This is a semi-public forum for participating in Ethereum’s research efforts, including but not limited to:
- Proof-of-Stake
- Scaling solutions
- EVM improvements
- Low-level protocol improvements
- Economics
- protocol economics
- Resource pricing economics
- Other second-level features
This is not the place for:
- generic ethereum discussion. For that visit r/ethereum.
- discussing specific EIPs. For that visit the Ethereum Magicians forum.
- technical questions and ELI5s. For that visit the StackExchange.
If your signal-to-noise ratio gets too low, you will be banned from So please keep discussions information-rich. Posting on this site is accepting releasing your submitted content into the public domain (CC0).
Forum Features!
1. LaTeX Equations
This forum supports \LaTeX equations between $dollar signs$. The default LaTeX style is the “inline” style which looks like \sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose k} = 2^n , in text this is
$ \sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose k} = 2^n $
However, if you start your equation with $$ on it’s own beginning and teminating line like,
\sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose k} = 2^n
it looks like this
2. Graphviz diagrams
See the documentation for a list of examples to build your graph.
[graphviz engine=dot]
digraph {
a[color=red, style=filled, fillcolor=pink];
a -> b;
b -> c;
c -> a;
d -> c;
e -> c;
e -> a;
a -> e;
3. YUML diagrams
YUML diagrams allow making nice little graphs within your posts.
They have an idiosyncratic but fairly simple markup language.
[Vote Message|+Source hash;-Source height;+Target hash;-Target height|+Withdraw();+Last_commit]
4. Images!
Unsurprisingly, we also support images.
Useful sites
- Ethereum dot org -
- Upgrading Ethereum by Ben Edgington -