Concurrent Block Proposers in Ethereum

Concurrent Block Proposers in Ethereum

^look ma, we are trying to end the proposer monopoly
by mike & max – friday; february 23, 2024.
Abstract: The Ethereum protocol elects a single proposer to produce a block during each 12-second slot. That proposer has unilateral authority over the set of transactions included. As a result, time-sensitive transactions can be censored by a single party. We present an initial analysis of increasing the number of proposers in a single slot. Section 1 outlines the difference between economic and probabilistic models of censorship resistance and provides the theoretical motivation for concurrent proposers. Section 2 discusses the simplest version of the “double-proposer construction,” where each slot elects two validators as eligible for proposing blocks. We explore different payload outcomes, modifications needed for proposer boost, and how splitting changes under the double proposer regime. Section 3 generalizes these results to more than two proposers and outlines open questions for further research.
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Section 1 – Preliminaries

Much of the discussion around censorship has focused on situations where the adversary is a state actor, e.g., U.S. censorship of tornado cash transactions. While this is important, economic gain presents another potential motivation to censor. In 2015, before state actors knew Ethereum existed, Vitalik discussed the need for sufficient censorship resistance to enable financial systems to operate on chain:

“Censorship-resistance in decentralized cryptoeconomic systems is not just a matter of making sure Wikileaks donations or Silk Road 5.0 cannot be shut down; it is in fact a necessary property in order to secure the effective operation of a number of different financial protocols.” -The Problem Of Censorship, Vitalik Buterin, 2015

We start with a simple example. Consider a European call option that must be exercised with an Ethereum transaction. Suppose the call option is in the money; whoever holds the option can make $10 by exercising the option at expiry. Conversely, whoever sold the call option stands to lose $10 if the option is executed. The option seller is therefore a motivated adversary who wishes to censor the transaction to avoid losing $10. If the transaction can only be processed in a single block, the buyer and seller are both willing to pay the proposer to include or censor the transaction respectively, resulting in the proposer receiving $10 and leaving both the buyer and seller with a payoff of $0.

Even if the option may be exercised in any of the K blocks before expiry (called an “American Option”), the buyer attempting early transaction inclusion reduces their expected profit. This motivates the economic definition of censorship resistance, which is extended below. Some of the following definitions and examples are taken verbatim from “Censorship Resistance in On-Chain Auctions.”

§1.1 – Probabilistic vs Economic Censorship Resistance

Historically, we have considered censorship through the probabilistic lens. For example, shows the percentage of censoring participants at various layers of the transaction supply chain. With this data, we can calculate the inclusion probability for a transaction in a randomly sampled block. This simplification ignores the influence of tips on inclusion; the probabilistic model assigns the same average wait time for inclusion to a transaction with a MaxPriorityFee = 1 Gwei as a transaction with MaxPriorityFee = 100 Gwei (because it assumes inclusion as a constant probability).

To show how this could be reductionist, consider that proposers are profit-maximizing and signing the highest value bid from mev-boost regardless of whether that bid contains censored transactions. Further, allow some builders to censor, while at least one does not. If the non-censoring builder wins 1% of blocks, but the potentially censored transaction has a high tip, the uncompetitive, non-censoring builder who includes the transaction may win the mev-boost auction because of the high tip. In other words, the censored transaction can make up the difference between the non-censoring builder’s bid and the censoring builders’ bids.

With this example as motivation, we turn to an economic definition of censorship resistance, starting with a public bulletin board.

Definition 1 (Public Bulletin Board). A Public Bulletin Board has two public functions:

  1. write(m,t) takes as input a message m and an inclusion tip t and returns 1 if the message is written to the bulletin board and 0 otherwise.
  2. read() returns a list of all messages written to the bulletin board over the period.

Because the write operation succeeds or fails, this definition captures writing to a blockchain within a specific window of time (e.g., the inclusion of the transaction in the next K blocks):

Example 1 (Single Block, K=1). With a single block, the write(m,t) operation consists of submitting a transaction m with associated tip t. write(m,t) succeeds if the transaction is included in the next block of the canonical chain.

Example 2 (Multiple Blocks, K=n>1). In the case of multiple blocks, the write(m,t) operation consists of submitting a transaction m with associated tip t. write(m,t) succeeds if the transaction is included in any of the next n blocks of the canonical chain.

We can formally define economic censorship resistance.

Definition 2 (Censorship Resistance of a Public Bulletin Board). The censorship resistance of a public bulletin board \mathcal{D} is a mapping \phi: \mathbb{R}_+ \mapsto \mathbb{R}_+ that takes as input the tip t corresponding to the tip in the write operation write(⋅,t) and outputs the minimum cost that a motivated adversary would have to pay to make the write fail.

In other words, the censorship resistance of a public bulletin board is a function describing the cost for the adversary to censor the transaction. The mapping models the relationship between priority fees and censorship resistance and is typically a monotone-increasing function (higher tips \implies higher cost to censor).

Ethereum, a single proposer chain, has the following economic censorship resistance:

Example 1 (continued). The cost to censor the transaction is t in the uncongested case; the adversary must bribe the proposer at least t to compensate for the forgone tip on the transaction the proposer had the opportunity to include: \phi(t)=t.

Extending the K=n>1 example from above, we present the cost to censor a transaction for K blocks in a row.

Example 2 (continued). In the case of K blocks with rotating proposers, the cost to censor is Kt since the adversary must bribe each proposer at least t to compensate for the forgone tip on the transaction each proposer had the opportunity to include: \phi(t)=Kt.

The cost of censorship increases linearly in the tip and the number of blocks.

§1.2 – Multiple Proposers

So far, we have only considered a single proposer per slot. With this grounding, we highlight that the cost of censorship increases linearly with the number of validators who have the option to include the transaction; more inclusion opportunities require more bribes from the adversary to exclude the transaction. A mechanism with multiple proposers shoehorns this property into the single slot case.

A single slot with K proposers achieves the cost of censorship that requires K slots on a single proposer chain. This property applies both in the simple probabilistic model, where proposers are either censoring or not censoring and in the economic model described above.

Section 2 – Double proposer; K=2

Starting with the minimal multi-proposer construction, consider the double proposer. Instead of selecting a single proposer (leader) per slot, we elect two concurrent proposers. Both of them produce a block concurrently, collaboratively building the final payload by concatenating the constituent blocks. A few simplifying abstractions:

  1. We focus on the ExecutionPayload (the list of transactions) part of the block.
  2. Both ExecutionPayloads can include identical transactions. We assume that the spec & clients deterministically de-duplicate the second payload and divide the transaction priority fees between both proposers for each doubly included transaction.

The figure below captures the single and double proposer cases.

Attesters for slot n vote for the pair of blocks together, giving fork-choice weight to the block pair as the canonical head of the chain.

§2.1 – Payload cases

With two proposers, there are four cases for what the attesting committee could see when it is time to vote for the head of the chain. The figure describes each case.

Case 1 – Both payloads present (happy path)

As demonstrated in the ‘Single vs. Double Proposer’ figure, if both proposers correctly share a block during slot n, the attesters can vote for the block-pair, which will become canonical. This “happy path” embodies the protocol fully functioning as expected.

Cases 2 & 3 – One payload present (neutral path)

If one of the two proposers fails to produce a block on time, we are on the “neutral path”. We call it neutral because at least one block will end up canonized, meaning some transaction inclusion, but with one proposer inactive, the proposers only partially fulfill their protocol duty. Let Case 2 be the situation where Proposer 1 produces their block but Proposer 2 does not; let Case 3 be the converse where Proposer 1 does not produce their block but Proposer 2 does.

Case 4 – No payloads present (sad path)

In the worst case, neither proposer produces a block, which is equivalent to a “missed slot” today, where no transaction inclusion occurs – this represents the “sad path” for obvious reasons.

§2.2 – Proposer boost

The cases above highlight an observation from multiple proposers – at each slot, four potential heads of the chain exist. With a single proposer, the payload is either present or missing (only 2 cases). Due to network latency or malicious behavior, honest attesters could have different views of the head of the chain or may see multiple forks in their local view, causing issues when considering what an honest attester should vote for.

Proposer boost today

In the current specification, this potential difference of perspective (one honest attester sees the payload on time while a different honest attester does not) resolves using “proposer boost” (see [1,2,3] for more details). Proposer boost gives the proposer extra fork-choice weight (accounting for 40\% of a full attesting committee) for the duration of their slot, a mechanism empowering the proposer to “force their view” of the head of the chain to mitigate the duration of the honest attester view disparity. The figure below shows an example of a proposer boost being used to resolve a chain split.


  1. The slot n proposer publishes a block, but only 60\% of the slot n attesting committee sees it on time, while the remaining 40\% votes for a missing slot.
  2. The slot n+1 proposer publishes a block with the missing slot as the parent rather than the slot n block. During slot n+1, this block has proposer boost +40\%.
  3. The slot n+1 attesting committee will see that the total weight of the slot n+1 block (bottom fork) of 80\% is higher than the slot n block with a weight of 60\%, causing them to vote for the bottom fork.

Because there is only one proposer per slot, it is obvious which fork to grant the proposer boost. With multiple proposers, the story gets more involved.

Proposer boost with two proposers

Returning to the discussion of the two proposers, consider the assignment of the proposer boost to the potential split views. We suggest the simple rule:

Proposer boost with two proposers – When considering the split view, honest validators give a proposer boost to a fork based on the total order:

\text{Case} \;1 > \text{Case} \;2 > \text{Case} \;3 > \text{Case} \;4.

In other words, if deciding between Case 1 and Case 2, the Case 1 fork receives a proposer boost. This deterministic ranking grants a single fork a proposer boost, resolving the split. The figure below extends the single proposer boost example to two proposers.


  1. The slot n proposers both publish a block, but only 40\% of the slot n attesting committee see them time, causing the remaining 60\% vote for both payloads missing (this is W.L.O.G., the bottom fork could alternatively be Case 2 or 3 without changing the analysis).
  2. The slot n+1 proposers publish blocks with different parents. Proposer 1 uses the slot n payloads as the parent, while Proposer 2 uses the missing slot. During slot n+1, the fork with the Proposer 1 block has proposer boost +40\% because \text{Case} \;2 > \text{Case} \;3.
  3. The slot n+1 attesting committee will see that the total weight of the top fork (80\%) is higher than the bottom fork (60\%), voting for it as the head of the chain.

§2.3 Splitting implications

Consider how a malicious participant, who may control both proposers for a slot, could try to split the chain. We use “splitting” to describe the process of intentionally causing the honest majority of validators to vote for different blocks, thus temporarily weakening the consensus guarantees of the protocol.

Equivocation-induced splitting

An equivocating validator may split the attesting committee into arbitarily many forks, regardless of the single or double proposer construction. They create the split by signing and distributing conflicting blocks of the same height. By this simple reasoning, it is clear that the two-proposer construction does not weaken the protocol to “equivocation-induced splitting.”

Timing-induced splitting

Timing-induced splitting defines an adversary using network latency to intentionally split the honest validators’ view of the head of the chain ~without~ signing conflicting blocks. With the singular proposer of today, an adversary may intentionally deliver a payload such that only half of the honest attesters see it by t=4 (the attestation deadline). Thus, the malicious validator today can split the honest attesting committee in two for each slot in which they are the proposer. The subsequent honest proposer forces their view through a proposer boost (see above). In the two-proposer situation, the adversary can split the honest validators’ view four ways if the malicious party controls both proposers. The malicious party simply[1] times their payload releases such that 1/4 of the honest validators see each of Cases 1-4. The figure below demonstrates this.


  1. The adversary controls both of the slot n proposers.
  2. The adversary times the release of the two blocks such that all four Cases receive 25\% of honest attestations.

While this split seems problematic, it is only possible with probability p^2, where p is the amount of stake controlled by the malicious entity (because they must be both proposers for the slot). To compare apples-to-apples with the single-proposer setup, we should explore the event that a malicious party controls two slots in a row, which also occurs with probability p^2. The figure below shows the “timing-induced splitting” possible under that premise.


  1. The adversary publishes the slot n block such that the attesting committee splits in half on the timeliness of the payload.
  2. The adversary selectively publishes the slot n+1 block such that the honest attesting committee for that slot splits three ways.

In this scenario, the malicious party only achieves a three-way split because they cannot build a block on the missing slot in slot n without equivocating, which leads us to the main point of this exercise: With probability p^2 an adversary can cause a four-way split with two proposers and a three-way split with one proposer. We halt the analysis here because it is unclear to us the implications of this distinction; the next honest proposer will resolve the fork with a proposer boost either way.

Section 3 – Generalizing and pondering

While the double proposer case is the simplest, we can extend much of the above analysis to more proposers. With K proposers:

  1. the cost of censorship (presented in §1.1) is K times higher for a given transaction,
  2. there exist 2^K payload cases (defined in §2.1) because each proposer could publish or not,
  3. proposer boost (outlined in §2.2) is given to the “highest value fork” (e.g., convert the indices of available blocks to a bitstring interpreted as an integer; choose the highest integer), and
  4. a malicious party can split the honest attesting committee (summarized in §2.3) such that each fork has weight 1/2^K with probability p^K.

Further questioning (e.g., “How many timing-induced forks can an attacker create with \ell of K proposers for a slot?”) is deferred to future work (the solution is going to be a Binomial Mess™). For the sake of brevity, we conclude here with open questions.

§3.1 – Open questions

  1. How much risk does the “timing-induced splitting” above create? How different is it from today, where the next honest proposer resolves the split with a boost?
  2. What are the engineering considerations when considering multiple proposers? The number of blocks per slot will scale linearly, but the number of attestations remains constant. Is that ok? Are there other engineering difficulties that make multiple proposers infeasible?
  3. Are we missing something obvious from the fork-choice perspective?
  4. How important is this economic improvement of censorship resistance? Does it enable a new class of applications (e.g., running an onchain auction)? If current censored transactions are fine paying a low priority fee and waiting several blocks before inclusion, would this mechanism benefit them meaningfully?

  1. It’s unclear how feasible this is in practice, but using the byzantine threat model (worst-case analysis) the protocol should be resistant to it. ↩︎


This is an interesting post.

How do you distinguish Case 2 from 3 and why? are validators ordered? or you chose an order based on other indicators from the block?

Also I find the wording a little confusing: PB is not applied in the event of forks, is not something that one chooses to apply when making binary comparisons, the PB is applied to the full node for a prescribed amount of time, and this weight is used when comparing against anything, it’s a property of the node and not a property of a pair of nodes being compared. If we had to decide to apply or not when comparing two different heads, the complexity finding the best head would increase by an order of magnitude.

As an example of the question consider the following fork using more or less your notation:


Here slot N is the root, N+1 was seen only by 35% of the chain, the remaining set of people did not see it on time so they voted for N. All validators eventually saw the blocks by the time that N+2 starts. And now we have a fork of case 2 and case 3. According to your rule, the (blue, white) node will get a higher proposer boost than the (white, red) one so I assume that the (blue, white) node would win among those two. How about wrt the comparison with the previous head of the network, the (blue, red) node in slot N+1? This is a case 1 node. I assume PB still applies based in that they are in different slots, but what is the value that this node has? is it the full PB? that is, you give PB to the highest case for the given slot?, if that´s the case then for a PB of 40% then the slot in N+2 will win here, if you only give them when comparing among cases, then the case 2 block in N+2 would not be given PB when comparing with the case 1 block in N+1. So then N+1 remains the head. I am assuming that you meant the former case here.

Why are we measuring censor resistance with respect to the tip? It is important that the cost of censoring goes to infinity as K grows even for t=0 (or whatever minimum is enforced) and we want this growth to be supra-linear. I don’t mind this definition much, since from D I can get this cost as D(0). However, in this case you need to give me an order relation in the set of censor resistance mappings, that is, for two such systems D, D’, what does it mean to have D < D’?

My main concern with this kind of proposal is, who pays if the transactions of the second payload are invalidated by the first one? If no one, we have a free DA problem. Otherwise, it could only be the second proposer, but then they risk losing money. Same problem described here.

The other concern is multiplying the bandwidth consumption.


Thanks for your write up. I have two comments: general and implementation-related.

Currently, block building is centralized through the use of relayers and builders. Introducing multiple proposers per slot might not resolve everything, as most proposers would still rely on relayers, but it does make censorship more expensive. The current IL proposal is to enable validators that run the default vanilla client software and adhere to honest behavior while still using relayers. I see that the two proposals complement each other.

Regarding syncing, it’s complex. We want to sync a single final merged block per slot rather than multiple blocks. This requires the node to agree on the ordering before merging the blocks into a single canonical block. It would be done in the background. Keeping slot time within 12 seconds presents a challenge, but it’s worth exploring.

What about implementing the solution using something like Execution Tickets in that proposers must pay for their slots in advance? The multiplication issue can be addressed by division, which I sketch below.

@mikeneuder one thing that your protocol doesn’t address is the different resources that you are trying to price here. CR temporary DA (e.g. rollups) != CR execution (e.g. on-chain/off-chain auction-type protocols) != ToB CEX-DEX arbitrage. If the proposers pay in advance and also state some fixed set of contracts/accounts that they will touch, Solana style, competition is removed, and the proposers who are paying for CR can broadcast their blocks well in advance to avoid any latency games.


In the distinct blockspace scenario, by pricing CR-specific parts of a block different to ToB for example, we keep the linear censorship cost without introducing replication costs that the original proposal does.

Similar distinct blockspace idea proposed here.

With respect to the free DA problem could you have something like the following ?:

  • The proposers submit transaction payloads
  • There is some deterministic concatenation of the two that also throws out invalid txs
  • The proposers review the resulting block and only sign if all their txs were included and the dedupe was done properly

Iiuc the free DA problem would be mitigated because any invalid txs would be removed as a prerequisite to signing the concatenated block.

In @mikeneuder 's post on No Free Lunch, the free DA problem is said to exist if the following conditions are met :

Observation 1) Any inclusion list scheme that

  • allows proposers to commit to specific transactions before seeing their payload, and
  • relies on the state-transition function to enforce the IL commitments,

admits free DA.

In this case the proposers wouldn’t commit to specific transactions before seeing their payload so it wouldn’t be a problem. Consensus could also check to see if the concatenation was done properly and reject the block if not. Could have missed some important details so any clarification would be appreciated.

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+1 around multiplying bandwidth consumption.

Another open question would be how this would work in parallel to a future that has danksharding?

We assume that the spec & clients deterministically de-duplicate the second payload and divide the transaction priority fees between both proposers for each doubly included transaction

This is a very hand wavey explanation. I think we would have to assume that however this is implemented, there would likely be more latency accrued, not less.

We have multiple block proposers in SKALE with different priority. This in particular helps to avoid time gaps in blocks if a proposer is down.

Ethereum could easily add multiple proposers by adding a notion of priority. The priority needs to be included in the branch selection rule.

It seems to me that your appellation is misleading. As an attester, you don’t vote for a ‘missing slot’, you vote for the last block you see. In the adjacent schema (Proposer Boost Today) the 40\% should be pointed to the head rather than a ‘missed block’. Hence, the red block at slot n+1 should only have a ‘total weight’ of 40\%.

If we seek to always make a new round every 15 seconds, even with small amounts of validators online, its not clear to me why full nodes don’t start having an exponential number of states that they must track. Multi-proposers as described seems very safe if we have minimum amounts online in the attestation committee before going to the next slot. (Which we do not have)

Lets say we are at 10% of validators online during round 1, and we get the attestation committee perfectly split across all 4 variants in the 2 proposer case. We are at 4 branches. Lets label these as:

  • IM: Proposer 1 included, Proposer 2 missing
  • II: Proposer 1 and proposer 2 included
  • MI: - Proposer 1 missing, proposer to included
  • MM - Proposer 1 and 2 missing

In round 2, lets say we are at a distinct set of 10% of the attestation committee online, and we get:

  • proposer A attests to variant IM
  • Proposer B attests to variant MI
    (no intersection of belief)

Again the new attestation committee gets split across all four variants of proposer A and B, so we have 2.5% percent on only A (IM), 2.5% on A and B (implying II), 2.5% on only B (implying MI), 2.5% on neither (implying no-new info for helping decide).

So transitively, someone following all votes sees: 5% on each of round 1’s states, 2.5% from round 1’s committee, and 2.5% increased from round 2’s committee:

  • II
  • MI
  • IM
  • MM

A full node watching has to track the following states:

  • Finalize Round 1 as one of 4 options (each at 5% right now)
  • Finalize Round 2 as one of 4 options (each at 2.5% right now)

So we get 2^{num proposers} * num_rounds_to_finalize number of states for a full node to track.

But num_rounds_to_finalize can get quite large. (imagine the attestation commitee shrinking in size, not 10% always online)

I think bullshark/mysticeti/ Tendermint vote extension approaches avoid this problem. Because there is one designated “view canonicalizer” who is required to get a minimum amount of data from other validators. (And mimicking this behavior of random # of validators whose data the proposer must include, using VRF’s and the proposer selecting N largest VRF values)