pEthereum - privacy mode for smart contracts & integration with DeFi

pEthereum Specifications

Hey guys, Andrey is here :wave:

I would like to present you our latest work on the privacy mode for the smart-contracts and integration with major DeFi projects.

Any feedback is valuable. Looking forward for it.

Building privacy-protecting decentralized applications, smart contracts, and cryptoassets.

What is pEthereum?

The Ethereum smart contract platform offers an entirely new programming paradigm. It enables developers all over the world to collectively build a new kind of global financial infrastructure without the need for central authorities. Arguably, privacy concerns play a part in discouraging adoption beyond the crypto niche. Everyday users hesitate to reveal how much DAI they’re saving, how profitable their Uniswap trades are, or how often they borrow on Compound.

What is needed is incognito mode for Ethereum smart contracts.

pEthereum is an extension of Ethereum. It enables privacy-protecting Ethereum transactions and privacy-protecting decentralized applications like Uniswap and Compound. Transactions are encrypted using zero-knowledge proofs, allowing users to retain their privacy.

With pEthereum, developers can program smart contracts that are not just decentralized, but also privacy-protecting.

Is pEthereum something people want?

In November 2019, we first proposed the idea to the Ethereum community. Since then, 80+ ERC20 tokens with a total value of $2M+ have been shielded via the Incognito-Ethereum trustless bridge . This is a strong validation that Ethereum users want privacy.

Source: Etherscan , April 21, 2020

Core concepts

  • Cross-Chain Instruction: Incognito communicates with Ethereum via instructions. Instructions are high-level, cross-chain opcodes. An instruction specifies what operation is to be performed by the other chain. There are five instructions: SHIELD, UNSHIELD, DEPLOY, UNDEPLOY, and EXECUTE.
  • Bridge: Bridge is a two-way trustless bridge between Incognito and Ethereum. It is responsible for forwarding instructions between the two chains. It consists of multiple relayers. Relayers cannot forge or corrupt the instruction content in any way, because every instruction is cryptographically signed by users and verified on both ends of the bridge.
  • Broker: Broker is a smart contract on Ethereum that receives instructions from Incognito, verifies them, and redirects to suitable dApps on Ethereum.
  • dApp: A decentralized application (or “dApp”) lives on Ethereum. It consists of one or more smart contracts that run exactly as programmed.
  • pApp: A privacy-protecting decentralized application (or “pApp”) lives on Incognito. It is the privacy-protecting counterpart of an existing dApp on Ethereum.

Cross-Chain Instructions

SHIELD instruction

Shielding is the process of turning a public ERC20 token into its privacy counterpart of the same value. For example, DAI can be shielded to obtain the privacy coin pDAI. pDAI has the same value as DAI, so 1 pDAI can always be redeemed for 1 DAI and vice versa. Once shielded, privacy coin transactions are confidential and untraceable.

Following is an overview of the SHIELD instruction flow:

  1. A user deposits some amount of an ERC20 token into the Broker smart contract. Once the transaction is confirmed on Ethereum, the user has a deposit proof.
  2. The user sends a SHIELD instruction to Incognito, along with the deposit proof, via the bridge.
  3. Incognito validators parse the SHIELD instruction to get the deposit proof, which is verified using Ethereum Simplified Payment Verification (SPV), as well as the minting parameters, which are used to mint the privacy coin counterpart of the same value.

UNSHIELD instruction

Unshielding is the reverse process of shielding: turning privacy coins back into public ERC20 tokens.

Following is an overview of the UNSHIELD instruction flow:

  1. A user initiates an unshielding transaction on Incognito, with information about which privacy coins they want to unshield and the amount. Once the transaction is confirmed on Incognito, the user has a burn proof.
  2. The user sends an UNSHIELD instruction to the Broker smart contract, along with the burn proof, via the bridge.
  3. The Broker smart contract parses the UNSHIELD instruction to get the burn proof, which is verified by counting the number of signatures from Incognito validators, as well as the burning parameters, which are used to transfer the public ERC20 tokens back to the user.

DEPLOY instruction

Once shielded, privacy coin transactions are confidential and untraceable. However, they are limited to only basic features like sending and receiving. DEPLOY, EXECUTE, and UNDEPLOY are three instructions that allow users to use their privacy coins in their favorite Ethereum dApps. For example, trade pETH for pDAI on Uniswap, or collateralize pETH to borrow pUSDC on Compound.

Deploying is the process of moving funds from Incognito to Ethereum so that users can spend them in Ethereum dApps.

Following is an overview of the DEPLOY instruction flow:

  1. A user confidentially initiates a deploy transaction on Incognito with information about which privacy coins they want to deploy and the amount. Once the transaction is confirmed on Incognito, the user has a deploy proof, which is similar to a burn proof.
  2. The user sends a DEPLOY instruction to the Broker smart contract, along with the deploy proof, via the bridge.
  3. The Broker smart contract parses the DEPLOY instruction to get the deploy proof, which is verified by counting the number of signatures from Incognito validators, and the deploy parameters, which is used to increase the user’s currently deployed balances.

EXECUTE instruction

Executing is the process of running a function call of an Ethereum smart contract anonymously. For example, running swap(pETH, pDAI) on Uniswap anonymously or borrow(pUSDC) on Compound anonymously.

The following is an overview of the EXECUTE instruction flow:

  1. A user confidentially signs and sends an EXEC instruction from a pApp on Incognito, with information about which counterpart dApp on Ethereum they want to run and the parameters.
  2. The bridge forwards the EXEC instruction to the Broker smart contract.
  3. The Broker smart contract parses the EXEC instruction without revealing the user identity, verifies the parameters (especially the amount the user wants to spend against the user balance), and finally sends a message to a suitable smart contract via the encoded ABI.

An EXECUTE instruction contains the following parameters:

  • The input token to spend on this transaction
  • The input amount of input token to spend on this transaction, which should not exceed the user balance in the Broker smart contract
  • The output token if the execution returns one
  • The dApp contract address
  • The encoded ABI of the target function of the dApp
  • The timestamp of the transaction
  • The signature on the combined data of the above parameters

UNDEPLOY instruction

Undeploying is the reverse process of deploying: moving funds from Ethereum to Incognito.

Following is an overview of the UNDEPLOY instruction flow:

  1. A user confidentially creates an UNDEPLOY instruction, with information about which privacy coins they want to undeploy and the amount.
  2. The bridge forwards the UNDEPLOY instruction to the Broker smart contract.
  3. The Broker smart contract parses the UNDEPLOY instruction, verifies the user’s signature, and subtracts the user’s currently deployed balances. Once the transaction is confirmed on Ethereum, the user has an undeploy proof.
  4. The bridge forwards an ACK instruction to Incognito, along with the undeploy proof.
  5. Incognito validators parse the ACK instruction to get the undeploy proof, which is verified using Ethereum Simplified Payment Verification (SPV), as well as the undeploy parameters, which are used to mint the privacy coin counterpart and send it to the user.


The core team has designed the product strategy around the most popular dApps on Ethereum. We believe that implementing the counterpart pApps for these dApps will provide the most value to Ethereum users.

Date pApp Developer Tools
NOV 2019
Incognito Wallet
SHIELD instruction
UNSHIELD instruction
MAY 2020

DEPLOY instruction
UNDEPLOY instruction
EXEC instruction
Aug 2020
pEthereum SDK
Delayed pAragon / pMolochDAO  

In parallel, we’re developing the pEthereum SDK that allows developers to build their own pApps on top of their existing dApps.

Source code

All Incognito development is public. The code is open-source on Github . All progress is viewable via weekly updates on . Also, find incognito’s monthly updates here.


Crypto’s lack of privacy threatens our new economy and slows the adoption of new financial products. We believe that privacy is the missing piece for many everyday users.

We have proposed a way to build privacy-protecting decentralized applications on top of Ethereum. It doesn’t make sense to build a new EVM from scratch. Ethereum already has a large developer and user base. By leveraging what Ethereum has done, we can focus on solving the privacy problem. Developers can continue to build dApps on Ethereum using Solidity, and utilize the pEthereum SDK to add incognito mode for their dApps.

We’re working on the pEthereum Developer Guide. It will show you how to build a privacy-protecting decentralized application – both from scratch and on top of your existing dApp. Stay tuned!

QR code for the Privacy Quest


Hi Andrey,

Thanks for your comment on the “why you cant make private uniswap” post. I said i would add some comments here as to not clog up the other thread.

What do you think about such implementation? I am quite open to critique, feel free :sweat_smile:

I was not able to find any info about the specific ZKPs that yall use so i will not comment on this.

So pEthereum uses a n of m multisig to allow mixing on this private chain. This was then upgraded to using proof of stake. I am concerned about using proof of stake on layer 2 especially when there are no fraud proofs to catch a cheating validator. Check Against proof of stake for [zk/op]rollup leader election - #4 by edmundedgar

I am also concerned about users entering and exiting with different amounts. If I deposit with 1.00101203123123 eth and then 1 month later someone withdraws with the same amount it is a pretty good bet that that person is me. Check this post for more ideas on this

Iiuc the main reason you decided to build the side chain was because you wanted to have high scalability. I think that recent work provides this Zkopru (zk optimistic rollup) for private transactions which gives about 100 transaction per second with some possibilities to scale me if we need to. I am trying to convince you to join forces on this approach.

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Hey @barryWhiteHat, I’d like to clarify our current mechanism a bit so that you can find answers to your concerns.

  1. You’re right pEthereum needs n signatures from Incognito committees to unlock tokens on Incognito smart contract. Fortunately, it’s required signatures from both Incognito Beacon’s and Shard’s to be able to take money out of the contract. In the current version, the Beacon committee never swaps and is being managed by the core team so it seems impossible for a group of malicious validators to collude for a cheating purpose. We’re also figuring better solutions out, something probably likes staking and slashing (against malicious behaviors) would be a potential solution for the problem. But yes, it might be a big deal if we opt for changing the staking mechanism when it impacts many areas of our project.

  2. That is a known issue when somebody enters and exits with a special amount, it might break anonymity characteristic claiming by pEthereum. For that reason, we encourage users to shield/unshield with “common” amounts so that their processes would be mixed to others’ and mitigate the chances for attackers to predict who they are by mapping in and out transactions. We’re also considering some improvements such as requiring shield/unshield with pre-defined lots (says 0.5, 1, 1.5, etc) - there are some projects out there that also have tried to implement the approach already I guess.

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I would dispute this claim. I think that assuming the core team is 100% honest there is still the possibility someone dishonest takes their keys.

We’re also figuring better solutions out, something probably likes staking and slashing (against malicious behaviors) would be a potential solution for the problem.

I don’t think that will solve the problem for the reasons listed Against proof of stake for [zk/op]rollup leader election

I think you would need to have some kind of fraud proof or valiidty proof on layer 1. Basically the rollup approach in order to decentralize control away from the core team.


Hey guys :wave: if you would like to cover your Dapp with a privacy layer, we’ve prepared instructions and examples: