TLDR: We present a simple secret single-leader election with a per-block overhead of one SNARK plus 32 bytes. (Related posts here, here, and here.) Thanks to Kobi Gurkan for helpful discussions.
Let g be an elliptic curve generator. Let v_1, ..., v_k be a list of validators to secretly shuffle for block proposals. Every validator v_i has a permanent public key pk_i as part of their validator record where pk_i = g^{sk_i} for some secret key sk_i. Let n be a nonce, e.g. an election period counter.
To participate in the election a validator v broadcasts (e.g. over Tor) an ephemeral public key epk and a corresponding SNARK proof p with:
- public inputs: pk_1, ..., pk_k, n, epk
- private inputs: sk, i
- statement: pk_i = g^{sk} and epk = g^{H(sk, n)}
After sufficient time for the ephemeral public keys and proofs to be included onchain, the received ephemeral public keys are shuffled using onchain randomness into an ordered list. A validator v then signs the block at position j using the ephemeral secret key esk = H(sk, n) corresponding to the ephemeral public key at position j in the ordered list.
Onchain overhead
For concreteness we assume Groth16, the BLS12-381 pairing-friendly curve, and we let g be a Jubjub generator. The onchain overhead is as follows (where 32 bytes is the size of a compressed Jubjub point):
- state: 32 bytes per validator for the permanent public keys
- computation: ~3ms per block for the SNARK verification
- data: 32 bytes per block for the ephemeral public keys plus 127 bytes for the SNARK data
Offchain overhead
Notice the circuit complexity is dominated by the single hash computation H(sk, n). If H is a SNARK-friendly hash function (e.g. MiMC) we expect the proving time to be ~0.1s on a commodity laptop. If H is SHA256 the proving is ~1s. In the context of Eth2 shard persistent committees, this proving time is marginal relative to the preparation time validators have prior to elections.
To benefit from a universal trusted setup one can use Sonic instead of Groth16. The main drawback is increased prover time by ~30x. (There are rumours of a āSonic 2.0ā which may bring improvement to prover time. And in general the SNARK stackāproof systems, circuits, prover algorithms, hardwareāis rapidly improving.)
Finally, there is overhead from using a private network such as Tor to disseminate the ephemeral public keys and proofs. The concrete overhead is small because the corresponding messages are tiny.