Abra-Ka-Dabra 🧙 - (A.K.D) A revamped NutBerry Protocol

Abra-Ka-Dabra :mage: - (A.K.D) A revamped NutBerry Protocol

To even better support most (rollup) system designs and requirements,
I propose a more abstract version of NutBerry that introduces the concept of ETH 2.0 Execution Environments (EE).
This makes it possible to allow for domain-specific rollups and arbitrary Layer-1 interactions inside EE’s - on eth 1.0.

Let’s start with the core protocol that provides the following functionality:

  • Submitting Blocks, Blocks contain the address of the target EE and arbitrary data.
  • Submitting a Solution for a Block, a Solution is a 32 byte value type and usually represents the state of the EE.
  • Finalizing a Solution, committing to the 32 byte value type and moving the chain forward.
  • Disputing a Solution, marks it as invalid and requires that the corresponding block has to be validated on Layer-1.
  • Validating a block, validates the block on Layer-1 and moves the chain forward.
  • Token deposits, provides a interface for Token Deposits to a specific EE, this creates a new Deposit-Block in the system.
    • This is required for state arrangement but not necessary the only way to get tokens into the system. Aka convenience.

Note, Layer-1 is the Ethereum mainnet- and Layer-2 the rollup -chain.


A Block contains arbitrary data and is designated to a given [#ee](Execution Environment).
Each Block has a deadline parameter, this is useful to give Blocks an expiration time, i.e the Block is skipped if it is not finalized until the deadline.

  • Anyone can submit, validate, challenge and finalize a Block.
  • Submitting a Block requires a bond. The bond is used to repay finalization / validation gas costs.
  • There can be any number of Block submissions inside a Layer-1 (root-)Block.
  • Blocks are sequenced and are being processed in order.
  • A dispute and/or challenge does not put Block submissions on hold.
  • The deadline parameter can not be larger than TBD to avoid arbitrary Layer-2 chain congestion.

Block Solution

A Solution is a representation - or compressed view of the state from a Execution Environment. Any EE can use it as it sees fit, but it also doesn’t need to support that, for example, if a EE does mint NFT’s as course of action of a Block, it may disallow finalization and thus requiring that the Block needs to be validated on Layer-1 in order to mint the NFT and calculating the new state.

  • Solutions for Blocks can be submitted in advance. This is limited for up to 256 Blocks to limit congestion attacks.
  • Solutions can be disputed, disputed Blocks needs to verified on Layer-1 once all Blocks before the disputed Block are finalized.
  • A Execution Environment must not support the quick finalization-interface for a number of reasons.


A Execution Environment is a smart contract on Layer-1, it must support the interface for finalization and validating(state transition) of Blocks.
It may do arbitrary interactions on Layer-1 but must finish any given Block in a fixed time window and/or a maximus gas budget.

This allows for great flexibility and domain specific optimizations for data structure and application logic.
A EE can interact with Layer-1 contracts and other EE’s, thus allowing great interoperability.

Consensus Mechanism

Consenus ought to be simple and assumes that honest participants are usually poor, thus requiring that Block Producers have to deposit bonds on Block submission.

  • A Block submitter has to always supply a bond, this is used re-imburse validation and finalization costs for network participants.
  • The left-over of the Block submitter’s bond is returned after the Block is finalized.
  • Requires a smaller bond on challenge that gets burned or returned depending if the Solution was indeed wrong or not.
  • Execution Environments are just smart contracts on Layer-1 and must implement the challenge interface.
    They can contain any arbitrary logic and can also interact with any contract on Layer-1.
    They must complete transitions in a fixed time-window and/or within a maximum gas budget.
    However, state transitions / challenges can span across multiple Layer-1 transactions.

Calls for finalization and validations of Blocks can also include arbitrary witness data, witnesses can also be included in the Block-data itself, if it makes sense for the application.
The detailed specification of the interface shall be determined in the first development stage.

Application Example


We have EE1 that acts as a custodian smart wallet for ERC-20 tokens.
Users can deposit and exit tokens on Layer-1 and transfer tokens on Layer-2 via signed Transactions.
Other EE’s can interact with user’s funds if they are allowed to do so.
Note, this EE does only allow state changes inside a Block validation phase - from any EE, it can query this information from the Core Protocol contract.


EE-2 is a simple board game that takes custody of users funds in each round of the game and re-distributes that value depending on the game logic.
Instead of implementing it’s own custodian vault, this EE depends on the functionality on EE-1. That also means that any User who is interacting with EE-1 and the Layer-2 Protocol has a single point of entry for exits and deposits of tokens (thanks Core Protocol and EE-1), and a streamlined user experience without having to sign three different transactions to move tokens around the system for each round in the game.


  • Domain specific optimizations possible.
  • Developers…
    • … have more flexibility on functionality, UX and application performance.
    • … only need to take care of the application and the state transition functionality. The NutBerry Protocol handles Consensus and provides a rollup foundation. Both on-chain and via client-side libraries.
    • … getting familiar with eth 2.0 Execution Environment / State Transitions patterns.
  • Users can benefit from a more streamlined UX if the Protocol gets used in the wild.
  • The Core Protocol has, in comparison, low complexity, thus it becomes easier to audit.


  • This is not a magic tool to get rollup functionality in one click

Versus other proposals

Other projects additionaly provide a fixed application environment or functionality, while this is not the case here, the only interesting comparison are Consensus & Protocol Incentives. This post gives a good overview: https://medium.com/molochdao/the-state-of-optimistic-rollup-8ade537a2d0f .



Roadmap estimates - This is a Grant Request

This section is for the EF folks. However, don’t hesitate to comment on this as well.

First Stage - 4 Weeks

  • Building a MVP and finding a good fit of parameters for the system constraints (Consensus), by simulation- and test-driven development.

Second Stage - 4 Weeks

  • After settling on the concrete parameters of the System, pure development phase for contracts and client-side utilities.

Third Stage - 4 Weeks

  • Quality Assurance and documentation phase, finishing the Core Protocol to get it audit ready.

Interesting idea. I have a few questions:

  1. Any EE must reduce to EVM b1. yte code, right?
  2. Can any individual validator validate any or all EEs?
  3. Would any of the EEs support general smart contracts, or are they all more narrowly tailored to one type of application/operation?
  4. Can you give some additional examples of EEs that you would expect to see?
    What EEs would you plan to build as part of this project?
  5. Can you please elaborate a bit on the benefits of multiple EEs vs multiple smart contracts that can call each other on one generalized “EE” (the approach taken by Aribitrum, Optimism, etc.). Who would benefit most from this approach and how?
  6. How do you see this design fitting in with other ORU projects? Would it be beneficial or practical for any of them to implement the EE idea?
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Correct. One thing to clarify is that I borrow the notion of EE’s in the following sense: Input(old state, data) > EE-State-|Transition|Validation > Output(new state).

It is not a new emulated application environment I’m wanting to create :slightly_smiling_face:.

To correctly validate a EE, a validator has to know it’s application logic. Any validator can validate all or a subset of EE’s, this system is completely open and permission-less.

My focus is on tailored applications, but also yes to general smart contracts, my plan is to re-use the legacy NutBerry environment as EE - mainly for integration tests.

I’m considering more development time of the legacy NutBerry environment if there is enough demand for a general smart contracts environment.

  1. A general ERC-XXX vault. A one-stop way for users to deposit and exit ERC-20/ERC-721 and upcoming token standards into Layer-2. And a interface for other EE’s to take use of it. This should be part of the project.

And I did like to see:

  1. A voting-EE that makes use of all the flexibility to scale to over 10k votes per minute.

  2. Something like a Colony infused moloch-DAO. Though, I guess each DAO should deploy it as it’s own EE. (One EE per DAO)

The big difference here is:

  • Each execution environment works with the rollup protocol, not inside it.
    Means that EE’s can do everything on Layer-1, but they have to obey consensus rules.

  • Arbitrum, Optimism are providing a consenus layer and a special environment, if new standards emerging on Ethereum mainnet, they probably have to change/adapt the environment to make use of it. This is not the case with this proposal here, as I only propose a consensus layer plus a simplistic interface.

    I.e full control is moved to the developers of the EE.

Maybe it’s a bit confusing because I borrow the Execution Environment term, the only thing I wanted to borrow was actually the process/duties of a Execution Environment. Input(old state|witnesses, block-data) > EE-State-|Transition|Validation > Output(new state).

That design provides, in a nutshell, a solution for domain specific rollups and their optimisations but are still operating on the same protocol layer. Thus, providing greater value through a shared layer-2 protocol instead of many small (rollup) islands with no inter-compatibility in mind.

Both I would say, if other ORU projects are not depending on a special consensus layer then this is very convenient and useful.

If the core of other projects are special consensus mechanism then this project probably does not help.