Minimal sharding protocol extension

@vbuterin in minimal sharding protocal post: Given the possibility of yet more changes to the sharding 1.1 spec, and developers’ concerns that they are building something that could get changed again, I wanted to offer something that is worthwhile as a development target to shoot for right now, and will be on the path toward implementing the final protocol.

This is an extension of minimal sharding protocal and a patch for Per period committee snapshot problem. Also, some SMC parameters and functions inherit from the retired spec 1.1.

  1. To make this minimal sharding protocol as simple as possible at this stage, we set vote counting and collation head to on-chain in SMC.
  2. Thank @NicLin , we present a new Per-period Sample Size Snapshot Mechanism.

This document is mainly for establishing a more workable minimal sharding protocol for sharding client implementers in the short term.

Any suggestions/feedback would be appreciated! :bear:


// Shards
NETWORK_ID := 0b1000_0001
SHARD_COUNT := 100                // shards
PERIOD_LENGTH := 100              // block times

// Collations
COLLATION_SIZE := 2 ** 20         // bytes
CHUNK_SIZE := 32                  // bytes

// Registries
NOTARY_DEPOSIT := 1000            // ETH
NOTARY_LOCKUP_LENGTH := 16128     // periods

// Notarization
COMMITTEE_SIZE := 135             // notaries
QUORUM_SIZE := 90                 // notaries



    header: CollationHeader,
    body: CollationBody


Updated: reordering fields again for (i) potentially combining shard_id and period in one bytes32 and (ii) matching on-chain storage format.

    shard_id: int128,
    period: int128,
    chunk_root: bytes32,
    proposer_address: address


COLLATION_SIZE bytes data contains blobs

Sharding Management Contract


Notary pool

  • notary_pool: address[int128] - array of active notary addresses
  • notary_pool_len: int128 - size of the notary pool
  • empty_slots_stack: int128[int128] - stack of empty * notary slot indices
  • empty_slots_stack_top: int128 - top index of the stack

Notary registry

  • notary_registry: {deregistered: int128, pool_index: int128, deposit: wei_value}[address] - notary registry (deregistered is 0 for not yet deregistered notaries)


  • current_period_notary_sample_size: int128 - the sample size for current current period
  • next_period_notary_sample_size: int128 - the dynamic sampling size for next period
  • notary_sample_size_updated_period: int128 - latest period in which current_period_notary_sample_size has been updated


  • collation_records: {chunk_root: bytes32, proposer: address, is_elected: bool}[int128][int128] - the collation records that have been appended by the proposer. Mapping [shard_id][period] to chunk_root and proposer.

  • records_updated_period: int128[int128] - the latest period in which new collation header has been submitted for the given shard

  • head_collation_period: int128[int128]: - head collation period number for the given shard


  • current_vote: bytes32[int128]: current vote count of each shard
    • First 31 bytes: bitfield of who has voted and who has not. Each bit represent the iterating number in the get_member_of_committee function.
    • Last byte: a counter of the total number of eligible notaries that voted


Registering functions

  • register_notary() returns bool:
    • Checks:
      • Deposit size: msg.value >= NOTARY_DEPOSIT
      • Uniqueness: notary_registry[msg.sender] does not exist
    • Updates:
      • Calls update_notary_sample_size() (see below)
      • Adds an entry to notary_registry
      • Updates the notary pool (notary_pool, notary_pool_len, etc.)
      • Locks a deposit of size msg.value
    • Returns True on success
  • deregister_notary() returns bool:
    • Checks:
      • Authentication: notary_registry[msg.sender] exists
    • Updates:
      • Calls update_notary_sample_size() (see below)
      • Sets the deregistered period in the notary_registry entry
      • Updates the notary pool (notary_pool, notary_pool_len, etc.)
    • Returns True on success
  • release_notary() returns bool:
    • Checks:
      • Authentication: notary_registry[msg.sender] exists
      • Deregistered: notary_registry[msg.sender].deregistered != 0
      • Lockup: floor(block.number / PERIOD_LENGTH) > notary_registry[msg.sender].deregistered + NOTARY_LOCKUP_LENGTH
    • Updates:
      • Removes an entry from notary_registry
      • Releases the notary deposit
    • Returns True on success

Proposing functions

Updated: reordering parameters again for potentially combining shard_id and period in one bytes32 and (ii) matching on-chain storage format.

  • add_header(int128 shard_id, int128 period, bytes32 chunk_root) returns bool:
    • Checks:
      • Shard: shard_id against SHARD_COUNT
      • Correct period: period == floor(block.number / PERIOD_LENGTH)
      • First proposal: period != records_updated_period[shard_id], which means only the first header to get included for a given shard in a given period gets in, all others don’t.
    • Updates:
      • Calls update_notary_sample_size()
      • collation_records[as_bytes32(shard_id, period)] = {chunk_root, proposer_address}
      • records_updated_period[shard_id] = floor(block.number / PERIOD_LENGTH)
    • Returns True on success

Voting functions

  • update_notary_sample_size() -> bool:

    • Only the first valid transaction call of register_notary, deregister_notary, and add_header can trigger this private function of each period. This function will update current_period_notary_sample_size and notary_sample_size_updated_period. See Committee Size Snapshot Mechanism section for more details.
    • Checks:
      • Time to update: self.notary_sample_size_updated_period < floor(block.number / PERIOD_LENGTH)
    • Updates:
      • self.current_period_notary_sample_size = self.next_period_notary_sample_size
      • self.notary_sample_size_updated_period = current_period
    • Returns True if the storages got updated in this function; otherwise, returns False.
    • Vyper code
      # Update notary_sample_size
      def update_notary_sample_size() -> bool:
          current_period: int128 = floor(block.number / self.PERIOD_LENGTH)
          if self.notary_sample_size_updated_period >= current_period:
              return False
          self.current_period_notary_sample_size = self.next_period_notary_sample_size
          self.notary_sample_size_updated_period = current_period
          return True
  • get_member_of_committee(shard_id: int128, index: int128) -> address:

    • Steps:
      • Getting sample size: if self.notary_sample_size_updated_period < period, sets sample_size = self.next_period_notary_sample_size; else if self.notary_sample_size_updated_period == period, sets sample_size = self.current_period_notary_sample_size.
      • Pseudo-randomly sampling: uses the hash of the last block of the privious period ++ shard_id ++ index as seed to sample sample_index from sample_size.
    • Returns self.notary_pool[sampled_index]

Updated: reordering parameters again for (i) potentially combining shard_id and period in one bytes32 and (ii) matching on-chain storage format.

  • submit_vote(int128 shard_id, int128 period, bytes32 chunk_root, int128 index) -> bool: sampled notaries can call this function to submit vote.
    • Checks:

      • Authentication: notary_registry[msg.sender] exists
      • Notary deposit: notary_registry[msg.sender].deposit > 0
      • Eligible proposal: collation_records[shard_id][period].chunk_root == chunk_root
      • Voter qualification: checks the bit that represents index is 0.
      • Eligible notary: msg.sender == get_member_of_committee(index)
    • Updates:

      • Updates current_vote with the bit that represents index and increase the number of last byte (vote_count) by 1.
      • Checks if the vote_count == QUORUM_SIZE: if True, sets head_collation_period[shard_id] = period and updates collation_records[shard_id][period].is_elected = True
    • Emits Vote log

      shard_id bytes2         # pointer to shard
      period bytes3           # (current block number / PERIOD_LENGTH)
      chunk_root bytes32      # pointer to collation body
      notary_address address  # the address of notary
    • Returns True on success

Per-period Sample Size Snapshot Mechanism


  1. The sample_size should stay the same during one period.
  2. Any action that influences the “real” pool size would be recorded and then applied in the next period.


  • (i) We defined two storages current_period_notary_sample_size (for short, current_s) and next_period_notary_sample_size (for short, next_s)for recording “sample size of current period” and “sample size of next period” on-chain. Also a notary_sample_size_updated_period (for short, update_p) to log the last period where current_s was updated.

  • (ii) Only the first valid transaction call of register_notary, deregister_notary, and add_header per period can trigger update_notary_sample_size function to update current_s storages.

  • (iii) For the notaries, they can check if they are sampled with sample_size: if update_notary_sample_size has already been called, use current_s as sample_size; otherwise, use next_s. (The detailed detecting process is in Simple Proposing-Voting Procedure - Notary section) After this process, the notaries will get a list of the positions that they should vote. Each item contains:

    • shard_id: the shard_id of the sampled position
    • period: the period of the sampled position
    • index: the index number of the sampled committee member position
  • (iv) The notary send submit_vote transaction with (shard_id, period, chunk_root, index) as the sampling seed. The logic of selecting sample_size is the same as (iii).


  1. Is that possible that the same notary got sampled twice?
    Yes, but we assume that the notary pool size would be more than 100 times of COMMITTEE_SIZE.

  2. Is that possible that an empty slot got sampled?
    Yes, returns 0x0. We assume that normally, seldom notaries would deregister.

  3. Is that possible that an out-of-range index?
    Yes, returns 0x0.

  4. Can a notary vote and deregister, and then another notary takes the empty slot?
    Yes, but the second notary shouldn’t be able to vote since we can check bitfield to know if this index has already voted.

Simple Proposing-Voting Procedure


  • Creates collation
  • Signs collation
  • Sends add_header transaction to SMC
  • Broadcasts the CollationBody to shard network


  • Maintains individual notary_index which is generated in register function.
  • When a new period starts, check if they are sampled and in which shards, periods, and the committee indices. ref Pseudo code:
    def get_sample_result(smc_handler, notary_index):
        web3 = smc_handler.web3
        current_period = web3.eth.blockNumber // smc_handler.config['PERIOD_LENGTH']
        if smc_handler.notary_sample_size_updated_period() < current_period:
            sample_size = smc_handler.next_period_notary_sample_size()
        elif smc_handler.notary_sample_size_updated_period() == current_period:
            sample_size = smc_handler.current_period_notary_sample_size()
            raise Exception("notary_sample_size_updated_period is larger than current period")
        for shard_num in range(SHARD_COUNT):
            shard_id = to_shard_id(shard_num)
            bytes32_shard_id = int_to_bytes32(shard_id)
            entropy_block_number = current_period * smc_handler.config['PERIOD_LENGTH'] - 1
            entropy_block_hash = web3.eth.getBlock(entropy_block_number)['hash']
            for index in range(smc_handler.config['COMMITTEE_SIZE']):
                pool_index = big_endian_to_int(
                        entropy_block_hash + bytes32_shard_id + int_to_bytes32(index)
                ) % sample_size
                if pool_index == notary_index:
                    yield (shard_id, period, index)

Selected notary

  • Queries SMC.head_collation and calculates the collation hash.
  • Tries to download the CollationBody and verifies the data availability of the collation.
    • If available, sends a submit_vote transaction to SMC.

Shard full node

Full syncing

  • Traces SMC.collation_records to get the elected CollationHeaders.
  • Tries to download the CollationBodies and verifies the data availability of the collations.
    • If available, accepts them as part of the canonical chain.

After syncing

  • Monitors the SMC, polls SMC.head_collation and calculates the collation hash per period.
  • Tries to download the CollationBody and verifies the data availability of the collation.
    • If available, accepts it as part of the canonical chain.


[TBD] At least GetCollationBodies and CollationBodies messages for syncing.


@hwwhww thanks for the detailed write up! One question I have, do we have to track collation’s header score to determine new head and apply fork-choice rule or is that out of the scope?

Since for now, we don’t have parent_hash in the collation header field, it’s fine to just use the period number to determine collation ordering in this stage for minimal sharding protocol.

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