Stateless Rollups

It’s my first time posting a top level thread here, so I apologize if I in any way violate decorum. I’ve been thinking about this idea mostly in the context of an app-specific rollup for our lending protocol, but hope it may be generally relevant, and will appreciate any and all feedback.


post only state root, no calldata


What if, instead of using Ethereum as a data availability layer by posting the full state as calldata, a rollup posted only a state root to mainnet? The main benefit is reducing the amount of data stored on Ethereum, and thus the cost to users transacting on L2. Even with EIP-4844, blobspace ain’t free.

The main risk is a data withholding attack, where the proposer posts a valid state root, but withholds the full data from other rollup nodes, in order to monopolize future block production or take funds hostage. To prevent this, honest nodes must challenge any state update which no peer can provide data for. Arbitrum-style interactive fraud proofs can be used to force the proposer to disclose the full state on mainnet, but will still result in a failed challenge if the root was valid, and so it is important that the cost of challenge is low even in the case of failure.

If the cost of a failed challenge is low, it’s possible to grief honest proposers by forcing them to pay for posting all the state data to mainnet to defend against the challenge, even though they correctly propagated the state data peer to peer. The cost of making the challenge must be proportional to the cost of defending to ensure it’s not viable to attack honest proposers in this way.

At worst, if an attacker can spend $1 to cost an honest proposer $1, they can force that proposer to give up and let their block revert. Then, a new honest proposer can bid, and unless the attacker can repeat their attack for the the set of all potential honest proposers, which includes everyone with funds on the rollup, they can’t cause permanent downtime. It’s possible another term could be added, where the cost of challenge goes up when it has been too long since a valid block was finalized. In this way, it’s easy to challenge a dishonest proposer, but impossible to halt state transitions for long.

More optimistically, if nodes propagate data peer to peer, they can decide on their own data backup and accessibility solutions, and users would be well served to store the data they need for their own state transitions locally. In an app-specific context, I’ve thought about encoding the rollup state quite differently than the EVM does to optimize for this. All state relevant to a given user account can be encoded into the same hash, and thus it can be much easier for a user to validate changes to their own account without knowing the global state (ie, confirm you received the amount of tokens you wanted in a swap, without needing to worry about specifically from where).


I’m curious to hear all thoughts, and also appreciate links to related work showing where I may be reinventing the wheel. Unlike a normal optimistic rollup, where it’s easy to determine if the calldata submitted matches the mainnet state root, and if both are valid, it’s impossible to know from the state root alone if an update is valid, hence the need for careful thought around the economics of the challenge period and griefing.


Hey like the idea but I guess that’s the plan for a lot of the modular rollup design

Ethereum as a data availability layer by posting the full state as calldata, a rollup posted only a state root to mainnet

new rollups are planning to their full data on a da layer which is verifiable by full node while the state transitions are maintained by the canonical chain aka smart contract on the mainnet

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  1. Proposer withholds data
  2. Challenger sees that the data is missing, stakes $X to data-challenge the proposer
  3. Proposer releases the data after the challenge and wins
  4. Challenger slashed wrongfully

sounds similar to what Polkadot relaychain does. It doesn’t store all the data, only the state root, and even that only for 24h. The DA layer is on the rollup (parachain) level

edit: and it resembles Validiums from Starkware too


Thanks all for the feedback both here and on Twitter. I wonder what you will think about the following.

In my original model, I assumed that a proposer can submit an arbitrary state root, and that there’s no way to challenge its validity without first requesting the underlying data.

The problems that came up were:

  1. If there is significant cost to make a data challenge, it’s possible that a proposer can withhold the data from a valid state transition to grief honest nodes, as @colludingnode emphasized

  2. If there is no cost to make a data challenge besides gas, an attacker can impose costs on an honest proposer who must then post data onchain

In scenario 2, the model devolves to operating as a regular rollup, just with two-phase state updates (first submit just the state root, then submit the calldata once it’s requested). Perhaps not every state update would in fact receive a data challenge, and so a marginal reduction in cost could be achieved, but it’s hard to predict confidently. Every node looking to act as the proposer in the future will want to know the state and may be willing to pay the small cost of the data request.

A solution that has come to mind is that the cost of a data challenge should be exactly equal to the cost of posting the data, and that it should be burnt to return value to rollup users. This removes any rational incentive to withhold data from peer nodes or make bogus challenges, since in any case the proposer+challenger pair will expend more than they would if they cooperated, and half of this excess value will be captured by the rollup’s users or owners depending on what is being burnt.

The favorable equilibrium should be for nodes to cooperate and minimize their data availability costs, with any possible griefing resulting in at most a tx cost increase back up proportional to normal rollup costs for a limited period of time.