Bitwise XOR custody scheme

TLDR: We present a data custody scheme based on bitwise XOR. It is a simplification of the Merkleisation-based custody scheme and drastically improves its challenge communication complexity. That is, the worst-case number of challenge-response rounds as well as the worst-case data overhead is significantly reduced.


Let s be a 32-byte secret and D an n-bit piece of data. We define helper functions:

  • Let chunkify(D, k) be the ordered list of k equally-sized chunks of D.
  • Let M be the “mix” of D with s, i.e. the concatenation of hash(xor(c, s)) for every chunk c in chunkify(D, len(D)/32).
  • Let bitwise_xor(D) to be the XOR of every bit of D.

A prover wanting to prove custody of D prepares the mix M, commits to the custody bit bitwise_xor(M) and the secret s, and later reveals s.

A challenger that disagrees on the custody bit issues a k-bit challenge where the ith bit is bitwise_xor(chunkify(M, k)[i]). The prover must then disagree with the challenger on some i_0th bit with corresponding chunk M_0 = chunkify(M, k)[i_0]. The prover then responds with i_0 alongside a k-bit response where the ith bit is bitwise_xor(chunkify(M_0, k)[i]). The challenger must then disagree with the prover on some i_1th bit with corresponding chunk M_1 = chunkify(M_0, k)[i_1]. The game continues until either the prover or challenger responds with a k-bit chunk of M alongside a Merkle proof.


In the context of Ethereum 2.0 sharding (phase 1), assume that SHARD_BLOCK_SIZE = 2**15 bytes and that SLOTS_PER_EPOCH = 2**6 slots. A validator wanting to prove custody of shard blocks over an epoch prepares a mix M with size n = 2**24 bits (2MB). We illustrate the challenge game with two different values of k.

When k = 2**12, the mix M is split into k chunks, each of size k bits. If the challenger disagrees with bitwise_xor(M) it shares bitwise_xor for every chunk of M. The validator must disagree on bitwise_xor for some i_0th chunk. It then responds with i_0, the corresponding chunk M_0, and a Merkle proof for M_0. The round complexity is 1 (two half rounds), and the total communication overhead is 1378 bytes:

  • k bits for the challenge (512 bytes)
  • log(k) bits for i_0 (2 bytes)
  • k bits for M_0 (512 bytes)
  • log(k) - 1 hashes for the Merkle path of M_0 (352 bytes)

When k = 2**8, the mix M is split into k**2 chunks, each of size k bits. If the challenger disagrees with bitwise_xor(M) it shares bitwise_xor(chunkify(M, k)[i]) for every 0 <= i < k. The validator must disagree on some M_0 = chunkify(M, k)[i_0], and shares i_0 and bitwise_xor(chunkify(M_0, k)[i]) for every 0 <= i < k. The challenger must disagree on some M_1 = chunkify(M_0, k)[i_1] which happens to be a chunk of M. It then responds with i_1, M_1, and a Merkle proof for M_1. The round complexity is 1.5 (three half rounds), and the total communication overhead is 578 bytes:

  • k bits for the initial challenge (32 bytes)
  • log(k) bits for i_0 (1 byte)
  • k bits for M_0 (32 bytes)
  • log(k) bits for i_1 (1 byte)
  • k bits for M_1 (32 bytes)
  • 2*log(k) - 1 hashes for the Merkle path of M_1 (480 bytes)

Running numbers for a hypothetical worst case: 72 days (2**20 slots) of no progress on a shard, then one big crosslink. That’s a total of 2**35 bytes, or 2**38 bits; hence, each round would require 2**19 bits or 2**16 bytes (64 kB). And with the actual current proposed shard block size of 2**14 it would drop to ~45 kB.

That seems high but not fatal, it’s only several times higher than the theoretical max size of a slashable attestation. Also note that in this worst case, there’s only one attestation in a 72-day timespan that could be slashed. So the numbers do seem to imply that the two-step version (ie. descend by a square root at a time) could work fine. A nice property of the two-step version is that if the data is available, then once the attester responds to a challenge some third party could theoretically publish it immediately.

Can this work? I am not very versed in stream ciphers of late, have ignored them in my research.

There is an implicit shift here from a random oracle model to universal compostability, so the subshifts being isomorphic really become the issue. On one hand we need a transformation that allows embedding of data, effectively commits, that are subject to oracle queries of a probabilistically checkable proof with constant query complexity.

This is however under ZK.

This scheme isn’t perfectly concealing as someone could find the commitment if he manages to solve the [discrete logarithm problem(Discrete logarithm - Wikipedia). In fact, this scheme isn’t hiding at all with respect to the standard hiding game, where an adversary should be unable to guess which of two messages he chose were committed to - similar to the IND-CPA game. One consequence of this is that if the space of possible values of x is small, then an attacker could simply try them all and the commitment would not be hiding.

A better example of a perfectly binding commitment scheme is one where the commitment is the encryption of x under a semantically secure, public-key encryption scheme with perfect completeness, and the decommitment is the string of random bits used to encrypt x . An example of an information-theoretically hiding commitment scheme is the Pedersen commitment scheme, which is binding under the discrete logarithm assumption. Additionally to the scheme above, it uses another generator h of the prime group and a random number r . The commitment is set.

Figuring out crypto my own way, nice to see the discussion here.