An attempt is made to define a strategy that will produce non-fungible
time consensus.
The Problem
The problem being solved is taken from the problems section of the wiki
on Etherium’s github repository.
2. Timestamping
An important property that Bitcoin needs to keep is that there should
be roughly one block generated every ten minutes; if a block is
generated every day, the payment system becomes too slow, and if a
block is generated every second there are serious centralization and
network efficiency concerns that would make the consensus system
essentially nonviable even assuming the absence of any attackers. To
ensure this, the Bitcoin network adjusts difficulty so that if blocks
are produced too quickly it becomes harder to mine a new block, and if
blocks are produced too slowly it becomes easier.However, this solution requires an important ingredient: the
blockchain must be aware of time. In order to solve this problem,
Bitcoin requires miners to submit a timestamp in each block, and nodes
reject a block if the block’s timestamp is either (i) behind the
median timestamp of the previous eleven blocks, or (ii) more than 2
hours into the future, from the point of view of the node’s own
internal clock. This algorithm is good enough for Bitcoin, because
time serves only the very limited function of regulating the block
creation rate over the long term, but there are potential
vulnerabilities in this approach, issues which may compound in
blockchains where time plays a more important role.Problem: create a distributed incentive-compatible
system, whether it is an overlay on top of a blockchain or its own
blockchain, which maintains the current time to high accuracy.Additional Assumptions and Requirements
All legitimate users have clocks in a normal distribution around
some “real” time with standard deviation 20 seconds.No two nodes are more than 20 seconds apart in terms of the amount
of time it takes for a message originating from one node to reach
any other node.The solution is allowed to rely on an existing concept of “N
nodes"; this would in practice be enforced with proof-of-stake or
non-sybil tokens (see #9).The system should continuously provide a time which is within 120s
(or less if possible) of the internal clock of >99% of honestly
participating nodes. Note that this also implies that the system
should be self-consistent to within about 190s.The system should exist without relying on any kind of
proof-of-work.External systems may end up relying on this system; hence, it
should remain secure against attackers controlling < 25% of nodes
regardless of incentives.
While the problem being solved was thusly defined, the actual solution
has some substantially different parameters, much of which have been
Premise and Assumptions
The problem assumes that there is network composed of N nodes, which can
communicate with each other reliably. The solution relies on several
assumptions, many of them stemming from the initial problem. They are:
The network size N is sufficiently large (roughly >2000 active
nodes, more on that later) -
Messages broadcast from any node will be reliably heard no more than
some period of time \Delta {\operatorname{net}} after
they were initially transmitted. -
This network performance does not decrease, even if every node in
the network were to each broadcast a message simultaneously. Yeah,
this is a fun one. -
The actual delay for a given message between two nodes is random and
follows a known distribution whose shape, formula, relevant moments
etc. are known.[1] -
Each node has a clock which measures the cumulative passage of time
at the same rate as that of every other node. -
The population of honest clocks reporting
\Delta {\operatorname{net}} = 0 are normally distributed with a known standard deviation of \sigma. -
At any given block in the chain, no more than k reputable nodes
are malevolent or inactive, where 2 k + 1 = N.[2] -
Nodes never timestamp their own messages. Self-timestamping
invalidates a message and is an offense punished by the network. -
All meaningful messages are broadcast to all nodes in the network.
That is not to say that less distributive transmissions cause
failure, but rather that they risk being functionally disregarded by
the network. -
All meaningful messages are signed by their sendors. Unsigned or
malsigned messages are to be disregarded. -
At least one node in the network is altruistic. Objectively
speaking, if 2000 nodes can’t meet this requirement, the blockchain
probably deserves to fail.
Some futher defintions are provided below:
// TODO (active nodes, reputable nodes, nonreputable nodes, honest
The Strategy
The strategy is composed of 5 key elements. They are:
Modeling Algorithm, used to interpret a sample of timestamps.
3-Stage Voting, used to achieve consensus.
Keystone Genesis, used to bootstrap consensus of the genesis block
timestamp, providing a fixed reference point. -
Recursive Improvement, using the existence of even low-accuracy
concurring timestamps to improve the performance of the system,
allowing for the creation of more accurate and secure timestamps. -
Reputation System, used to incentivize and minimize the impact of
common attack strategies.
Modeling Algorithm
Diving right in:
Contaminated Sample: A statistical sample of which an unknown subset has
been falsified by intelligent attackers in a way that leaves no
distinguishing characteristics between the subset and the set except for
the data itself. All elements of that subset are ’contaminated values’.
Sifting Model: A statistical model attempting to obtain information from
only the non-contaminated elements of a contaminated sample.
Intelligent Attacker: An actor with complete knowledge of the sifting
model that will be applied to the data, who acts with the intent to
alter the infromation obtained from the sifting model in some way,
shape, or form. All intelligent attackers are potentially conspiratory
and cooperative with each other.
It is impossible for a sifting model to obtain uncompromised information
from a contaminated sample whose contaminated values make up more than
half of the sample.
Theorem 4 is a natural extension of May’s Theorem (which essentially
states that majority rule is the only “fair” binary decision rule),
applied to contaminated samples.
If there is nothing known about the population distribution of the
uncontaminated elements of a contaminated sample, no effective siftng
model can be created.
An effective sifting model’s maximum tolerance of a sample’s deviation
from its population distribution and the model’s maximum error from
contamination are inversely proportional.
An effective sifting model’s maximum contamination error is directly
proportional to the variability of the uncontaminated population
distribution being modeled.
Corollary 7 is key, because it makes it imperative that the variability
of the clocks in the network be reduced as much as possible. This will
be done in subsection 5.
The Basic Sifting Model
Despite the subsubsection title, creating even the most basic model took
several weeks of contemplation, testing, and math. Omitting the somewhat
circular journey and cutting to the chase, there are exactly five
general steps the basic model that was implemented in R. Other practical
sifting models will likely need to follow these same steps, even if they
are taken in different ways.
Generate a weighted and unweighted kernel density function of the
sample with a fixed bandwidth. The weights are derived from the
reputation of the node providing the data.[3] -
Approximate the kernel density function with a smoothed spline f_s (x) generated from a series of coordinates on the kernel density
function that include the range of the sample data. This is done
because actually calculating the kernel density function every time
you need it in the next few steps would be a terrible nightmare.
Generate another, f_{s_w} (x) for the weighted kernel density
function. -
If the population has a propability distribution
D \left( \mathtt{} x, \mu \right), let the modeling function be defined as
f_m (x, \bar{x}, k) = kD (x, \bar{x}). -
Maximize \int^{\infty}_{- \infty} F (x, \bar{x}, k) dx with respect to both \bar{x} and k, where
F (x, \bar{x}, k) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} f_m (x, \bar{x}, k) {,}& f_s (x) \leqslant f_m (x, \bar{x}, k)\\ I (f_m), & f_s (x) > f_m (x, \bar{x}, k) \end{array} \right\} where I is a function, typically
less than 0, that varies depending on the exact implementation. Note
that 0.5 < k \leqslant 1 (as per Theorem 4), and the range of
\bar{x} is limited by the contaminated sample. -
Using the values of
\bar{x} and k from step 4, derive the
score function as follows:
{\operatorname{score}} (x_{\operatorname{reputable}}) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 {,}& f_m (x, \bar{x}, k) \geqslant f_s (x)\\ \frac{f_m (x, \bar{x}, k)}{f_s (x)} & f_m (x, \bar{x}, k) < f_x (x) \end{array} \right\}
The score function for disreputable nodes is similar, but uses a weighted balance between {\operatorname{score}} (x_{\operatorname{reputable}}) and a version of {\operatorname{score}} (x_{\operatorname{reputable}}) that uses f_{s_w} instead of f_s.The score functions are later used to augment the reputability of a
node based on its reports.
An Implementation Thereof
// todo, put more here, but basically:
While my educated guess for an optimum bandwith for a normally
distributed sample is \frac{\sigma}{e}, by no means was a
rigorous study of the accuracy of the final results with various
bandwiths performed. -
The Implementation function I that seemed to work best, based on
my tests involving generalized contaminated populations (I’ll
provide the R code I used at some point, when I’m less trying to get
to bed ASAP, but basically I plugged the function [normal
model*proportion of good nodes + some attacking normal model (with
a different \mu and \sigma) * proportion of attacking nodes] in for f_s in the
above steps), was I (f_m) = - \frac{ef_m + 1}{e + 1} -
While my results were satisfactory enough for me to write up the
report and publish it, my tests included numerous instances where
terrible values for \bar{x} and k were chosen. However, I’m
convinced these were due to limitations in the heuristic
optimization algorithm in R’s stats library rather than failings of
the sifting model per se.
The Voting Process
The voting process, or alternatively voting cycle, must be broken down
into three distinct steps.
Vote, where nodes announce the times at which they observed all
meaningful messages they received over the previous block of time. -
Sharing of Registries, where nodes announce the list of votes they
think are valid and were cast within the acceptable voting period. -
Chorus of Consensus, where the network finalizes the block to be
added to the chain with a majority of the reputable blocks reaching
the exact same conclusion independently.
The initation step, not listed, is just that the predefined amount of
time has passed since the second to last voting cycle. The timestamp for
a given voting cycle is defined as the mean of the timestamps of the
votes from that cycle that were included as valid votes.
The summary step, also not listed, is simply one or more altruistic
nodes revealing the solution that consensus was reached upon. This is
done for posterity, simplicity, and validation.
The Vote
//todo fill this out when I’m not rushing to bed
The Sharing of Registries
Wow this is going to be kinda hard to explain without explaining the
vote. The votes all happen in a window of time, but everybody’s
perception of that window is relative to their clock. So when the last
votes are coming in, some nodes might think that they’re on time but
others might not. Pretty simple concept. While the majority of this
problem is solved with intelligent error acceptance, creating the window
that I just suddenly started talking about, there’s a slight hiccup.
If even just ONE node sends a poorly/aptly (depending on your
perspective) timed vote (as in one just shortly after the window closes,
from the perspective of the nodes who think it closes first), then there
will be a massive disagreement on whether or not to include the vote in
the contaminated sample that is plugged into the sifting model defined
in section 2.1. As a result, they won’t be able to independently reach
the same conclusion, ruining the consensus.
That’s where the sharing of registries comes in. Each node shares the
list of votes that it thinks happened in the window. This registry
sharing process has its own window, after which nodes assume that any
nodes that haven’t shared their registry aren’t going to. Votes that are
included on the majority of the registries are included in the final
Registries after the window are still to be accepted. More explanation
to come.
Oh, also, only reputable nodes’ registries are counted, and the
expectation is that the nodes that vote are the same nodes who submit
The Chorus of Consensus
Basically, everyone solves everything, validates stuff, calculates the
timestamps, and figures out the block. Nobody is rewarded for completing
the block, because everyone is expected to derive the block
independently. Instead, everyone who correctly completes the block
independently and announces the correct answer gets rewarded. As answers
pour in, nodes can try to match the answers by keeping & excluding
registries from the latter half of the registry list. The only
discrepencies in the registry listings should be from any late/early
registry senders (who of course can be punished).
This is solved by having nodes submit answers without showing their
work, and allowing them to submit multiple answers (within reasonable
limitations, of course). Thus, they may change their answers. If
multiple answers are submitted, the earliest (determined by it’s
position in the node’s local chain (every message a node sends contains
a reference to the previous message the node sent)) answers that reach
consensus are used.
Nodes release answers without showing their work by hashing the block
with their public key, and signing that. If your block answer + their
public key = their hash, you got the same answer wooo.
Earliest majority answer wins. The timestamps of the answers shouldn’t
Keystone Genesis
The intial block is kinda tricky. There’s a few ways that it is
different from a typical block. Everyone expects one, single, trusted
public key to be the “genetor”. The genetor’s sole purpose is to
validate that this blockchain is in fact the correct blockchain. Nodes
in the inital network are assumed to be reputable.
The genetor starts the system by releasing a special signed ’start’
Instead of waiting to vote, every node immediately acknowledges the
receipt of this start message, referencing the start message in their
ack vote as proof it was sent after kickstart. This provides a lower
limit on the times, allowing for the nodes to safely perform a voting
cycle. The only other requirement is that the genetor is one of the
submittors of the final answer, so that the start message cannot be used
to create other nodes
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention. Blocks contain: transactions w/
timestamps, timestamps, rewards & updates for the previous voting cycle,
and all the voting data used to derive the timestamps.
So yeah, by providing the same answer, the genetor proves that they were
present for that particular set of initial votes. Past that, everything
should be the same. The nodes treat the timestamp of the start message
as the second-to-last vote mean thing when determining when to vote
Recursive Improvement
Okay, this is where things go from cool to super cool, in my humble
Because nodes in the network have reached an agreed upon, shared time,
and have a record of what they thought the time was vs. what the network
thought it was, they could adjust their clocks to better match the
consensus. The error in the adjusted clock is limited by the attacking
error combined with the network error. This should result in a much
tighter distribution. While the security benefits of this cannot be
easily incorporated into a given blockchain implementation (because
presurring nodes to set their clocks to the network clock ruins the
distribution of clocks, so that distribution has to be modelled too and
the transition from one model to the other (and one clock to the other)
has to be predefined and followed by all nodes simultaneously), one
clock blockchain could piggyback on the clock of another to improve
their accuracy at the start, and then continue on with that improved
accuracy indefinitely.
However, even without this, a blockchain can still garner several of the
benefits of the modified clocks by demanding nodes keep track of two
clocks. The first is the unaltered clock they measured with at start,
and the other is their network adjusted clock. Scheduling semantics,
such as when to vote and register, can be reasonably expected to occur
within the accuracy range of the network adjusted clock. Meanwhile, data
values will be expected to be reported with the accuracy of the
unaltered clock.
blah blah blah,
something I haven’t really mentioned I don’t think is that any
implementation that stays with a bifurcated clock schema must also watch
nodes carefully for changes. An honest node’s differences from the
network clock will be fairly consistent, to an error of approximately
(\Delta \ensuremath{\operatorname{net}}). It’s important to hold nodes
to that honesty to prevent Sybil attacks that play for the long game.
Similarly, to prevent long-range attacks, strong activity requirements
must be included in the reputability scheme, so that idle nodes are
removed quietly. Quick warm up and quick cooldown should be best,
methinks. It’s just very very important that no attacker ever in history
has >50 % of the reputable nodes, because then they can perform
long-range attacks (kinda, they’d still not be able to fool the active
nodes, but they would be able to confuse the heck out of an outsider).
Further protection of that could be some other scheme, perhaps proof of
work or proof of stake, but it shouldn’t be necessary. This is because
rewards are dependent on reputation. The most likely thing I can see it
needing is a benchmarked (via the network clock) bonus proof of work
option. Nodes that opt into it can gain more rewards & raise their
reputation cap by doing a little extra work with each message. This
strategy would be similar to the e-mail one the proof of work puzzle
came from. Also, if this is done, I highly highly highly advise a chain
of low-difficulty puzzles rather than one high-difficulty puzzles. More
low-difficulty puzzles together makes a tighter distribution of puzzle
completion time. Honestly, I’m a little surprised more proof of work
blockchains don’t already do this. The principle is the same, it just
causes the puzzle duration to be far more consistent. It also allows for
far more control over the expected duration: the expected duration can
be extended or shortened by just adding or subtracting one more small
puzzle, rather than by doubling or halving the puzzle’s difficulty.
One major thing I forgot to mention is that I’m pretty sure this scheme can also remove the need for a currency to incentivize the blockchain, so long as reputability itself has value. For instance, if reputability was linked to say, access to a game network, or access to really any service that is supported by the transactions tracked on the network. Another example would be a social network where posts can only be made and retrieved by reputable nodes.
The algorithm test/demonstration was performed under the quite
moronic assumption that the network delays are completely random and
normally distributed. It’d be most accurate to say that
consideration of the network delay was practically abandoned in its
entirety. That said, implementing a similar algorithm to the one
detailed <here> that is based on a non-normal distribution
shouldn’t be too difficult and is left as an exercise for the
reader. -
That said, I think the system would sleep a lot better at night if
the attacking population was < 33%. As you get past that, it just
gets too easy to significantly influence the outcome of the model.
Of course, this is a subjective cutoff on a smooth continuum, but -
While the weighted version & information derived from it technically
are outside the definition of a sifting model, it seems unlikely
that any realistic implementation would avoid their usage.