Let’s consider following UX:
- You are honest user and you own any interval in Plasma Prime.
- You watch at blocks where something occurs with your money and watch at RSA exclusion proofs, proving that nothing occurs with your money at other blocks
- Only plasma operator knows what inside excluded blocks at your interval. And he can put there anything. Nobody will check him, because you have the RSA exclusion proof and other users watch at their intervals.
- Plasma owner can forge any coins affecting your interval in such block and do a huge number of transactions at blocks excluded for you.
- When the time to exit come, we have two chains: your valid chain and operator’s queer chain. And only the operator knows all details of his chain. These chains are equal for the plasma contract until you find the first transaction where the operator forge his queer money. You may do it with binary search (the exit game with \log_2 N rounds, where N is the number of your transactions). But for a big N we can reach up to 15 exit game rounds. This is not useful.