MagicSpend++ Spend Now, Debit Later

Would the design require Socket to deploy (in a permissioned way) a paymaster on every chain that the user wants to transact on? Or could this be used on a new chain that does not have a paymaster on the Socket MOFA yet? I’m wondering if the design here can be used to bootstrap liquidity and transactions on a new appchain or L3 that doesn’t have a ton of BD or developer traction yet.

I think this is out of scope for the mechanism in itself but its definitely a question a bunch of teams as answering and solving for, for eg light sync, keystore etc

  1. Paymasters on source chain either will be overpowered (able to pull funds from user’s locked assets) or they will need to prove destination transaction to the SCW as mentioned in the post. How is it possible to prove every possible transaction’s output in terms of tokens to the source SCW? Imagine some weird memecoin contract that calls a function, which will allow user to claim 10 USDC after a certain amount of period. You would then need to prove source SCW to pay 10 USDC to paymaster which will be received 10 days later in the destination chain.

Im not sure I fully understand the question here, but to be clear paymasters dont have access to funds directly, they need to execute the userOp on destination and “prove” to the SCW that the userOp was executed to collect the assets, the proving system is going to be user defined so users only need to trust the proving system which is true for anything operating between chains

After a certain transaction, are these assets going to stay at destination chain SCW or will be minted to source synthetically? If prior, see no.1 concern about recovery.

There is no minting.

Thanks for the comprehensive write-up. I have 2 questions

  • What should be done on the dapp side to enable the action in the UI while it does not know that as a user I will be frontrun the asset to perform the action?
  • Currently the same EVM account can be an both an EOA on non chain abstracted chains (Base) and a SCW on a chain abstracted chain (ZkSync Era). Would the MAgicSpend logic work with such setup, meaning the Vault would be only on ZkSync Era and used to spend anywhere else even though, it is an EOA on the other chains ?
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