Using GKR inside a SNARK to reduce the cost of hash verification down to 3 constraints

Summarizing my own intuition pumps for this scheme below.

Let’s take a much simpler example, where the circuit is just the raw MIMC permutation: x_{i_1} = x_i^3 + k_i. So each “copy” of the circuit is just a straight line, of depth d (eg. d = 200). Let V_0(b_1...b_k) be a k-variate linear-in-each-variable polynomial representing a “hypercube” containing the inputs (ie. the inputs would be at V_0(0, 0, 0...0, 0), V_0(0, 0, 0...0, 1), V_0(0, 0, 0...1,0) etc) and V_d(b_1....b_k) is similarly a polynomial representing a hypercube containing the outputs.

Within the hypercube (ie. at all inputs where all coordinates are 0 or 1), we have V_{i+1}(b_1...b_k) = V_i(b_1...b_k)^3 + k_i. But we can’t make this true for the polynomials in general (ie. including outside the hypercube), because then the degree of each V_i would keep multiplying by three, so later V_i's would take an exponential amount of time to compute (and require an exponentially large trusted setup). Rather, we want each V_i to be linear in each variable. So instead, we pull some clever tricks involving sumcheck protocols.

Let us define the polynomial eq(b_1...b_k, c_1...c_k) as being the multilinear polynomial that equals 1 when (c_1 ... c_k) = (b_1 ... b_k) and 0 elsewhere inside the hypercube. For example, for k = 2, the polynomial would be:

(1-b_1) * (1-b_2) * (1-c_1) * (1-c_2)
+ (1-b_1) * b_2 * (1-c_1) * c_2
+ b_1 * (1-b_2) * c_1 * (1-c_2)
+ b_1 * b_2 * c_1 * c_2

We now make a new equation connecting V_{i} and V_{i+1}:

V_{i+1}(b_1...b_k) = \sum_{(c_1...c_k) \in \{0,1\}} eq(b_1...b_k, c_1...c_k) * V_i(c_1...c_k)^3 + k_i

If you evaluate this equation for any point (b_1...b_k) in the hypercube, you’ll get an expression that contains V_i^3 + k in one term (where (c_1...c_k) = (b_1...b_k)) and zero everywhere else. Now you might ask, why do this? Why make the relation even more complicated by turning it into a sum containing the original value plus a bunch of zeroes?

The answer is this: unlike the original equation V_{i+1}(b_1...b_k) = V_i(b_1...b_k)^3 + k_i., which is only true inside the hypercube, this new equation is true everywhere; one could evaluate it at V_{i+1}(123, -5, 42069, 7395723240) and it would check out, despite the fact that V_{i+1} or even eq don’t directly “mean anything” at those coordinates.

Notice a key piece of cleverness that makes this possible: no matter which point you’re evaluating V_{i+1} at, V_i is only ever evaluated within the hypercube. The randomization in making an “out-of-domain” evaluation instead comes from the fact that if you try to evaluate the above expression outside the hypercube, it’s eq that will give outputs other than 0 or 1, and so you’re doing a random-looking linear combination across the whole domain.

Now, how do we actually use this? First, recall the sum-check protocol:

  • You are trying to prove a_0 = \sum_{b_1...b_k \in \{0,1\}} f(b_1...b_k)
  • You provide P_1(0) = \sum_{b_2...b_k \in \{0,1\}} f(0, b_2...b_k) (ie. the top half of the cube) and P_1(1) = \sum_{b_2...b_k \in \{0,1\}} f(1, b_2...b_k) (ie. the bottom half of the cube)
  • Verifier sends you a random coordinate r_1, computes a_1 = P_1(r_1), and asks you to recursively prove \sum_{b_2...b_k \in \{0,1\}} f(r_1, b_2...b_k) (one can think of this as taking a random linear combination of the top and bottom halves of the cube, and repeating the protocol with the resulting half-size cube)
  • Repeat until the prover provides the constant P_n = f(r_1 ... r_k). Use the original polynomial commitment to f to verify that this evaluation is actually correct.

We use this protocol, but we do something clever. We start by asking for a commitment to V_0 and V_d, take a random coordinate z_d = (b_1 ... b_k), ask for V_d(z_d). The goal is, of course, to prove that the above sum-check relation holds between V_d and V_{d-1}, V_{d-1} and V_{d-2} and so on all the way down to V_1 and V_0. But to save prover time we’re not going to ask the prover to make a commitment to any of the intermediate V_i layers. Instead, we run the sumcheck protocol for V_d(z_d), get out of it some point z_{d-1} = (r_1...r_k), and we directly plug that into the sumcheck protocol for the next layer. We keep walking through all the layers, and finally we get a claimed evaluation of V_0, and we check that against V_0. Effectively, we don’t even bother checking anything in the middle, we just trust the prover all the way until the circuit gets to an evaluation of V_0, and only check its correctness at the end.

This allows you to prove N MIMC permutations with commitments (ie. size-N polynomials, requiring a size-N elliptic curve linear combination) at only the start and the end, so you only need 2N elliptic curve operations. Everything in the middle only requires prime field operations, which are much faster. You can then use the V_0 and V_d commitments as a lookup table in PLONK, accessing the table in one constraint per read.

The work above extends this scheme to look at not just homogeneous circuits that repeat circuits of width 1, but also repeated circuits more generally.