Native rollups—superpowers from L1 execution

RISC-V native execution

Given today’s de facto convergence towards RISC-V zkVMs there may be an opportunity to expose RISC-V state transitions natively to the EVM (similarly to WASM in the context of Arbitrum Stylus ) and remain SNARK-friendly.

I would be quite wary of that, RISC-V (and WASM and MIPS) are bad ISA for bigint operations and elliptic curve cryptography. As an example emulating add-with-carry in those ISAs requires 5x more operations compared to x86 or ARM:

result_tmp = a + b
carry_tmp1 = result1 < a
result_out = result1 + carry_in
carry_tmp2 = result_out < result1
carry_out = carry_tmp1 OR carry_tmp2
return (carry_out, result_out)

Due to this inherent inefficiency, all Risc-V zkVMs are implementing a “dialect” (to reuse an MLIR compiler term) of RISC-V modified with native uint256 and elliptic curves ISA extensions.
As there are different approaches to this with different tradeoffs, we should leave the complexity to the zkVMs, it’s fine to have a RISC-V + EVM dialect (or MIPS+EVM for zkMIPS or Valida+EVM for Valida, WASM+EVM for zkWASM)


ZK fraud proofs can alternatively replace traditional fraud proofs to demystify the need of bisection games.

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It’s worth looking into the new Polkadot VM which runs natively RISC programs and could offer performance and arbitrary support of native or custom EVMs running on top of it, without the complications of a ZkVM.

I think that an Execute precompile that enforces that all Native Rollups are Mainnet EVM makes sense, but it’s not for the benefit of the ecosystem. Rollups should be empowered to experiment and push the performance envelope, without needing this backwards compatibility. Having a substrate in RISCV or WASM on which you can run an EXECUTE for different types of STFs (Mainnet EVM, Arbitrum WASM, OP EVM, etc.) would be a superpower for the ecosystem.


This makes sense in the longer term but this won’t work with a simple re-execution EXECUTE opcode.