Open problem: ideal vector commitment

We recently proposed Hyperproofs to address this open problem by Vitalik.

Hyperproofs can be regarded as an algebraic generalization of Merkle trees that use a hash function based on commitments to multivariate polynomials (see [PST13e]).


  1. Aggregating Hyperproofs is 10 to 100 times faster than SNARK-friendly Merkle trees via Poseidon or Pedersen hashes
  2. Individual Hyperproofs are as large as Merkle proofs
  3. Updating a tree of Hyperproofs is competitive with updating a Poseidon-hashed Merkle tree: 2.6 millisecs / update.
  4. Hyperproofs are homomorphic.

Room for improvement / future work:

  1. Aggregated Hyperproofs are a bit large: 52 KiB
  2. Verifying an aggregated proof is rather slow: 18 seconds
  3. Verifying an individual Hyperproof is slower than a Merkle proof: 11 millisecs
  4. Trusted setup with linear-sized public parameters

Key ideas:

  • Represent a vector \textbf{a} = [a_0,\dots, a_{n-1}], where n=2^\ell, as a multilinear-extension polynomial f(x_\ell, \dots, x_1) such that for all positions i with binary expansion i_\ell, i_{\ell-1},\dots, i_1 we have f(i_\ell, \dots, i_1) = a_i.
  • Commit to this polynomial using PST (multivariate) polynomial commitments: i.e., the generalization of KZG to multivariate polynomials
    • Specifically, the vector commitment is c=g^{f(s_\ell, \dots, s_1)}, where s_\ell, \dots, s_1 are unknown trapdoors. (See paper for details on full public parameters.)
  • The proof for a_i consists of \ell PST commitments to quotient polynomials q_\ell,\dots q_1 such that f = a_i + \sum_{k = 1,\dots,\ell} q_k \cdot (x_k - i_k)
    • q_\ell is computed by dividing f by x_\ell - i_\ell
    • q_{\ell-1} is computed by dividing r_\ell by x_{\ell-1} - i_{\ell-1}, where r_\ell is the remainder from the division above
    • …and so on
    • q_1 is computed by dividing r_2 by x_1-i_1, which yields remainder r_1 = f(i_\ell, \dots, i_1) = a_i.
  • Verifying a proof involves checking f = a_i + \sum_{k = 1,\dots,\ell} q_k \cdot (x_k - i_k) holds, but doing so against the PST commitment to f and to the quotients.
    • This is done via \ell+1 pairings / bilinear maps.
    • Let c be the vector commitment to \textbf{a}
    • Let \pi_i = (w_1,\dots,w_\ell) be the proof for a_i, where w_k's are commitments to the relevant quotient polynomials q_k.
    • Then, a proof is valid iff. the following pairing equation holds:
      • e(c/g^{a_i}, g) \stackrel{?}{=} \prod_{k=1,\dots,\ell} e(w_k, g^{s_k - i_k})
  • Unfortunately, computing all n PST proofs as above is too slow, taking O(n^2) time. Instead, we observe that, if we compute proofs in the canonical order above, then proofs often “intersect” and actually determine a tree, which we call a multilinear tree (MLT). Computing this tree only takes O(n\log{n}) time.
  • To aggregate many proofs \{\pi_i\}_{i\in I}, where \pi_i = (w_{i,\ell},\dots, w_{i,1}), we prove knowledge of w_{i,k}'s that satisfy the pairing equation for each i\in I. For this, we use the recent generalization of Bulletproofs to pairing equations by Bunz et al. [BMM+19]
  • Our MLT is homomorphic: two trees for two vectors \textbf{a} and \textbf{b} can be homomorphically combined into a tree for their sum \textbf{a}+\textbf{b}.
    • This leads to very straightforward proof updates in the MLT, after the vector changes
    • It also has other applications, such as providing unstealability of proofs, a property which can be used to incentive proof computation.
