Here’s a running list of my comments, as I work through the paper.
Initial comments on Section 2 -
Section 2 -
Comment A - Many Branches for a Tree
Paragraph 2 ends and paragraph 3 opens with a discussion of a tree having many branches. The statement in paragraph 2 feels a bit open-ended. For example, is having many branches OK, not OK, a temporary or permanent state?
The statement in paragraph 3 seems to clarify that many branches is undesirable. But the two statements left me a bit conflicted in the understanding. It may be helpful to add a clarifying statement to end paragraph 2.
Comment B - Supermajority Link Definition
The introduction of c’ -> c confused me a bit. For example, in Figure 1c are two examples of a c’ -> c supermajority link r -> b1 and r -> b2? It may be helpful to show examples of c’ -> c supermajority links in Figure 1c.