he still has the DAI.

With sharding, that user would need to first convert from DAI to RCN, (because Uniswap is on shard A), and then move those RCN to shard B, if during that process the loan on RCN is filled by another user, the user ends up on shard B with RCN, but with no loan to fill, and thus has to do all the process backwards if he want’s to convert back to DAI (exposing himself to RCN in the process).

This may sound like a silly example, because if an user wants to interact with RCN it’s likely that he doesn’t mind to be exposed to the RCN token, but variants of this “intermediary stranded state” would have to be taken into account when developing DeFI composability.

I personally don’t have in mind an easy solution for this problem, maybe we will need to reshape how we build dApps on a cross-shard ecosystem


This is definitely true! Atomic “I get exactly what I want or I get nothing” guarantors are going to become more difficult. In this specific case, RCN could be designed so that individual loan opportunities could be separate contracts, in which case the user could yank one such contract to shard A and then do the transaction atomically. But in a more general case, this will sometimes not work (eg. you would not be able to do risk-free arbitrage between Uniswap and some other single-threaded DEX on some other shard).

Some open questions…

  • Does the Ethereum community value Eth2 levels of transaction throughput more than atomic contract composability?
  • How should we be thinking about that trade-off?
  • Is there an intermediate scaling solution that conserves atomic composability?
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Hi Spencer, long time no talk! I think the added contract complexity introduced by async receipts is a genuine issue for all developers, but it is still a pretty minor imposition in the scheme of things, if the gas fee in eth2.0 for transactions drops from (let’s say) 10 cents to one one-hundredths of a cent.

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This is why people are saying that Eth 2.0 breaks composability, because yanking sucks (“if you break RCN and rewrite/redesign the whole ecosystem to work by yanking, it will basically kinda work the same as before, usually”).

For atomic transactions (i.e. synchronous), there is no real throughput to be gained by sharding. It takes multiple asynchronous transactions on multiple shards, yanking, claiming, and so on, to accomplish the same update that is done in a single synchronous transaction (this is Amdahl’s law). It’s worse DX, and no actual gain in throughput.

There are proposals to conserve atomic composability across shards (probably not always and not for all transactions, just the subset that need them) – I just linked one above. I’ve been arguing for years that it should be a priority to enable contracts to continue working as they do on Eth1 (i.e. with atomic composability / synchronous calls), on Eth2.


So I guess the question is, how much of the value is lost by only allowing asynchronous operations? I definitely think it’s not reasonable to claim that “composability” as a whole is lost if synchronous operations are lost; crazy combinations like “let’s have a Uniswap market between cETH and cDAI so that liquidity providers can earn interest while they provide liquidity” are still just as possible as before, and indeed require basically no rewriting.

I agree that risk-free arbitrage and more generally risk-free “see if things are possible over there, and if not come back here” become more difficult (but not impossible!) but I’m not sure that that large a portion of the value of combining defi applications comes from such things.

if you break RCN and rewrite/redesign the whole ecosystem to work by yanking, it will basically kinda work the same as before, usually

If we assume bounds on single-threaded computation, we can’t increase the throughput of a system without specifying data independencies that allow for parallelization. So any scheme for increasing throughput must include some way to specify these data independencies, which involves “rewriting” of some form. So I don’t think this problem is surmountable; you have to rewrite to take advantage of increased scalability.

I think the examples given are in the most simple form and not that interesting. Many innovative use cases involve interaction between several smart contracts, and that requires real composibility. Let me give a couple of examples.

1. SetProtocol
When a user sends 1 eth to buy a basket of 3 tokens, say ZRX, KNC, DAI each 33.33%, everything happens in 1 transaction atomically. In that 1 single transaction, Set Contract calls Kyber contract 3 times to buy 3 tokens with the corresponding amount, and for each call Kyber contract might call different contract (e.g. Uniswap, KyberReserve, OasisDex).
Its important for Set’s use case to have all-or-nothing atomicity here, otherwise the ratio of the assets in the basket will not be correct. Having the purchases done separately but simultaneously in different shards will not help, though being more expensive and cancel out the scalability factor.

2. On-chain arbitrage
There has been a lot of arbitrage lately between Gnosis’s dutchX, Bancor, Uniswap, Kyber, SetProtocol’s rebalancer, etc. All these activities are necessary for automated pricing protocols like Uniswap, dutchX, bancor to have reflected market price. On-chain arbitrage is attractive and superior to centralized exchanges arbitrage because everything can be done instantly and atomically in a transaction: trader is guarantee to only arbitrage if there is profit, otherwise just revert the trade. Losing this atomicity will discourage a lot of this activities, and make it harder to attract traders.


When a user sends 1 eth to buy a basket of 3 tokens, say ZRX, KNC, DAI each 33.33%, everything happens in 1 transaction atomically. In that 1 single transaction, Set Contract calls Kyber contract 3 times to buy 3 tokens with the corresponding amount, and for each call Kyber contract might call different contract (e.g. Uniswap, KyberReserve, OasisDex).

Is the assumption here that the basket ratios in Set may change every block? Because if not, this is easy:

  1. You call Set contract with 1 ETH
  2. Set calls Kyber
  3. Kyber sends orders out to DEXes, specifying that it wants to fix the quantity purchased rather than the quantity spent (eg. Uniswap allows this)
  4. Get the coins back from the DEXes, along with a bit of ETH change left over (this is inevitable; even Uniswap gives change today)
  5. Combine the tokens into a set

2. On-chain arbitrage

I agree smart contract arbitrage between different DEXes becomes harder in a cross-shard context. Though note that this is less of a problem if the DEXes are not single-threaded (ie. not like Uniswap). In an on-chain order book DEX, for example, orders can be yankable. DutchX auctions are yankable as well. This does run the risk that you pay fees to yank but then the arbitrage opportunity disappears. However, even if this probability is >50%, sharding reduces transaction fees by >95%, so on net arbitrage should still be much smoother.

Since there will be the need to update erc20 structure, why dont create some kind of main gas station dex to pay gas with the tokens and also let move tokens inside L2 scaling solutions without the need to hold ether and the other plasma coin (for example matic) to move them in and out easily…

What about this example?

0x orders matching code:

function matchOrders(...) public {
    // ...
    tokenA.tranferFrom(maker, taker, amountA);
    tokenB.tranferFrom(taker, maker, amountB);
    // ...

Executing transferFroms both parallel and sequential leads to the problem when one of the calls fails. Smart contract will not be able to fully revert transferFrom, can just transfer, but this would reset allowance.

Both sides would have to have tokens on the same shard as the order contract.

My concerns are from an application developer perspective.
Do you mean that some existing applications that support the ERC20 standard and deployed on eth1.0 will eventually need to be upgraded? If so, what should developers prepare for the upgrade? Sorry if my concerns are already answered.

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Sorry if my concerns are already answered.

Sorry for my lazy reply @kohshiba . please have a look at this blog post, which will probably answer your question: The eth1 -> eth2 transition

Do you mean smart contracts should take care of storages among all the shards?

If you separate an on-chain order book DEX into n orders (or a hotel reservation contract into n pairs of rooms and dates), doesn’t the UI app must watch up to n shards or potentially all the shards?
Even in the light client model, this requires O(n) network bandwidth, storage, and computation.

In general, I’m curious about what kinds of applications can be “yankable.”
I agree that Uniswap is not separable (i.e., can not be divided into small contracts), so should not be yankable because otherwise, there would be a lot of DoS attacks or nuisances.

However, even if a contract is separable, in some cases, it should not be yankable.

  • A DEX contract, which returns an average exchange rate of the orders (e.g., for other Defi contracts)
  • A hotel reservation contract, which accepts reservations only if there are more than ten rooms available

These contracts have functions that depend on the application-wide state.
Yanking allows the state of each segment of these contracts (orders, rooms) to exist in any shard, so there is no guarantee that the above functions correctly works.
Instead, each segment of these contracts can be lockable (i.e., can be owned by someone temporarily and unlocked by certain conditions, but its state should not be moved to other shards), so we can use two-phase-commit-like schemes for atomic cross-shard operations.

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Can we assume that natural equilibrium state will be achieved where application that needs composability feature will be located on a same shard?

For example, if I have a share of virtual corporation (which actually is a bunch of composable smart contracts) and I want to earn interest by locking shares in staking contract, I do it on one specific shard. If I am a speculator who does frequent trading - I move shares to a DEX shard. Hence, we will see set of heterogeneous shards, but difference will be achieved by different smart contracts hosted on shards.

Another + vote for cross-shard synchronousity (even though it’s not technically a word). I’m imagining that we’re sacrificing developer/user experience for security/scalability here, though?

Granted, all DeFi apps could just be on the same shard. So, that could work, too, but potentially without as much scalability.

FYI. We have implemented a multi-chain/sharding blockchain network that supports most of the DeFi examples at the time being in QuarkChain. To be specific, the network has implemented the following features to support Cross-Shard DeFi composability:

Sharding-Aware Address Format

Current address = ETH address (20 bytes) + chain ID (2 bytes) + 2 bytes unused. When performing a transaction, both the sender and receiver must specify the full addresses so that the network could determine which chain the tx is initiated from and which chain the receiver (a user address or smart contract) will receive the transferred token. If the chain ID’s of the sender and receiver of a tx are different, then the tx is cross-shard tx.

Cross-Shard Movable User-Created Tokens

To support moving a user-created token between different shards, a user could create a native token with a unique token ID, and a transferTokenID field is added in a tx to indicate which native token is transferred. As a result, a cross-shard tx will move the user-created token by deducting the balance of a user-created token, create a receipt (we call it “deposit”) including the balance and transferTokenId to target shard, and the target shard will process the receipt and increase the balance of the transferTokenId of the receiver.

Note that if the receiver address is a smart contract, the processing of the receipt will automatically call the smart contract and if there is a refund, the corresponding token will be added to the sender’s address in the target shard (i.e., same ETH address but with target shard chain ID).

Currently, we don’t support moving contract-based tokens (e.g., ERC20) to different shards at the moment, but a user could easily create a contract that could automatically swap a contracted-based token to a native token and move it to any shard.

Example for Uniswap

Suppose a user with ETH address 0x1122…ff would like to swap token A in chain ID 1 to token B by a uniswap contract in chain ID 0 with address 0x2233…ff0000xxxx, a user will create a tx with

tx = {
     sender_chain_ID: 1,
     to: 0x2233..ff0000xxxx,
     data="uniswap_call_data (e.g., swap to tokenB)",
     v,r,s=sigature of sender,


The transaction will trigger the following steps:
1, Withdraw tokenA from sender account in chain 1
2, Send the receipt to chain 0
3, Chain 0 processes the receipt, calls contract 0x2233…ff0000xxxx. Upon the success of the call, the swapped tokenB will be returned to 0x1122…ff0000xxxx

After the tx, a user could move the tokenB from 0x1122…ff0000xxxx to another shard address own by the user (e.g., 0x1122…ff0001xxxx). A tool was developed to help users collecting all balances from all shards to one shard (

Cross-Shard DeFi for Heterogeneous Shard Chains

The design allows the sender who has balance in a shard chain with different ledger models (e.g., UTXO) to participant in DeFi in other chains. The transaction basically contains two parts: 1, the part that unlocks the sender’s UXTOs in a UTXO chain; 2, the part containing information for calling target shard such as smart contract full address, refund address, transferTokenId, startgas, etc.

Note that all the features are available in mainnet except we are discussing the native token insurance model at the time being.


Further, notice that the network only aims to provide a practical system that already supports the examples in the original post by Vitalik. This means it will suffer from the same issues (e.g., calling multiple contract in different shards atomically) of the original idea as discussed in the thread because all the cross-shard tx calls are async.

Further solution to address the async issue may provide a shard chain that is dedicated for DeFi with DeFi optimized consensus/ledger/tx model. Actually, we are working with nuts on the idea.

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