Latest Casper Basics. Tear it apart

I think the paper needs to add a definition of “broadcast” and explain for how long the votes are stored.

  1. How does the broadcast exactly work. is it some kind of a mesh network with fixed links? If it is a mesh network, how much power do malicious nodes have to delay or censor messages? If my node is connected to nodes that are all malicious, can my node end up having a totally different world view?

  2. When a node receives votes, are these votes stored indefinitely by the node or discarded?
    If votes are stored, my understanding is that vote sets stored by different nodes will not be
    identical due to network delays? Since broadcast messages may be lost, one can
    imagine situation that a particular node will miss a particular checkpoint because
    a message was lost or witheld? Is the broadcast algorithm eventually consistent?

  3. If a new node (or a new validator) joins a network and starts downloading the blockchain, it will also need to download votes - correct? What mechanism is used to sync a new node with the current state of the network (votes, checkpoints etc. ) ?

  4. If a validator crashes and comes back online, the validator needs to sync up votes and checkpoints that were created when a validator was offline - how does this happen?

  5. It seems that the number of validators need to be somehow limited, since if all nodes become validators, than having 25,000 validators broadcast their messages will be very expensive network
    -wise. What mechanism will be used to limit the number of validators - is it going to be a minimum deposit or something else?

  6. What bounties will validators receive for validating? It seems that if validating will provide a low-risk ROI (say 7% annual return on deposit) , then pretty much any existing node would want to become a validator - why not?) Then we are coming back to all nodes potentially becoming validators.

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The “partially synchronous” model implies that a broadcasted message will reach all honest nodes within some time D, except there may be periods where it doesn’t and during which there are no guarantees, and during these periods it is ok if liveness fails but not ok if safety fails. Within these constraints, we assume that all broadcasts from all honest nodes reach all other honest nodes. Making sure that happens is the task of a separate layer; in general, gossip networking and consensus protocol are separate abstractions and should not mix.

It seems that the number of validators need to be somehow limited, since if all nodes become validators, than having 25,000 validators broadcast their messages will be very expensive network
-wise. What mechanism will be used to limit the number of validators - is it going to be a minimum deposit or something else?

Yes. There are a couple of options; one is 1000 ETH, the other is to set the minimum deposit size to be equal to the current number of active validators (we expect a natural equilibrium of ~500-2000 validators to arise from this). Note that because a message only gets sent once every ~12 minutes, having this many validators is okay.


Vitalik - thank you,

Other questions

  1. The paper says at the end that the algorithm is a strict improvement on PoW … I guess once you introduced the
    “FOLLOW THE CHAIN …” rule, this statement is not formally true anymore, because there could be situations where PoW says one thing and “FOLLOW THE CHAIN …” says another thing …

  2. Another thing which may be a bit problematic is large fluctuations in deposits. You may end up having Wall Street dumping money into validators since validators will provide a low-risk ROI. As a result, there may be supernodes with vast voting power. Have you thought about limiting deposit size? You could introduce a rule, where a deposit which is more than 10 times the average deposit in the network does not count for the voting purposes.

Have you thought about limiting deposit size? You could introduce a rule, where a deposit which is more than 10 times the average deposit in the network does not count for the voting purposes.

That’s not possible. The wall street guy will just split his funds between N different accounts.

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Thats true :slight_smile: There is another type of a solution that one can use . You can have a random set of validators which changes all the time (in this scenario all nodes in the network serve as validators).

For each epoch, you announce a random seed R and every node can find out if it is is a validator
by doing a determininstic signature ECDSAD on the seed R and checking if the hash of the signature is less than the
inclusion constant multiplied by node deposit


Where M is a positive constant tuned to statistically have 100 nodes.
In this way the node knows it is a vaidator, but others cant find out until
the node announces, since others do not have the private key of the node.

Essentially at any given moment in time, 100 random nodes are validators, the validator set is constantly changing with time. IMHO advantages of this system are since validators change all the time, the attacker has very little time to compromise validators once they have been selected. In this system splitting supernodes into smaller nodes makes sense too, since even though as you suggested, wall street guys can split a large node into smaller nodes, only one of these nodes will be selected into the random validator set at each given moment in time

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The paper defines a supermajority link as a link which 2/3 of validators voted on. Then it proves safety under the assumption that less than 1 / 3 of validators violate a slashing condition. I was wondering if these numbers are arbitrary, so I did a little handwavy calculation:

Let’s define the supermajority as M and the fraction of honest validators h. For a given M we want to find the smallest h that is necessary to justify two supermajority links with, e.g., the same target number. In the worst case, the honest validators distribute their vote 50/50 on both links. 1 - h are dishonest and vote on both links. So the total vote on each link is h/2 + (1 - h) = 1 - h/2. We’re looking for the security bound, so we set M = 1 - h/2 and solve for h = 2 (1 - M).

Some example cases to consider:

  • If M = 2/3 then h = 2/3 (that’s the case that is used in the paper)
  • If M = 1/2 then h = 1 (so all validators have to be honest)
  • If M = 1 then h = 0 (almost no one has to be honest if we require all to agree)
  • If M = 60\% (some random number), then h = 80%

So if I’m not missing something (which is entirely possible) the chosen M and h really seem to be arbitrary. I’d change that or at least mention it in the paper as

  • having another security parameter to tune is nice
  • the relationship between h and M is not immediately obvious (it is not M + h = 1 as one might think if one sees the numbers 2/3 and 1/3), so readers might misunderstand the proofs

The purpose of the 2/3 choice is to maximize the fault tolerance against both liveness attacks (1-M go offline) and safety faults (2M-1 equivocate). max(1-M, 2M-1) is minimized at M = 2/3, with fault tolerance 1/3 against both kinds of attacks.


Sorry for my potential ignorance but I think this sentence could be misleading:

A checkpoint c is called finalized if it is justified and there is a supermajority link c → c' where c' is a direct child of c.

I think this is misleading because if c’ is another checkpoint necessarily it will be at least 100 blocks away, no?

I am looking at the source code of (Casper) as it is now and it seems to be prone to a “selfish validator” issue described below

It seems that In the current code for vote() all validators get the same reward for voting, no matter the vote, as long as the vote was made during the epoch and did not violate slashing conditions.

In this case, a selfish validator can skip doing all work, and just piggiyback on other validators by waiting close to the end of the epoch and voting as most of the validators voted.

I think this is very much similar to filecoin and other storage systems - you need Proof-of-Storage, otherwise people will just pretend they store things.

So it seems one needs something like Proof-of-Validation-Work to show that a validator actually performed useful work and not just selfishly piggybacked on the work of others.

Validators are paid for their work, so imho there must be a proof of this work actually done …

One could theoretically pay to validators that voted earlier than others, but it seemes that selfish validators could just do front-running of honest validators …

Any ideas on how Proof-of-Validation-Work could be implemented … ?

Here is one way to fix this vulnerability - make it two stages:

  1. Make validators first submit encypted votes.

  2. After voting is over, make them reveal the decryptions …

I think there are multiple crypto ways in which it could be done, for instance submitting hashes and then revealing hash pre-images …

This would make things way more secure, although a bit more expensive in terms of how much you pay per vote, since one would not be able to use bit arrays anymore …

Sorry for my potential ignorance but I think this sentence could be misleading:

A checkpoint c is called finalized if it is justified and there is a supermajority link c → c’ where c’ is a direct child of c.
I think this is misleading because if c’ is another checkpoint necessarily it will be at least 100 blocks away, no? away, no?

That’s correct. I don’t see it as misleading. It just means that a checkpoint won’t be finalized until at least 100 blocks away, when a supermajority link is formed from a child checkpoint, and the checkpoint is justified.

Yes, but if they wait too long then there’s a risk that their vote will not get included in time. Also, the risk from voting early is tiny; as long as you vote after enough blocks that the PoW has basically settled on a given checkpoint, you’re pretty much guaranteed to get in. Realistically I don’t expect a noticeable difference in returns between the different strategies, and would actually expect early voting to be safer.

Understood :slight_smile: To play a bit more of Devil’s Advocate, guys with lots of money (large deposits) may be able to get in very late by bumping up gas payments. If my deposit is $1 zillion and my bounty is a percentage of the deposit I can afford to pay whatever it takes to get included in one of the last block before the epoch ends.
So ironically, validators with large deposits may end up doing less work and ripping most of the bounties, because they will be able to afford to be included in the last block.

More of Devil’s Advocate: nothing precludes validators from reaching agreements with large miners to have guaranteed inclusion in the last block. In this case, there may be a funny situation where a large portion of the votes will be in the last block :slight_smile:

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Casper test net

Casper test net

Can any one point to the source code for the Casper daemon that corresponds to the test net ?)))

P.S. Looks like here it is

I have some questions,can anyone answer it for me? Thank you very much!
Q1: Mentioned in section 3,"Once validator ν leaves the validator set, the validator’s public key is forever forbidden from rejoining the validator set."As time goes on, the contents of this collection will grow to a lot. Then how to maintain this set of verifiers.
Q2: Mentioned in section 2.1,“if ≥ 23 of validators follow the protocol, then it’s always possible to finalize a new checkpoint without any validator violating a slashing condition.” Why is “without”.
Q3: Mentioned in section 2.1,“the inequality h(s1) < h(s2) < h(t2) < h(t1) cannot hold.” Then what about inequality h(s1) < h(s2) < h(t1) < h(t2)?

On page 6, paragraph 3,what is " 'four months’ worth of blocks"

Q1: Mentioned in section 3,"Once validator ν leaves the validator set, the validator’s public key is forever forbidden from rejoining the validator set."As time goes on, the contents of this collection will grow to a lot. Then how to maintain this set of verifiers.

Technically we don’t actually need this in the protocol; the issue is that if you withdraw and then re-deposit with the same public key, then the second-round deposit could get slashed for conflicts between messages made by the first-round deposit, or for inconsistencies between the two deposit rounds. It should be a client-side responsibility to make sure not to do this.

Mentioned in section 2.1,“if ≥ 23 of validators follow the protocol, then it’s always possible to finalize a new checkpoint without any validator violating a slashing condition.” Why is “without”.

Because if some validator has to violate a slashing condition to finalize a new checkpoint, the protocol is “stuck”, and can’t move forward without someone voluntarily sacrificing their own money.

Mentioned in section 2.1,“the inequality h(s1) < h(s2) < h(t2) < h(t1) cannot hold.” Then what about inequality h(s1) < h(s2) < h(t1) < h(t2)?

That’s okay. This intuitively means “At time t1, the best source checkpoint I was aware of is s1, but then at the later time t2, I became aware of a better source checkpoint at s2, so I switched to using it”. We expect this to be a very normal occurrence, at least in cases where the PoW blockchain is unstable enough that forks become an issue.

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Question/Feature request:

Let’s say I wish to reclaim my validation-deposited ETH, but not to wait the required time. My friend, on the other hand, wishes to become a validator. I can give him my key in exchange for ETH, but that will be really bad practice, as he can never be sure I did not save a copy. I’m assuming it is possible to have the exit address as a smart contract, and change the owner. That solves most of the problem, but can I also point to a contract owner for validation signature? If not, is it possible to include something like this? This will limit the buyer risk to misbehavior that occurred prior to the sell. It will also enable longer lockup times and thus better security, as there will be a market for quick exits and validation of proper behaviors.

The issue that arises if we allow validators to change their keys is that we can’t necessarily check if some message they signed in the past was actually signed by them.

Aka: imagine some validator signs a message m_1 with key k_1, and then later signs a conflicting message m_2 with k_2. We need to ensure that we can check that this specific validator was the one who equivocated, which pretty much requires storing all old keys from any validator ever (or something equivalent). A much easier approach is just checking that signature contracts are pure functions, which is what the current version of the FFG contract does.

Maybe I should have been more explicit about it: the idea is to let the validator store the keys on the blockchain, if he wishes to use this method. For example, lets say the algorithm is SHA3 and signing-contract owner gets to sign. Validator 1 creates this contract as owner, storing his k1. At block N, he sells it to validator 2, changing on the blockchain the owner key to k2 (SHA3 cannot change). Every block before N signed by k1 and every block after N signed by k2 are attributed to this validator.