RLN on KZG polynomial commitment scheme

Thanks for your reviews! @levs57, @curryrasul, @AtHeartEngineer!


  • Uses KZG polynomial commitment per epoch
  • Uses KZG opening per message
  • Should be less than 1 ms to generate a proof per message, which is almost 1000x improvment
  • Finally, we can use RLN, the spam protection layer, for Tor network and the Ethereum validator network!


The PSE team is delivering a project RLN - Rate-Limiting Nullifier which is originated from Barry’s post. Briefly, RLN is a spam protection layer which can be used in the anonymous network where we have the network level privacy. More technically, transmitter chooses a polynomial where its f(0) is its private key and share a point on that polynomial when they send a message. Therefore, if f is a n-degree polynomial, te message limit becomes n since the transmitter cannot share more than n points not to get exploited the private key.

To make everything works well, we’re using zkSNARK to prove the membership proof to ensure that the transmitter commited a proof of stake and also the message proof is containinng a point on the polynomial. But the problem is that it takes about 1 second to generate a proof per message and that is not affordable for many cases, for example Tor, Validator network, mobile environment, and etc.

By the way, we can use KZG polynomial commitment scheme and its opening which fits pretty perfect for the RLN scheme. Here’s the detail technical setup about how to use KZG commitment & opening to achieve a 1ms proving time instead of 1 sec.


  • For a given epoch e and a message limit n, a user creates a polynomial f(x) of degree n, which satisfies the condition that f(0) equals the user’s private key pk.
  • Trusted setup:
    • We need a shared common reference: g, g^\alpha, g^{\alpha^2}, ..., g^{\alpha^n} for message limit n
      • In the non-anonymous version, we should execute a trusted setup for each message limit,
      • In the anonymous version, we can use an existing reference.


  • User selects a n-degree polynomial f for an epoch to send maximum n messages which f(0) is the private key.
  • User computes the KZG polynomial commitment C = g^{f(\alpha)} using the reference string.
  • User shares the polynomial commitment C for the given epoch
  • To send a message, user shares (f(m), g^{\psi_m(\alpha)}) where m is the hash of the messgae value and g^{\psi_m(\alpha)}, \psi_m(x) = {f(x) - f(m) \over x-m} is the opening proof

Evaluation of a message

  • Calculate the hash of the message: m
  • RLN message: m, f(m),g^{\psi_{m}(\alpha)}
  • Verifier has the polynomial commitment of the given epoch g^{f(\alpha)}
  • Verifier evaluates the message:
e(g^{f(\alpha)},g) \stackrel{?}{=} e(g^{\psi_m(\alpha)}, g^{\alpha}\cdot g^{-m})\cdot e(g,g)^{f(m)}

Various Commitment Schemes(for each epoch)

Version A: the simplest approach with a non-anonymous setting

  • User’s public key: g^{f(0)}
  • User submits the commitment of the polynomial, its public key, and the opening proof. g^{f(\alpha)}, g^{\psi_{0}(\alpha)}, g^{f(0)}
  • Verifier checks if the user’s public key is on the committed polynomial by verifying the opening of the kzg commitment.
e(g^{\psi_{0}(\alpha)},g^\alpha)\cdot e(g,g^{f(0)}) \stackrel{?}{=} e(g, g^{f(\alpha)})
How KZG opening works?

To prove the opening of (\beta, f(\beta)) on f
The quotient \psi_\beta(x) is

\psi_{\beta}(x) = {f(x) - f(\beta)\over x-\beta }

And then we can simply prove that opening by checking the pairings like below

e(g^{\psi_\beta(\alpha)}, g^\alpha \cdot g^{-\beta}) \cdot e(g, g^{f(\beta)})\stackrel{?}{=} e(g^{f(\alpha)}, g)

because the left side of the equation should be

e(g^{\psi_\beta(\alpha)}, g^\alpha \cdot g^{-\beta}) \cdot e(g, g^{f(\beta)})\\ = e(g^{f(\alpha) - f(\beta)\over \alpha-\beta}, g^{\alpha - \beta}) \cdot e(g, g^{f(\beta)})\\ = e(g^{f(\alpha) - f(\beta)}, g) \cdot e(g, g^{f(\beta)})\\ = e(g^{f(\alpha)}, g) \cdot e(g, g) \\ = e(g^{f(\alpha)}, g)

Version B: Using zkp for the anonymous setting

  • User creates a zkp to prove that
    • public: g^{f(\alpha)}, n
    • private: f(x), pk
    • constraints
      • f(0) = pk
      • Membership proof of g^{f(0)}
      • c_i = 0 when i>n and f(x) = \Sigma_{i=0}^{k} c_i x^i
  • And submits the proof \pi and the polynomial commitment g^{f(\alpha)}
  • Verifier checks the proof:
\text{verify}(\pi, g^{f(\alpha)}, \text{root}, n) \rightarrow true

Version C: Using multiple polynomial commitments for multi-epoch commitment


  • User creates m polynomials of degree n for m epochs, then the user commit whole polynomials at once.
  • For a given epoch e, let’s say f_e(x) is a polynomial of degree n for that epoch.
  • Then we can rewrite f_e(x) = \Sigma_{i=0}^{n} c_i(e) \cdot x^i
  • For example,
    f_1(x) = c_0(1) + c_1(1) x + c_2(1) x^2 + ... + c_n(1) x^n\\ f_2(x) = c_0(2) + c_1(2) x + c_2(2) x^2 + ... + c_n(2) x^n\\ f_3(x) = c_0(3) + c_1(3) x + c_2(3) x^2 + ... + c_n(3) x^n\\ ...\\ f_m(x) = c_0(m) + c_1(m) x + c_2(m) x^2 + ... + c_n(m) x^n
  • Then the user creates polynomial commitments g^{c_i(\alpha)} for each c_i(e)
  • And creates a zkp to prove that
    • public: g^{c_i(\alpha)}, n, m
    • private: c_i(e), pk
    • constraints
      • c_0(e) = pk for every e \leq m
      • c_i(e) = 0 when i>n and f(x) = \Sigma_{i=0}^{k} c_i(e) x^i
      • Membership proof of g^{f(0)}
      • The polynomial commitment g^{c_i(\alpha)} is correct.


  • For the registration,
    • Verifier checks the proof:
\text{verify}(\pi, g^{c_0(\alpha)}, ..., g^{c_n(\alpha)}, \text{root}, n, m) \rightarrow true
  • For each epoch e,
    • User submits
      • \{(g^{c_0(e)}, g^{\phi_{0, e}(\alpha)}), (g^{c_1(e)}, g^{\phi_{1, e}(\alpha)}), ..., (g^{c_n(e)}), g^{\phi_{n, e}(\alpha)})\} where \phi_{(i, e)}(x) = {c_i(x) - c_i(e)\over x-e }
      • g^{f_e(\alpha)}
    • Then the verifier checks
g^{f_e(\alpha)} = \Pi_{i=0}^{n} g^{c_i(e)\alpha^i}


e(g, g^{f_e(\alpha)}) = e(g, \Pi_{i=0}^{n} g^{c_i(e)\alpha^i}) \stackrel{?}{=} \Pi_{i=0}^{n}e(g^{c_i(e)}, g^{\alpha^i})
  • For i = 0...n, the verifier checks the submitted homomorphically hidden coefficients is in the polynomial commitments by
e(g^{c_i(\alpha)}, g) \stackrel{?}{=} e(g^{\phi_{(i, e)}(\alpha)}, g^{\alpha} \cdot g^{-e}) \cdot e(g,g^{c_i(e)})


\phi_{(i, e)}(x) = {c_i(x) - c_i(e)\over x-e }
  • After then,
    • Calculate the hash of the message: m
    • RLN message: m, f(m),g^{\psi_{m}(\alpha)}
    • Verifier evaluates the message:
e(g^{f(\alpha)},g) \stackrel{?}{=} e(g^{\psi_m(\alpha)} ,g^{\alpha}\cdot g^{-m})\cdot e(g,g)^{f(m)}


Version A Version B Version C
Description Pairing check using the public key Use zkp for each epoch to prove the membership proof and polynomial commitment for each epoch’s secret sharing polynomial Use zkp only once to prove the membership proof and the polynomial commitments of the coefficients of the secret sharing polynomials for multiple epochs
preparation trusted setup for each message limit number can use a universal trusted setup can use a universal trusted setup
zkp N/A 1 zkp per epoch 1 zkp per m epochs
anonymity no yes yes
proof size per epoch 1 group element depends on zkp scheme 2n + 1 group elements
verification for each epoch 3 pairings 1 zkp 4n + 1 pairing (n: message limit)
proof size per message 1 group element 1 group element 1 group element
verification for each message 3 pairings 3 pairings 3 pairings

It’s cross-posted on zkresear.ch too for a better moderation. RLN on KZG polynomial commitment scheme [cross-posted] - General - zk research


verification per each message will cost 2 pairing computations since e(g^{f(\alpha)}, g) can be computed at the beginning of the epoch and then cached to be used repeatedly for its future message evaluations.

Revised by @curryrasul

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I missed that we can use the bached commitment scheme, described in the section 3 of the [GWC19], for the version C. It might be much simpler if we use the batch commitment opening scheme there.

Congrats! Great work!

A small correction to Version A. You can reuse your favorite common reference string output by your favorite trusted setup. The reason is that the prover can prove that a KZG-committed polynomial f\in\mathbb{F}^{\leq d}_p[x] has a degree upper bound d given only the KZG-commitment \boxed{f}(=g^{f(\tau)}). Precisely, there exists an efficient proof system for the following language.

\mathcal{R}_{\mathsf{PoKDegUp}}[f,d]=\{\boxed{f}\in\mathbb{G},f(x)\in\mathbb{F}^{\leq d}_p[x],d\in\mathbb{Z}:g^{f(\tau)}=\boxed{f},\mathit{deg}(f)\leq d\}.

This simple proof system was built by Thakur in this paper, see the PoKDegUp protocol. You can easily modify the protocol to a non-zk variant, namely where you “leak” the degree of the committed polynomial.

The added cost of this approach is that now the prover needs to enclose these \mathsf{PoKDegUp} proofs to convince the verifier that the committed polynomial has a bounded degree. Luckily, the proof is of constant size, i.e., independent from the degree of the committed polynomial.


As we adapt Version A of our protocol to include a third party, specifically a smart contract, we’ve identified a potential vulnerability that could surface in Version A of our KZG commitments setup.

To provide context, let’s recap the steps involved in our registration process:

  1. The client creates a random polynomial f(x), calculates the KZG commitment g^{f(\alpha)}, generates the public key g^{f(0)}, and computes the opening proof for the public key g^{\psi(\alpha)}.
  2. Next, the client stakes Ether into the smart contract, calling contract.deposit(public_key) with 1 Ether. The contract receives the Ether and saves the hash of the public key.
  3. The client then sends the server g^{f(0)}, g^{\psi(\alpha)}, g^{f(\alpha)}. The server verifies the deposit status of the client and validates the opening proof.
  4. In the event the user exceeds the rate limit, the server is equipped to interpolate the polynomial and evaluate f(0) to obtain the private key.
  5. Utilizing the private key, the server signs its address to slash the client’s Ether staked in the contract. The contract authenticates the correctness of the signature.
  6. However, in the setup step for Version A, the user can adjust g^{f(0)} in such a way that it passes the server’s opening proof verification. This manipulation results in a mismatch: the private key f(0) derived by the server no longer corresponds to the public key stored in the contract and sent to the server.

The prover can manipulate the public key by choosing a random number \gamma. The prover then multiplies g^{\psi(\alpha)} and g^{f(0)} with g^\gamma to produce g^{\psi(\alpha)}\cdot g^\gamma and g^{f(0)}\cdot g^{\alpha \cdot -\gamma}. This results in a manipulated pairing check that still passes. If the verifier attempts to interpolate the polynomial by Lagrange interpolation, they will get a private key that does not correspond to the crafted public key.

The manipulated pairing check the verifier ends up checking is:

e(g^{\psi_{0}(\alpha)}\cdot g^\gamma,g^\alpha)\cdot e(g,g^{f(0)}\cdot g^{\alpha \cdot -\gamma}) \stackrel{?}{=} e(g, g^{f(\alpha)})

Breaking down the left side of this equation:

  1. Expand the pairing:
e(g^{\psi_{0}(\alpha)} \cdot g^\gamma, g^\alpha) \cdot e(g, g^{f(0)} \cdot g^{\alpha \cdot -\gamma}) = e(g^{\psi_{0}(\alpha)}, g^\alpha) \cdot e(g^\gamma, g^\alpha) \cdot e(g, g^{f(0)}) \cdot e(g, g^{\alpha \cdot -\gamma})
  1. Use the property of bilinear pairings where e(g^a, g^b) = e(g, g)^{ab}:
= e(g, g)^{\psi_{0}(\alpha) \cdot \alpha} \cdot e(g, g)^{\gamma \cdot \alpha} \cdot e(g, g)^{f(0)} \cdot e(g, g)^{-\gamma \cdot \alpha}
  1. Combine like terms:
= e(g, g)^{\psi_{0}(\alpha) \cdot \alpha + \gamma \cdot \alpha + f(0) - \gamma \cdot \alpha}
  1. Recall that \psi_{0}(\alpha) \cdot \alpha = f(\alpha) - f(0), so substitute:
= e(g, g)^{f(\alpha) - f(0) + \gamma \cdot \alpha + f(0) - \gamma \cdot \alpha}
  1. Cancel out f(0) and \gamma \cdot \alpha:
= e(g, g)^{f(\alpha)}

Consequently, the verifier is misled into trusting a commitment linked to a counterfeit public key, rendering the user immune to slashing. PoC

To address this issue, we propose introducing an additional PoK for public key during the setup phase. This will ensure the user possesses the corresponding private key.