What is a Cross-chain MEV?

Cross-chain mining extortion vector (MEV) refers to a potential attack vector that can be exploited by miners on a blockchain network. MEV occurs when miners are able to extract value from a blockchain by prioritizing certain transactions over others, or by manipulating the order in which transactions are processed.

In a cross-chain MEV attack, the attacker targets transactions that involve assets or data from multiple blockchain networks. By manipulating the order in which these transactions are processed, the attacker can extract value from the transactions and potentially harm the parties involved.

MEV attacks can be difficult to detect and prevent, as they often involve complex and sophisticated manipulation of the blockchain. To mitigate the risk of a cross-chain MEV attack, it is important for blockchain networks to have strong security measures in place, and for users to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to protect themselves.


MEV attacks have been a concern in the blockchain industry for several years. The concept of MEV was first introduced in a 2019 research paper by Dan Robinson and Georgios Konstantopoulos, which examined the potential for miners to extract value from the Ethereum blockchain by prioritizing certain transactions over others.

Since then, MEV attacks have become a topic of increasing concern in the blockchain industry, as they have the potential to harm users and disrupt the integrity of the network. Researchers and developers have explored a variety of approaches to mitigating the risk of MEV attacks, including the use of smart contracts and other technical solutions.

MEV attacks are particularly relevant in the context of decentralized finance (DeFi) and other applications that rely on cross-chain transactions, as these transactions may be more vulnerable to manipulation by miners. To protect against MEV attacks, it is important for users to be aware of the risks and to take steps to protect themselves, such as using trusted and reputable platforms and services, and carefully evaluating the security of any transactions that they participate in.


There are several different types of MEV attacks that can be carried out on a blockchain network. Some common types of MEV attacks include:

  1. Transaction reordering: In a transaction reordering attack, the miner manipulates the order in which transactions are processed on the blockchain, prioritizing certain transactions over others. This can allow the miner to extract value from the transactions and potentially harm the parties involved.

  2. Transaction censorship: In a transaction censorship attack, the miner censors or blocks certain transactions from being processed on the blockchain. This can allow the miner to extract value from the transactions and potentially harm the parties involved.

  3. Fee extraction: In a fee extraction attack, the miner manipulates the fees that are charged for processing transactions on the blockchain, extracting value from the fees and potentially harming the parties involved.

  4. Frontrunning: In a frontrunning attack, the miner anticipates the outcome of a particular transaction and takes advantage of that knowledge to extract value from the transaction.

There are many other types of MEV attacks, and the specific type of attack that is used will depend on the specific vulnerabilities of the blockchain network and the goals of the attacker. To protect against MEV attacks, it is important for users to be aware of the risks and to take steps to protect themselves, such as using trusted and reputable platforms and services, and carefully evaluating the security of any transactions that they participate in.


MEV attacks can cause a variety of problems for users and the overall integrity of a blockchain network. Some of the potential problems that may result from MEV attacks include:

  1. Loss of value: MEV attacks can allow miners to extract value from transactions and potentially harm the parties involved. This can result in a loss of value for the parties involved in the transaction, and may discourage users from participating in the blockchain network.

  2. Decreased trust: MEV attacks can undermine the trust that users have in the blockchain network. If users are aware that miners are able to manipulate transactions or extract value from them, they may be less likely to trust the network and may be less likely to use it.

  3. Decreased security: MEV attacks can compromise the security of a blockchain network. If miners are able to manipulate transactions or extract value from them, it may be more difficult for the network to maintain the security and integrity of the transactions that are processed on it.

  4. Decreased decentralization: MEV attacks can lead to increased centralization of the blockchain network, as miners with more resources or technical expertise may be more able to exploit MEV vulnerabilities. This can reduce the overall decentralization of the network and may make it more vulnerable to attack.

MEV attacks can cause serious problems for users and the overall integrity of a blockchain network, and it is important for users to be aware of the risks and to take steps to protect themselves. To mitigate the risks of MEV attacks, it is important for blockchain networks to have strong security measures in place, and for users to use trusted and reputable platforms and services, and carefully evaluate the security of any transactions that they participate in.


There are several potential solutions that can be used to mitigate the risk of MEV attacks on a blockchain network. Here are a few examples:

  1. Use of smart contracts: Smart contracts can be used to facilitate the execution of transactions on the blockchain and to enforce the rules of the network. By using smart contracts, it may be possible to reduce the risk of MEV attacks, as the smart contracts can help to ensure the integrity and security of the transactions that are processed on the network.

  2. Use of zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs): ZKPs can be used to provide a high degree of security and privacy for transactions on the blockchain. By using ZKPs, it may be possible to reduce the risk of MEV attacks, as the ZKPs can help to ensure that the transactions are secure and private.

  3. Use of off-chain protocols: Off-chain protocols, such as the Lightning Network for Bitcoin, can be used to facilitate the processing of transactions off the main blockchain. This can help to reduce the risk of MEV attacks, as the transactions are not processed on the main blockchain and are therefore less vulnerable to manipulation by miners.

  4. Increased transparency: Increased transparency in the blockchain ecosystem can help to reduce the risk of MEV attacks. By making it easier for users to see the transactions that are being processed on the network, it may be possible to detect and prevent MEV attacks more effectively.

There are many other potential solutions that can be used to mitigate the risk of MEV attacks, and the specific solution that is best suited for a particular application will depend on the specific requirements and constraints of the application. To protect against MEV attacks, it is important for users to be aware of the risks and to take steps to protect themselves, such as using trusted and reputable platforms and services.

New research being done with cross-chain mev

MEV attacks have been a topic of active research in the blockchain industry, and there are a number of new research projects and approaches being developed to address the risks of MEV attacks. Here are a few examples:

  1. Use of randomization: Some researchers have explored the use of randomization techniques to mitigate the risk of MEV attacks. By introducing randomness into the order in which transactions are processed on the blockchain, it may be possible to reduce the risk of MEV attacks, as it becomes more difficult for miners to predict the outcome of transactions and extract value from them.

  2. Use of proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithms: Some researchers have explored the use of proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithms as a way to reduce the risk of MEV attacks. PoS algorithms allow users to “stake” their assets on the network as collateral, and users who stake their assets are then responsible for validating transactions on the network. By using PoS algorithms, it may be possible to reduce the risk of MEV attacks, as the incentives for miners are aligned with the security and integrity of the network.

  3. Use of smart contract governance mechanisms: Some researchers have explored the use of smart contract governance mechanisms as a way to reduce the risk of MEV attacks. By allowing users to vote on the rules and parameters of the smart contracts that are used to facilitate transactions on the network, it may be possible to reduce the risk of MEV attacks, as users are able to hold the miners accountable for their actions.

  4. Use of fraud proofs: Some researchers have explored the use of fraud proofs as a way to reduce the risk of MEV attacks. Fraud proofs are cryptographic proofs that can be used to demonstrate the integrity of a transaction on the blockchain. By using fraud proofs, it may be possible to reduce the risk of MEV attacks, as the fraud proofs can help to ensure the integrity of the transactions that are processed on the network.