Orbit SSF in Practice

I would like to thank @fradamt and @potuz for their review and insights

We propose an approach for implementing the Orbit method for Single Slot Finality (SSF) with minimal adjustments to the base Ethereum protocol. This proposal simplifies committee formation by using a single control parameter, ETH_CEIL, for validator sampling.

Introduction to Orbit SSF

Orbit SSF aims to achieve single-slot finality (SSF) in the Ethereum network by optimally selecting validators for committee formation. SSF allows Ethereum to finalize blocks within a single slot, significantly enhancing finality speed and network security. As the validator count and concentration of high-balance validators (e.g., from entities like Coinbase or Lido) increase, Orbit offers an efficient and balanced way to sample validators, reducing bandwidth requirements while maintaining economic security and robustness.

Orbit SSF and MaxEB

The protocol operates under the assumption that MAXEB (Maximum Effective Balance) has been implemented, creating a predictable validator landscape. MAXEB establishes a balance cap of 2048 ETH per validator, concentrating economic weight among fewer, larger validators. By leveraging the security of high-balance validators, the protocol achieves robust finality without imposing high network overhead.

Idea of a Specification

Our goal is to start thinking about a minimally invasive implementantion of Orbit SSF within the Ethereum 2.0’s consensus framework. Thus, We will focus on modifying:

  • Committee Selection
  • Attestation Format

Additionally, we explore how clients can perform an epoch transition every slot without falling out of sync.

Changes in Committee Selection

Orbit’s committee selection method deviates from purely random sampling, employing a “weighted-by-balance” randomness approach. This method adjusts validator inclusion probability based on each validator’s balance, capped by ETH_CEIL.

Constant Description Value/Unit
ETH_CEIL Balance ceiling used to calculate validator inclusion probability 2048 ETH

Committee Selection Process

  1. Generate random numbers for each validator:
    Generate a unique random number for each validator’s inclusion decision. This random number, limited to a 16-bit space, is based on the current epoch’s mix.

    def get_random_numbers_for_orbit_sampling(state: State) -> Sequence[uint64]:
        epoch = get_current_epoch(state)
        seed = get_seed(state, epoch, DOMAIN_ORBIT_COMMITTEE)
        expanded_seed = b''.join(
            hash(seed + to_bytes(i))
            for i in range((len(validators) + 15) // 16)
        return [from_bytes(expanded_seed[i:i+2]) for i in range(0, len(validators)*2, 2)]
  2. Calculate inclusion probability based on balance:
    Using ETH_CEIL as the sole parameter, we calculate the probability for each validator to be included in the committee.

    By adjusting ETH_CEIL, we control the maximum inclusion probability. A higher ETH_CEIL decreases the probability of validators with balances near the MaxEBcap, whereas a lower ETH_CEIL increases the committee size by increasing the inclusion of validators.

  3. Determine committee inclusion:
    A validator’s inclusion is determined by the following inequality:

    \frac{M_{i} \times \text{ETH}_{\text{ceil}}}{\min(\text{ETH}_{\text{ceil}}, \text{validator}_{\text{balance}})} < 2^{16}


    • M_{i} is the random 64-bit number generated for the validator.
    • 2^{16} is the threshold based on the 16-bit space.
    • \text{ETH}_{\text{ceil}} is the balance cap that determines the maximum inclusion probability.

    If this inequality holds true, the validator is included in the committee; otherwise, they are excluded. Adjusting ETH_CEIL allows us to control the committee size without additional ratio parameters.

Pseudo-code for Committee Selection

# Constants
ETH_CEIL = 2048 * ETH  # Control parameter for inclusion probability

def calculate_probability_factors(balance):
    numerator = min(ETH_CEIL, balance)
    denominator = ETH_CEIL
    return numerator, denominator

def check_committee_inclusion(rng_u64, numerator, denominator):
    return (rng_u64 * denominator) / numerator < 2**16

def select_committee(state):
    random_numbers = get_random_numbers_for_orbit_sampling(state)
    committee = []
    for i, validator in enumerate(state.validators):
        numerator, denominator = calculate_probability_factors(validator['balance'])
        if check_committee_inclusion(random_numbers[i], numerator, denominator):
    return committee

Changes in Epoch Processing

Update Rewards, Penalties, and Inactivity Scores Only for Committee Members

To further optimize, we modify the get_unslashed_participating_indices function to return only validators included in the committee. This ensures rewards, penalties, and inactivity scores apply only to committee members, reducing processing overhead.

def get_unslashed_participating_indices(state: BeaconState, flag_index: int, epoch: Epoch) -> Set[ValidatorIndex]:
    assert epoch in (get_previous_epoch(state), get_current_epoch(state))
    epoch_participation = (
        state.current_epoch_participation if epoch == get_current_epoch(state) else state.previous_epoch_participation
    active_validator_indices = get_active_validator_indices(state, epoch)
    participating_indices = [
        i for i in select_committee(state) if has_flag(epoch_participation[i], flag_index)
    return set(filter(lambda index: not state.validators[index].slashed, participating_indices))

With this change, only committee members are processed for inactivity scores, penalties, and rewards. Similarly, only committee members are considered in justification bits and related processes.

Finality Condition

Finality is achieved when 66% of the Orbit committee attests to a slot. In case of non-finality, the protocol falls back to LMD-GHOST.

Epoch Transition Every Slot

In a post-MAXEB world, where the active validator set is expected to decrease significantly, epoch transitions may have reduced overhead. However, generating fresh random numbers each slot remains essential to maintain committee integrity. To achieve this efficiently, clients can precompute random numbers for the next slot during idle periods within the current slot, ensuring they are ready for the transition.

Potential Optimization with SSF

SSF allows for protocol simplifications depending on the post-MAXEB validator set structure. as a matter of fact, by sampling only a subset of validators, the protocol can reduce attestation-related traffic and get rid of the aggregation layer. This enables the potential removal of aggregators, streamlining the protocol and freeing up additional slot time for block verification.

NOTE: at this time this is quite unclear if this is a feasible path.

Future Work:

As MAXEB concentrates validator balances, we will need to conduct an analysis to assess how these changes impact the robustness and resilience of the protocol. Such as how, as the validator set consolidates, how effectively Orbit SSF can maintain economic security and robust finality guarantees. This includes examining any adjustments needed to preserve Ethereum’s security standards.