BW6 over BLS12-381

BW6 over BLS12-381

Authors: Youssef El Housni (ConsenSys, GRACE) and Aurore Guillevic (inria)

Following the recent work on FFT over non-smooth fields (ECFFT), it might be viable to instantiate a SNARK with an elliptic curve of non-smooth subgroup order. Particularly, one layer SNARK composition can be achieved with less constraints for the choice of curves. In this note we propose a 2-chain based on the widely used BL12-381 curve. The outer curve is a BW6 with a subgroup order 2-adicity equal to one.


For smooth finite fields \mathbb{F_q} (i.e., when q−1 factors into small primes) the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) leads to the fastest known algebraic algorithms for many basic polynomial operations, such as multiplication, division, interpolation and multi-point evaluation. However, the same operations over fields with no smooth order root of unity suffer from an asymptotic slowdown. [In a recent work by Ben-Sasson, Carmon, Kopparty and Levit, called ECFFT, the authors proposed a new approach to fast algorithms for polynomial operations over all large finite fields.] The key idea is to replace the group of roots of unity with a set of points L \subset F suitably related to a well-chosen elliptic curve group (the set L itself is not a group). The key advantage of this approach is that elliptic curve groups can be of any size in the Hasse-Weil interval [q+1\pm2\sqrt{q}] and thus can have subgroups of large, smooth order, which an FFT-like divide and conquer algorithm can exploit.

(From the paper’s abstract)


In HG20, the authors proposed a method to construct a fast pairing-friendly elliptic curve over BLS12-377. That is, a curve E_2 with a subgroup order r_2 equal to field size q_1 of BLS12-377. This method can be generalized to any inner curve and especially to BLS12 curves. The choice of BLS12-377 was interesting because q_1-1 \equiv 0 \mod 2^{46} yielding efficient radix-2 FFT needed to generate SNARK proofs over the outer BW6 curve. With the ECFFT breakthrough, one can swap BLS12-377 for the more widely used BLS12-381 and construct a new BW6 outer curve. This latter curve would have a subgroup order r_2 s.t. r_2-1 \equiv 0 \mod 2, but ECFFT approach might lead to acceptably efficient polynomial operations over \mathbb{F}_{r_2}.

Inner curve: BLS12-381

BLS12-381 is a pairing-friendly elliptic curve from the family Barreto-Lynn-Scott with an embedding degree k=12 (Construction 6.6 in FST06, case k\equiv 0 \mod6). It is defined over a 381-bit field \mathbb{F}_q and is defined by the equation y^2=x^3+4. The curve parameters are parametrized by polynomials that are evaluated at the seed u=-15132376222941642752.

Parameter Polynomial Value 2-adicity
field size q (x-1)^2/3\cdot r(x)+x 0x1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab 1
subgroup order r x^4-x^2+1 0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001 32

Besides the sizes of q, r and the the low hamming-weight of u, which makes the pairing-friendly curve efficient and secure at almost 128-bit level, the high 2-adicity of r-1 makes it a fit for SNARK applications. However, the low 2-adicity of q-1 makes it inefficient to construct an outer curve with subgroup order r_2=q.

Outer curve: BW6-767

Following HG20, we’re looking for a curve E_2 with a subgroup order r_2 equal to BLS12-381 q. The same observations apply: we need q_2 to be less than 768 bits and D=-3. We use the modified Brezing-Weng method with tailored Frobenius trace t(x)=t_0(x)+h_t \cdot r(x) and CM parameter y(x)=y_0(x)+h_y \cdot r(x) (from CM equation 4q=t^2+Dy^2). The lifting cofactors h_t and h_y must be chosen carefully according to the desired bit lengths and the CM discriminant -D. Given these constraints, we found 4 curves, which boils down basically to two pair of curves (a curve and its twist over the base field \mathbb{F}_q).

Our script, which will be soon open-sourced under MIT license, outputs the following curves:

test_vector_BLS12_381_BW6_768 = [
    {'u':-0xd201000000010000, 'D':3, 'ht':-4, 'hy':-6, 'b':1, 'pnbits':767, 'rnbits':381, 'px':[31,65,37,115,112,-100,56,29,-191,79,142,-127,31], 'px_denom':9, 'rx':[1,1,0,2,0,-2,1], 'rx_denom':3, 'cx':[52,16,21,41,12,-65,31], 'cx_denom':3, 'yx':[6,7,0,9,3,-13,6], 'yx_denom':3, 'tx':[-4,-1,0,-17,9,5,-4], 'tx_denom':3, 'betax':[72,62,-16,258,-86,-152,234,-97,-190,300,-158,31], 'betax_denom':33, 'lambx':[1,-1,0,3,-3,1], 'lambx_denom':1, 'g2cx':[19,16,21,41,12,-65,31], 'g2cx_denom':3, 'label':"BLS12_BW6_767"},
    {'u':-0xd201000000010000, 'D':3, 'ht':5, 'hy':9, 'b':9, 'pnbits':768, 'rnbits':381, 'px':[67,128,64,286,238,-262,209,38,-515,304,241,-262,67], 'px_denom':9, 'rx':[1,1,0,2,0,-2,1], 'rx_denom':3, 'cx':[61,43,21,140,-15,-128,67], 'cx_denom':3, 'yx':[9,8,0,21,-3,-17,9], 'yx_denom':3, 'tx':[5,8,0,1,9,-13,5], 'tx_denom':3, 'betax':[186,107,-43,663,-293,-359,729,-511,-199,570,-329,67], 'betax_denom':48, 'lambx':[1,-1,0,3,-3,1], 'lambx_denom':1, 'g2cx':[109,43,21,140,-15,-128,67], 'g2cx_denom':3, 'label':"BLS12_BW6_768"},
    {'u':-0xd201000000010000, 'D':3, 'ht':7, 'hy':5, 'b':3, 'pnbits':767, 'rnbits':381, 'px':[31,65,37,115,112,-100,56,29,-191,79,142,-127,31], 'px_denom':9, 'rx':[1,1,0,2,0,-2,1], 'rx_denom':3, 'cx':[19,16,21,41,12,-65,31], 'cx_denom':3, 'yx':[5,4,0,13,-3,-9,5], 'yx_denom':3, 'tx':[7,10,0,5,9,-17,7], 'tx_denom':3, 'betax':[72,62,-16,258,-86,-152,234,-97,-190,300,-158,31], 'betax_denom':33, 'lambx':[1,-1,0,3,-3,1], 'lambx_denom':1, 'g2cx':[52,16,21,41,12,-65,31], 'g2cx_denom':3, 'label':"BLS12_BW6_767"},
    {'u':-0xd201000000010000, 'D':3, 'ht':-11, 'hy':-7, 'b':3, 'pnbits':768, 'rnbits':381, 'px':[67,128,64,286,238,-262,209,38,-515,304,241,-262,67], 'px_denom':9, 'rx':[1,1,0,2,0,-2,1], 'rx_denom':3, 'cx':[109,43,21,140,-15,-128,67], 'cx_denom':3, 'yx':[7,8,0,11,3,-15,7], 'yx_denom':3, 'tx':[-11,-8,0,-31,9,19,-11], 'tx_denom':3, 'betax':[186,107,-43,663,-293,-359,729,-511,-199,570,-329,67], 'betax_denom':48, 'lambx':[1,-1,0,3,-3,1], 'lambx_denom':1, 'g2cx':[61,43,21,140,-15,-128,67], 'g2cx_denom':3, 'label':"BLS12_BW6_768"}

All these curves benefit from endomorphism-based optimizations as D=-3 and from fast Miller loop as the seed u has low hamming-weight (same as BLS12-381).

That is said, the best curve is the first one: y^2=x^3+1 defined over a 767-bit field with D=-3, h_t=-4 and h_y=-6.

  • The field \mathbb{F}_q can be implemented in twelve 64-bit limbs, with one bit to spare for carries or for compressed y-coordinate flags.
  • The cofactors h_t,h_y give the fastest final exponentiation in the pairing computation as an exponentiation by h_t^2+3h_y^2 is needed.
  • The coefficient b=1 is convenient for checking that a point is on the curve.
  • There is a 2-isogeny from a curve with j \ne 0 or 1728, allowing use of the “simplified SWU” method for hashing to an elliptic curve.

The constant c=3 is a sextic non-residue in \mathbb{F}_q and so the twisted curve is a M-twist that corresponds to the third output curve: y^2=x^3+3 over the same field \mathbb{F}_q with D=-3, h_t=7 and h_y=5. The extension fields can be constructed as \mathbb{F}_{q^3}[u]=\mathbb{F}_q/u^3-3 and \mathbb{F}_{q^6}[v]=\mathbb{F}_{q^3}/v^2-u.

\rightarrow Below are the polynomial forms of the curves’ parameters:

Curve subgroup order r(x)
(same as BLS12-381 q(x))
field size q(x) cofactor c(x) Frobenius trace t(x) CM y(x) GLV \lambda(x) GLV \beta(x)
y^2=x^3+1 (x-1)^2/3\cdot (x^4-x^2+1)+x (31x^{12} - 127x^{11} + 142x^{10} + 79x^9 - 191x^8 + 29x^7 + 56x^6 - 100x^5 + 112x^4 + 115x^3 + 37x^2 + 65x + 31)/9 (93x^6 - 195x^5 + 36x^4 + 123x^3 + 63x^2 + 48x + 156)/9 (-4x^6 + 5x^5 + 9x^4 - 17x^3 - x - 4)/3 (6x^6 - 13x^5 + 3x^4 + 9x^3 + 7x + 6)/3 1-x+3x^3-3x^4+x^5 (72+62x-16x^2+258x^3-86x^4-152x^5+234x^6-97x^7-190x^8+300x^9-158x^{10}+31x^{11})/33
y^2=x^3+3 (twist) (x-1)^2/3\cdot (x^4-x^2+1)+x (31x^{12} - 127x^{11} + 142x^{10} + 79x^9 - 191x^8 + 29x^7 + 56x^6 - 100x^5 + 112x^4 + 115x^3 + 37x^2 + 65x + 31)/9 (93x^6 - 195x^5 + 36x^4 + 123x^3 + 63x^2 + 48x + 57)/9 (7x^6 - 17x^5 + 9x^4 + 5x^3 + 10x + 7)/3 (5x^6 - 9x^5 - 3x^4 + 13x^3 + 4x + 5)/3 1-x+3x^3-3x^4+x^5 (72+62x-16x^2+258x^3-86x^4-152x^5+234x^6-97x^7-190x^8+300x^9-158x^{10}+31x^{11})/33

where \lambda(x) is the endomorphism eigenvalue which when multiplied by a point P=(x_P,y_P) on the curve acts as (x_P,y_P) \mapsto (\beta(x)\cdot x_P, y_P).

\rightarrow Below are the hexadecimal values of the shared curves’ parameters, when evaluated at the seed u=-015132376222941642752:

Curve subgroup order r
(same as BLS12-381 q)
field size q GLV \beta GLV \lambda
y^2=x^3+1 and y^2=x^3+3 (twist) 0x1a0111ea397fe69a4b1ba7b6434bacd764774b84f38512bf6730d2a0f6b0f6241eabfffeb153ffffb9feffffffffaaab 0x51e2bcf25fa8992238259ea59a063294c36dc4098befce4230f8d18f41e3fc19665e4360b872007d3dd5a1b865cbe8dadc2ce0c034926d18fe0ef8c1c63df7d97cbc118805598e5c31732000974254c83a38b08e7179beb96896aaaec71538e7 0x4a7108dc56f65caaa3748933617f8fb542e1d6e9ef88f166a011051b5f65b0b728456c117f8e93508e38b5b4682991ce3dae358b1b36f832f0bb174392eb6c806d9cd8a33550dbe01e63601ff328f27c5a594f723162ca74e40326ccf309a81a 0x1a0111ea397fe699ec02408663d4de85aa0d857d89759ad4897d29650fb85f9b409427eb4f49fffd8bfd00000000aaac


A first version of an optimized implementation of the curve arithmetic and the underlying finite fields, alongside optimal ate pairing computation (with fast final exp) was written in Golang under gnark-crypto library (zkTeam @ConsenSys). It can be found in this fork’s branch: gnark-crypto/ecc/bw6-767 at feat/bw6_on_bls12-381 · yelhousni/gnark-crypto · GitHub

\rightarrow Some more optimizations are WIP:

  • [ ] fast cofactor clearing
  • [ ] fast subgroups check
  • [ ] hash-to-curve


For interoperability of blockchain projects, it would be great to use the same elliptic curve. BLS12-381 is a secure, optimized and widely used pairing-friendly elliptic curve in many patforms. For projects that need one layer proof composition, it might be viable to stick to BLS12-381 and use this BW6-767 alongside ECFFT for composing proofs.

A detailed paper will be published soon that proposes a generic framework for constructing optimized 2-chains for SNARK composition with open-sourced code.


Hey youssef, excited to read the new paper :slight_smile:

Small note: for SNARKs we often need more than just FFTs: the underlying protocols leverage properties of the multiplicative subgroup structure. (It is totally plausible that the new set of techniques allow working around this requirement; I have no idea yet)


Hi all,

For cryptographic systems relying on polynomial division such as plonk or Groth16, one way that the group structure of \mathbb{F}_r is used is for computing the polynomial z_H=X^{r-1}-1 by which the polynomials are divided. This simple form comes from the fact that the set H on which the FFT is done is the usual group of roots of unity.

If we use another algebraic group H\subset\mathbb{F}_r (as in ecfft where the abscissa of points on an elliptic curve are used in place of the usual roots of unity), all the interpolations, etc are computed on the new set H=(a_i)\subset\mathbb{F}_r which is not in general a subgroup of \mathbb{F}_r^*. Hence the division polynomial takes its most general form z_H=\Pi_i (X-a_i). In general there is no reason why this polynomial would have a simple form and needs to be computed beforehand. It could make some operations more complicated.

Other than that, I am not sure where the multiplicative group structure of \mathbb{F}_r is leveraged, but maybe I am forgetting something.

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As a follow-up to this post:

  • the paper on families of SNARK-friendly 2-chains is on ePrint,
  • and here is a curve E with 2^{14} | \#E to implement ECFFT on BLS12-381 \mathbb{F}_q (and BW6-767 \mathbb{F}_r). (E/\mathbb{F}_q): y^2 = x^3 + x + 1084536974112898056475867277898384818908861744259412476665320257443741025575627992627439521320036359935138329757479

An implementation of ECFFT is already available in Rust on BN254’s \mathbb{F}_q (thanks to William Borgeaud of Mir Protocol).


We implemented the curve in arkworks at some point: Add BW6-767 curve and update BW6-761 to use the new bw6 model by swasilyev · Pull Request #156 · arkworks-rs/curves · GitHub

Also i think ecfft isn’t necessary in most of the practical cases. One can probably always use the Bluestein’s FFT, but the BLS12-381 base field is smooth enough:

p - 1 = 2 * 3^2 * 11 * 23 * 47 * 10177 * 859267 * …

That enable DFTs over all the practical domains via a combination of Cooley–Tukey and the Rader’s transform. I’ve a prototype here Comparing master...smooth-fft · w3f/ring-proof · GitHub It’s not optimized at all, but shows that the MSM’s on the BW6 curve will still dominate for pretty large domain sizes.


Awesome! I’m not familiar with other FFT algorithms. How these compare to each other in terms of complexity?