Faucet Link Directory

Hello again :slight_smile:

I’ve moved the funds from my goerli & sepolia faucets to a separate contract (0xA5058fbcD09425e922E3E9e78D569aB84EdB88Eb) for rate limiting and protection.
Don’t know if you want to include it to the faucet balance? Otherwise it just shows the balance of the hot wallet.

Similar situation for goerlifaucet.com faucet balance…
They’ve spread their funds to 8 wallets and use them in parallel:
They’ve also increased their drop size to 0.25

And I’ve seen another faucet for Sepolia:
https://faucet-sepolia.rockx.com/ (Sepolia / 0.1 ETH / Twitter / 0x0d731cfabC5574329823F26d488416451d2ea376)

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And two more for Ropsten/Goerli/Kovan/Rinkeby:

https://bitszn.com/faucets.html (0x6432741b9525f5f341D74787C5E08cb9Fa2bB807 for all testnets)
https://www.allthatnode.com/faucet/ethereum.dsrv (0x08505F42D5666225d5d73B842dAdB87CCA44d1AE for all testnets, but drained on all :frowning: )

hey folks, thanks for building this. as a major thank you for donating your test eth back to the faucets, we created an nft collection that you can mint for free. check it out https://faucetdonors.xyz/

@desy it’d super cool if you could link back on the faucetlink.to. we also link to you on https://faucetdonors.xyz/

@pk910 you made it to the leaderboard :slight_smile:

simply click mint :slight_smile:

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Heya @kkonrad
Thanks for the appreciation. I’m claiming it when gas costs are lower :smiley:

Where is that total amount (4121.0Ξ for me) coming from?
I’ve developed the faucet, but didn’t own enough funds to run it :sweat_smile:
So its all coming from one or two funders per network :man_shrugging:
But I can’t see the addresses of q9f or roninkaizen on the list (they’ve funded all currently active faucets on goerli)

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Hey hey @pk910

Here’s all txs with your address:

The bulk of it seems to be two transactions in the Sepolia testnet at block 1333849. Please let me know if you think something is wrong here! We’d have to review the methodology :slight_smile:

Also, re minting costs, I’m not sure what’s wrong with Metamask, but it tends to estimate 10x higher transaction costs than it actually ends up being. Gas fees are ~200k, which is like 2-3 bucks depending on price. Not sure if maybe the merkle tree is the confusion source here.

Are these the addresses or q9f & roninkaizen? I’ll look into what’s happening there

  • 0xe611a720778a5f6723d6b4866F84828504657181 (q9f)
  • 0x00933A786Ee4d5d4592c0D1cF20B633C6A537f5f (ronin)
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Seems like you’re processing transactions twice :laughing:
The 2000 ETH transaction on sepolia is there twice and the 80 ETH transaction on ropsten too.
You should filter out duplicate transaction hashes.

Also just handling incoming transactions seems a little unfair… In my case I had used 2k ETH I mined myself for the initial funding on sepolia, but later transfered 1k back as I got a proper funding from a genesis fund holder… I’d subtract amounts transfered back to a address after funding from the funding balance :wink:
So for me it’d be a total amount of 1101 ETH only.

Goerli address for q9f is 0xe0a2bd4258d2768837baa26a28fe71dc079f84c7
(Funding TX 0xb4e5018869f2dd9a06b9e01d06acece29489f122632198c18ff2e3323550c933
& 0x9ed3f4a571de2abc739eaec4eefe45c22c93dd38901962b520064240fe7e6b08)
I don’t know his mainnet wallet address and cannot verify q9f.eth is really q9f :sweat_smile:

Goerli wallet for ronin is 0x9d525e28fe5830ee92d7aa799c4d21590567b595
(Funding TX: 0x28b44cc6206a16b4f4624b5b1914dbce2c81c73da08c7db058789d7fa66d250b)
His mainnet address is 0x00933A786Ee4d5d4592c0D1cF20B633C6A537f5f

Hmm, that’s a little bit off-topic… I think you should create a separate thread :smiley:


@pk910 updated :+1:
@kkonrad cool! is there a threshold to qualify for mint? Problem may be that only a few people have sizeable amounts of testnet coins. Imo anyone holding a larger amount of testnet eth should send some to faucets regardless… It’s just 2 clicks, get your shit together testnet whales lol


Being in the top 1000 qualifies you. Does it not work for you?


Found another faucet for Goerli:
https://unitap.app/ (Goerli / 1 ETH / BrightID / 0xb3A97684Eb67182BAa7994b226e6315196D8b364)

I’ve seen you’ve cleaned up your page a bit and showing min-max ranges for drop sizes now :slight_smile:
If you like you can show the min amount for my faucets too.
You can fetch it via {faucet-host}/api/getFaucetConfig which returns a json with all the configuration parameters. “minClaim” & “maxClaim” are the interesting ones for your site :wink:

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@kkonrad i was testing with a new address but didn’t make it in the list, I assume it’s a static snapshot?
@pk910 cool, hooked it up :+1: sad to see your faucet becoming harder to use, I guess there’s a lot of idle hashpower sitting around since the merge :neutral_face: Maybe reduce the minimum claim limit?

I have removed 3 of the empty faucets which would get drained if they’d receive coins (not enough sybil resistance or drop size too high). All the remaining ones are safe to fill, friendly reminder for whales to do so. This has been a problem for years, causing developers to waste countless hours engaging with dead or throttled faucets. Not sure why this is even an issue.

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Yea, it’s unfortunately getting harder every day as more people are “mining” :frowning:
There is a hard limit of 2000 GöETH per day and the difficulty adjusts automatically to meet this limit.
The total hashrate currently almost doubles every week.

I’d be happy to increase the limit, but unfortunately I personally don’t own much goerli funds and I want to prevent it from being drained too fast.

I’ve lowered the min amount a little bit, but I need to make sure there are not too many transactions, or it’ll be stuck…

Simply increasing the limit will probably not help that much, since most funds get drained by a few people with outsized hashpower. I think the only solution is to shift some weight towards other methods… How about letting users solve additional captchas during mining, and use the number of solved captchas as some multiplicator of the hashrate?

Hmm, that would require constant monitoring of the page for captchas that ‘randomly’ pop up…
I think that’s too much for any user :smiley:
And I actually don’t think it’s all mined by a few people with heavy machines.
There are thousands of sessions every day, most residential IP ranges (hosting & proxy IPs don’t get anything). I think it’s real demand as there are many people migrating their stuff from the deprecated testnets (rinkeby & ropsten).
There are also “Incentivized Testnets” of various projects that introduce additional load on goerli as they offer being included on a mainnet airdrop for testing their stuff…

It was decided a few days ago that there won’t be any technical change to fix the funding situation on goerli.
developers should head over to the sepolia testnet instead.

I think goerli will slowly die in the next year and that’s unfortunately very bullish for fund sellers in the meantime :frowning:
Especially because of that steady growing financial benefit for collecting goerli funds, the rewards of my faucet won’t be higher again anytime in future - it’ll rather be even lower.

There are currently ongoing efforts to launch a new ephemeral testnet for stakers to test validators without relying on goerli. Let’s see how this goes :slight_smile:

Btw: faucetlink shows the alchemy faucet as not working, but it is working :wink:

It’s getting really difficult to acquire goerli eth these days… lowest hanging fruit would be to bring back some of the broken faucets. Hope they see this and find the time to repair :pray:

App devs should use Sepolia testnet rather than Goerli testnet due to Goerli supply issues

Stakers wanting to test their validator setups can use the EthStaker launchpad on Goerli

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yea, but supply isn’t the only issue. We still need solid faucet infrastructure for distribution, or we may run into bigger problems (e.g. spam attacks)

I think there is a quite solid faucet infrastructure at the moment.
It was much worse about a year ago, where no working faucet was left on goerli.
(That was the reason why I even started developing one)

The biggest problem is the funding situation.
Goerli whales have almost no GoETH left, so they cannot just continue sending these to faucets or there is really nothing left very soon.
As said all proposals to fix this situation by creating more funds failed (no consensus in ACD meetings), so there is nothing we can do to fix goerli.

There are some great projects that try to get alternatives up.

  • The Back to the Genesis / Ephemery project, where a new ephemeral testnet is about to be set up especially for validator testing. The testnet will be reset at a fixed schedule (Monthly), so no such funding issues will happen again there.
  • For Goerli/Sepolia, there is a new Airdrop like faucet for developers: https://collect-test-eth.org/
    If you have deployed anything on goerli/mainnnet before you can claim 10ETH from that site. It’s a one time claim and the last possibility to get funds on goerli (as the most remaining balance of the last goerli whale goes into this)

Apart of this goerli is kind of deprecated now. It will still be there for about a year, but don’t expect any growth or any further funding-fixing attempts there.
Head over to Sepolia for anything related to dApp testing. It’s also much easier to get funds on sepolia.

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Looks like you don’t plan to reply to my comments on discord (where you’ve spam posted your faucet link across various channels), so I’ll rewrite here:
My first thought was: “Nice work!”.
But then I saw that you’ve bot attacked the “All That Node” faucet to fund your faucet…
That’s not really helping anyone.

Besides of that, I can see in the html code of your faucet that you plan to add “premium options” and a way to pay for testnet coins.
That’s not what a testnet is intended for - especially not with funds you’ve stolen from other faucets.
Testnets are meant to be free so everyone can test without investing real money.

Edit: Silently deleting posts when being challenged says everything…

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There is two new Goerli faucet. One is giving 0.2 gETH daily and the other one is giving 0.1 gETH daily.

Goerli faucet: 0.2 gETH daily

Goerli faucet: 0.1 gETH daily

User need to validate with a telegram account to claim goerli eth daily for free.

As there is no submit form on your website I am sending here. Congrats for the website. :ok_hand:

@blacktexto: Thanks, but I’ve decided to only list the most reputable faucets from now on. The amount isn’t really a bottleneck anymore, so the risks linking to all outweighs the benefits imo. Kinda sad delisting some great (and surely well intentioned) ones, but I think it’s for the best to minimize risk for users and not list more than necessary.