Pairwise coordination subsidies: a new quadratic funding design

^ thanks for posting kevin

summary, using Gitcoin Grants R7 data:

  1. differences between pairwise and regular QF tell us that negative changes are more common (meaning normal QF awards generally more), but they’re all in amounts <= $100 range.
  2. the effect above takes place with grants that generally have a less contributions.
  3. large $ differences doesn’t have a definite correlation with the percent difference, but it’s still important to note that if we are in favor of removing pairwise, we want small absolute differences in $ amounts.
  4. the strongest correlation was that the greatest percent differences seem to occur with high average contribution sizes, which might suggest that regular QR vs pairwise would disproportionately affect whale donators, but this leaves average contribution sizes (total/num contributions) < 50-ish generally unchanged.
  5. it seems that the largest differences affect about 15-20% of tech grants in this example, so about 15 out of the 99 that received a CLR match.

The main objective was to figure out the tradeoff between removing pairwise matching (at least on the Gitcoin App itself) vs. gaining calculation speed to show “live” calculations.

Pairwise matching is quite intensive, since every time the mechanism is performed, we have to create permutations from every unique contributor to every other unique contributor by grant. Removing it would provide significant speed gains. However, we lose out on the natural anti-collusion checking capabilities of pairwise.

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