Synchronous cross-shard transactions with consolidated concurrency control and consensus (or how I rediscovered Chain Fibers)

Thanks for this optimistic (and contrarian?) post Casey. :slight_smile: I’m trying to understand the details of the protocol you are suggesting. To simplify things, let’s assume there are only two shards A and B and that the only synchronous cross-shard transactions are the transfer of ETH. Can you specify precisely how synchronous transfers of ETH between shards A and B would work?

synchronous cross-shard transactions that would work with no change to the current DX/UX

If feasible that would be awesome. I just wanted to point out that the scheme from the sharding FAQ does have changes to the current DX/UX:

  • Single-message transactions are now two-message transactions. Specifically, a transaction must appear in shards A and B. This means transaction fees must be paid in two places.
  • The two messages must be coordinated in time. Specifically, the two messages must be included at the same block height. This makes transactions more brittle and likely to fail.
  • Proposers cannot choose the full ordering of transactions. Specifically, transactions must be ordered by their hash.

the master chain (consensus) provides a total order over “shard blocks”. This total order of shard blocks means we get an implicit total order of cross-shard transactions (concurrency control), for free.

In sharding the process of totally ordering blocks across shards (called “crosslinking”) is quite a bit slower than the growth of individual shards. The crosslink candidates are shard blocks at epoch boundaries, i.e. they occur every 128 periods (~10 minutes) in the best case.

What happens to the “unconfirmed” cross-shard transactions that occur after the last crosslink? Because the crosslinking process hasn’t run its course, such transactions may be in a quantum-like superposition until the next crosslink collapses the state. Could these “quantum” transactions negatively affect “classical” transactions somehow?

and do state execution as a separate delayed process

To reiterate the above point in a different language, notice that by “delayed execution” we generally mean that knowledge of the state is delayed for light-clients only, i.e. that full nodes can have immediate knowledge of the state. With cross-shard transactions where the inter-shard consensus game lags behind the intra-shard consensus game, does this mean that execution is also delayed for full nodes?