Emergent Centralization, a motivated history of

I would be interested in having a standards document by which the conventions of organizational literature informing the “boundaries of the firm” construct could be harmonized with, or translated back and forth between, the notation in specs like the Yellow Paper. [Edited to note @jonchoi 2017’s CAPM / fixed income modeling, add section 0.1 after looking at notation in some recent posts, retract my cheap talk about cheap talk about “centralization,” and ask please excuse the overwrought distraction, my bad.]

As “extremely not an econ PhD,” personally, I’d find it absurd to be pedantic about playing the hits below, as it were. They are the product of [e:] effort processing [/e:] your characterization of efficient centralization as a boundaries of the firm problem. As a noncontributing member of the peanut gallery, I wonder whether and how building on, or mapping to, items 2 and 3 (universality & modularity) in the whitepaper design principles might (or should, as a matter of economic historiography) instrumentalize a model of industrial development.

  1. [Structures/Setups] (JEL: D21, D80, D86, L15, L2_, L69)
    Arrow 1973
    Milgrom & Roberts 1990
    Fortunato & Hric 2016
    Aghion & Holden 2011
    Jones & Romer 2010
    Schrijvers, Bonneau, Boneh, Roughgarden 2016
    Milgrom 2000
    Black 1976
    Jackson 2010 // [WorldCat]
  2. [Cognitive Costs/Market Frictions] (JEL: D8_, D91, O17)
    Holmstrom & Milgrom 1991
    Greif & Mokyr 2017
    Aoki 2009
    Romer 2015
    Aghion & Bolton 1987
  3. [Culture/Values] (JEL: E14, E22, E26, L14, Z00, Z1_?)
    Lazear 1995
    Jackson 2018
    Pedraza-Farina 2017
    Granovetter 1985
  4. [Power/Authority] (JEL: D02, G32, H32, P26, P48)
    Coase 1937
    Jensen & Meckling 1976
    Demsetz 1983
    Aghion & Tirole 1997
    Grossman & Hart 1986
  5. [Commitment/Teams/Agency] (L2, O31, D23)
    Holmstrom 1982
    Kandel & Lazear 1992
    Klein, Crawford, Alchian 1978
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