Request for help on NFT experiment design

I’m helping to design a series of experiments on the properties of blockchain objects, focusing on how and when they diverge from the properties of objects in the physical world. The first step is establishing a baseline for what the on-chain objects “do” at the appropriate level of abstraction, drawing inspiration from classic experiments in developmental psychology.

Here’s what we have so far:

  1. The Bitcoin model in which objects are broken up in utxos
  2. The NFT model in which an object is continuous but the ownership is transferred
  3. The non-blockchain OSI model in which objects (packets in this case) are exchangeable, sometimes lost, and arbitrarily routed.
  4. The sidechain (NFT) case in which an object disappears and reappears arbitrarily

I would appreciate any advice or thoughts on this— I don’t think that these are perfectly correct (particularly 4 and, perhaps, 2). And just to be clear, the point is to establish how and why the “digital scarcity” of a blockchain object might make it psychologically unique, given other properties. Then we will study interaction effects, permutations, etc.

I’ll post the results on here if there’s interest.

We use NFTs to transfer Private/Seed keys so that the model seen above for (1) & (2) represent our Public option. However (3) & (4) is our Private option, but also seems like 1 to 3 is the same address