Hey Everyone, I am currently developing a framework for measuring decentralization in blockchain based networks - starting with Ethereum. As I am looking for more data, literature and communities, I thought this is the perfect place to exchange some thought on that matter.
I think decentralization doesn’t actually matter here, it is just a means to an end. While decentralization is useful, what actually matters is how resistant the blockchain is to capture and corruption. Sometimes, decentralization is a very powerful tool in protecting against these things, but other times it is unnecessary and even sometimes it can be harmful.
How governance works is critically important. Whether the default behavior is to change, or to not change, is also very important. Ethereum does pretty good, but it could do better. In particular, Ethereum fails on the “no change is the strong default” front every time we have a network upgrade because the name “Ethereum”, the ticker symbol “ETH”, and the ChainID generally follow the Core Dev blessed chain.
You can also read How Ethereum governance works | Coinmonks for some more details on how Ethereum governance works, which IMO is overall pretty good when it comes to resistance to corruption.