Plasma Cash verification cost

There are two proposals to alleviate this, what do you think of them?


Most of the coin validity proofs are exclusion proofs, and those can be compressed using SNARKs/STARKs. For e.g. if we use constant-sized proofs this means that a coin validity proof will only increase in size when a coin is spent.

Back-of-the-envelope calculation: if a coin is spent once per day, the proof size becomes 1.2 MB per coin.


We know that withdrawing and re-depositing a coin will “reset” the length of the coin validitiy proof; this construction allows you to do this at an amortized cost of 1 bit of storage (SSTORE) per coin.

Back-of-the-envelope calculation: if we do this every 3 months would make the proof size is upper-bounded at 0.4 GB per coin at the cost of a few cents per year.

Combinations Thereof

We can combine these two techniques by doing a checkpoint when even the compressed proofs get too big. Analysis: with checkpoints, we can have the coin validity proof grow as O(f(n)) and the per-unit-time cost of owning a coin grow as O(g(n)) with the constraint that fg \in O(n) where n is the total number of plasma blocks (i.e. increases by 1 per minute).

Three points on this tradeoff space are

  1. Bounded proof sizes, constant rent (e.g. 1 cent/year/coin)
  2. Constant cost to own a coin, but proof size grows linearly (e.g. 1.7gb /year)
  3. Both cost and proof size are O(\sqrt n)

By combining them we relax the constraint to fg \in O(s) where s is the number of spends of the coin (i.e. increases by 1 every time the coin is spent).