I have difficulties during the project and ask you questions. Please help me
- Create an ERC20-based token and try to create a transaction.
- Communication with geth is RPC communication.
- How do I send and receive information from the token when communicating with RPC?
Create an ERC20 token wallet with the function “personal_newAccoun” t, where you need to put the token information
When sending token, “eth_sendTransaction, eth_sendRawTransaction” should be used to send the token information here
How to load the eth_getBalance token information when checking balance (balance)
“id”: 1 “}” {“jsonrpc”: “2.0”, “method”: “eth_getBalance”, “params”: [“0x502af56ded80f54fac9920010180dcc6f228306d”, “latest”
The above code is an Ethernet balance inquiry. How do I do a token lookup?