Here is another poker-based scheme that also involves “Doug”
The first player deposits one token, and makes a particular bet (yes or no)
Then each subsequent player can change the bet to the opposite value by depositing twice the deposit of the previous player.
The doubling continues until one of the factions (yes or no) loses by not making the next deposit. The money deposited by the losing faction is split by the participants of the winning faction
If the deposit crosses the “human judge” threshold of 1000 tokens, then a human judge Doug is chosen randomly. Doug is paid from the deposit, say, Doug’s fee is 100 tokens.
Doug decides the winner faction. He is paid from his deposit and then the rest of the deposit is split among the winning faction
Note, that Dough can be employed through services such as Amazon Mechanical Turk.
The scheme described is effective because Doug will be involved very rarely