A soundness alert function for zk-rollups

(Thanks to Olivier Bégassat for his comments).

It is possible to increase the security of a rollup, by adding (1) an alert function that stops the rollup (or triggers a specific governance mode –that’s outside the scope of this post) if someone can demonstrate that the circuit is not sound, and this whatever the current state of the rollup; (2) a time window to rollup’s updates, so anyone can easily detect a suspicious state update and triggers the alert before the suspicious state can be used.

For context, a simplified zk-rollup contract is:

     circuit, // the circuit of the proof, immutable
     currentRootHash // The current state of the rollup
     // Update the state if the proof is valid
     function update(
          oldRootHash, newRootHash,
          txData, // The list of the transactions
          proof // the proof that the transition is valid
         ) {
         if currentRootHash == oldRootHash and
             proof_is_valid(circuit, proof, oldRootHash, newRootHash, txData) {
             currentRootHash = newRootHash

(1) Soundness alert function
This was briefly mentioned by VB in his presentation on multiprovers (applied here to a single prover rollup) It can also be considered as a kind of cryptographic canary, proposed by Justin Drake.

We add an extra safety function to alert in case of a soundness issue:

function soundness_alert(oldRootHash, newRootHash1, newRootHash2, data, proof1, proof2) {
    if newRootHash1 != newRootHash2 and
        proof_is_valid(circuit, proof1, oldRootHash, newRootHash1, txData) and
        proof_is_valid(circuit, proof2, oldRootHash, newRootHash2, txData) {
            // put rollup in emergency state

This alert function does not depend on the current rollup’s state: it just shows that we found a state and a set of data that lead to two different states.

Of course, there is no guarantee on data: it does not have to be valid transactions.
There is also no guarantee on oldRootHash: it can be the root hash of a state that is not reachable from the rollup’s genesis state with only legal transactions. However, whatever this previous state and whatever the data, the circuit must ensure a deterministic outcome.

This function can be used by security researchers who found both a security issue and a way to exploit it. However, a black hat hacker will not use this function: he will directly use the rollup’s update function to create a state which allows him to extract all rollup’s funds. But we can secure the rollup against this attack by adding a time window.

(2) time window between updates
That is basically an optimistic rollup approach: the update is not valid immediately, giving time to anyone to interject, i.e. call the alert function. The difference with (1) is that instead of having to find an arbitrary soundness problem, the honest actors just follow the rollup and execute the transactions themselves. A different result with a valid proof means a soundness problem has been identified.

To illustrate, here is a possible (and naive –used for illustration only) way by changing the rollup state and update functions.

    windowTime, // minimum time between two updates
    futureRootHash, // the root hash that can be challenged
    transitionProof, // proof of the transition currentRootHash -> futureRootHash
    updateTime // last time the rollup was updated

And with currentTime() returning the current L1 time, the update function is changed to:

function update(oldRootHash, newRootHash, txData, proof) {
    if currentTime() > updateTime + windowTime and
        futureRootHash == oldRootHash and
        proof_is_valid(circuit, proof, oldRootHash, newRootHash, txData) {
            currentRootHash = futureRootHash
            futureRootHash = newRootHash
            transitionProof = proof
            updateTime = currentTime() 

If a Byzantine actor updates the rollup with a state different from the state that would have resulted from a “legal” execution of the txData, this will be detected by all nodes executing the transactions locally. They call the soundness_alert described above, with L1 being the L1 state and localNewRootHash and localProof being the root hash and the proof calculated by the honest actor:

    L1.currentRootHash, L1.futureRootHash, localNewRootHash,
    L1.proof, localProof

This comes with an important caveat: the signatures must be present in the txData, if not the other nodes can detect the problem, but cannot create an alternative proof –as the proof needs to include the signature verification.

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Adding extra layers of protection to make the system more resilient against potential attacks is an interesting idea, but I am curious as to why the current methods, in your opinion, are not secure enough. Also, implementing these measures might increase complexity, which could impact user experience. I’d love to see more discussion on this idea and possible implementation to address these concerns.

Vitalik kind of said it all in the presentation I linked previously: code will not bug free before a a long time, and zk-rollups use quite advanced cryptography to secure very large amounts of money and data.

The proposed mechanism allows for proving the presence of a soundness bug, and thus taking automated actions to enhance the system’s security.

Complexity is a very valid consideration. For the alerting function, the added complexity is minimal and does not interfere with the standard workflow.

The time window is more complex, and impacts the UX due to the additional delay. Nevertheless, the complexity is not significantly different from the rest of a typical rollup’s workflow, especially when you start to decentralize the prover and sequencer.