No free lunch – a new inclusion list design

No free lunch – a new inclusion list design

by vitalik & mike
august 15, 2023
tl;dr; The free data availability problem is the core limitation of many inclusion list instantiations. We outline the mechanics of a new design under which the inclusion list is split into a Summary, which the proposer signs over, and a list of Txns, which remain unsigned. By walking through the lifecycle of this new inclusion list, we show that the free data availability problem is solved, while the commitments of the inclusion list are enforceable by the state-transition function. We conclude by modifying the design to be more data efficient.

  1. The free data availability problem
  2. Core mechanics
  3. Solving the data efficiency problem
  4. FAQ
  5. Appendix 1: Rebuilder encoding strategy
  6. Appendix 2: ReducedSummary stuffing

Related work

Acronyms & abbreviations

source expansion
IL inclusion list
DA data availability
Txns transactions

Many thanks to Justin and Barnabé for comments on the draft. Additional thanks to Jon, Hasu, Tomasz, Chris, Toni, Terence, Potuz, Dankrad, and Danny for relevant discussions.

1. The free data availability problem

As outlined in Vitalik’s State of research piece, one of the key desiderata of an anti-censorship scheme is not providing free data availability (abbr. DA). Francesco’s Forward Inclusion List proposal addresses this by not incorporating data about the inclusion list (abbr. IL) into any block. The slot n IL is enforced by the slot n+1 attesting committee based on their local view of the p2p data. While this is an elegant solution that eliminates the free DA problem, it is a subjective enforcement of the IL. A non-conformant block can still become canonical if, for example, the slot n+1 attesters collude to censor by pretending to not see the IL on time. Additionally, it adds another sub-slot synchrony point to the protocol, as a deadline for the availability of the IL must be set.

Ideally, we want objective enforcement of the IL. It should be impossible to produce a valid block that doesn’t conform to the constraints set out in the IL. The naïve solution is to place the IL into the block body for slot n, allowing slot n+1 attesters can use the data as part of their state-transition function. This is objective because any block that doesn’t conform to the IL would be seen as invalid, and thus could not become canonical. Unfortunately, this idea falls victim to the free DA problem.

The key issue here is that a proposer must be able to commit to their IL before seeing the contents of their block. The reason is simple: in proposer-builder separations (PBS) schemes (mev-boost today, potentially ePBS in the future) the proposer has to commit to their block before receiving its contents to protect the builder from MEV stealing. Because the proposer blindly commits to their block, we cannot enforce that all of the transactions in the IL are valid after the slot n payload is executed. The figure below depicts an example:

Here the proposer commits to an IL which includes txn 0xef, which is from: b with nonce: 7. Unfortunately (or perhaps intentionally), the payload for their slot includes txn 0xde which is also from: b with nonce: 7. Thus txn 0xef is no longer valid and won’t pay gas, even if it is much larger than txn 0xde; getting txn 0xef into the IL but not the block itself may offer extreme gas savings by not requiring that the originator pays for the calldata stored with the transaction. However, since it is part of the state-transition function, it must be available in the chain history.

(Observation 1) Any inclusion list scheme that

  • allows proposers to commit to specific transactions before seeing their payload, and
  • relies on the state-transition function to enforce the IL commitments,

admits free DA.

The reasoning here is quite simple – if the conditions of (Obs. 1) are met, the contents of the IL transactions must be available to validate the block. Even if the block only committed to a hash of the IL transaction, we still need to see the full transaction in the clear for the state-transition function to be deterministic.

2. Core mechanics

To solve the free DA problem, we begin by specifying the building blocks of the new IL design and lifecycle, which is split into the construction, inclusion, and validation phases.


  • slot n pre-stateThe execution-layer state before the slot n payload is executed (i.e., the state based on the parent block).
  • slot n post-stateThe execution-layer state after the slot n payload is executed.
  • InclusionList (abbr. IL)The transactions and associated metadata that a slot n proposer constructs to enforce validity conditions on the slot n+1 block. The IL is decomposed into two, equal-length lists – Summary and Txns.
  • SummaryA list of (address, gasLimit) pairs, which specify the from and gasLimit of each transaction in Txns. Each pair is referred to as an Entry.
  • TxnsA list of full transactions corresponding to the metadata specified in the Summary. These transactions must be valid in the slot n pre-state and have a maxFeePerGas greater than the slot n block base fee times 1.125 (to account for the possible base fee increase in the next block).
  • EntryA specific (address, gasLimit) element in the Summary. An Entry represents a commitment to a transaction from address getting included either in slot n or n+1 as long as the remaining gas in the slot n+1 payload is less than gasLimit.
  • Entry satisfactionAn Entry can be satisfied in one of three ways:
    1. a transaction from address is included in the slot n payload,
    2. a transaction from address is included in the slot n+1 payload, or
    3. the gas remaining (i.e., the block.gasLimit minus gas used) in the slot n+1 payload is less than the gasLimit.

(Observation 2) A transaction that is valid in the slot n pre-state will be invalid in the slot n post-state if

  • the slot n payload includes at least one transaction from the same address (nonce reuse) or
  • the maxFeePerGas is less than the base fee of the subsequent block.

While transactions may fail for exogenous reasons (e.g., the price on a uniswap pool moving outside of the slippage set by the original transaction), they remain valid.

Inclusion list lifecycle

We now present the new IL design (this is a slightly simplified version – we add a few additional features later). Using slot n as the starting point, we split the IL lifecycle into three phases. The slot n proposer performs the construction, the slot n+1 proposer does the inclusion, and the entire network does the validation. Each phase is detailed below.

  1. Construction – The proposer for slot n constructs at least one IL = Summary + Txns, and signs the Summary (the fact that the proposer can construct multiple ILs is important).
    • The transactions in Txns must be valid based on the slot n pre-state (and have a high enough maxFeePerGas), but the proposer does not sign over them.
    • The proposer then gossips an object containing:
      1. their SignedBeaconBlock, and
      2. their IL = Summary (signed) + Txns (unsigned).
    • Both the block and an IL must be present in the validator’s view to consider the block as eligible for the fork-choice rule.
  2. Inclusion – The proposer for slot n+1 creates a block that conforms to a Summary that they have observed (there must be at least one for them to build on that block).
    • The slot n+1 block includes a slot n Summary along with the signature from the slot n proposer.
  3. Validation – The network validates the block using the state-transition function.
    • Each Entry in the Summary must be satisfied for the block to be valid.
    • The signature over the Summary must be valid.

Wait… that’s it? yup :slight_smile: (well this solves the free DA problem – we introduce a few extra tricks later, but this is the gist of it). The figure below shows the construction and inclusion stages.

  • The slot n proposer signs the Summary=[(0xa, 3), (0xb, 2), (0xc, 7)] and broadcasts it along with Txns = [txn a, txn b, txn c].
  • The slot n payload includes txn c and txn a (order doesn’t matter). These transactions satisfy (0xc, 7) and (0xa, 3) respectively.
  • The slot n+1 proposer sees that the only entry that they need to satisfy in their payload is (0xb, 2), which they do by including txn b.
  • The rest of the network checks that each Entry is satisfied and that the signature over the Summary is valid.

Validators require that there exists at least one valid IL before they consider the block for the fork-choice rule. If a malicious proposer publishes a block without a corresponding IL=Summary+Txns, the honest attesters in their slot (and future slots) will vote against the block because they don’t have an available IL.

How does that solve the free DA problem?

Two important facts allow this scheme to avoid admitting free DA.

  1. Potential for multiple ILs. Since the proposer doesn’t include anything about their IL in their block, they can create multiple without committing a proposer equivocation.
  2. Reduced specificity of the IL commitments. The Summary can be satisfied by a transaction in either the slot n or the slot n+1 payload and the transaction that satisfies a specific Entry in the Summary needn’t be the same transaction that accompanied the Summary in the Txns list.

By signing over the list of (address, gasLimit) pairs, the proposer is saying: “I commit that during slot n or slot n+1, a transaction from address will be included as long as the remaining gas in the slot n+1 payload is less than gasLimit.”

By not committing to a specific set of transactions, the slot n proposer gives the network deniability. This concept relates to cryptographic deniability in that validators can deny having received a transaction without an adversary being able to disprove that. This property follows from the observation below.

(Observation 3) The only way to achieve free DA is by sending multiple transactions from the same address with the same nonce.

Recall that the free DA problem arises when a transaction that was valid in the slot n pre-state is no longer valid in the slot n post-state but is still committed to in the inclusion list. From (Obs. 2), the only way this can happen is through nonce reuse (the base fee is covered by requiring the transactions to have 12.5% higher maxFeePerGas than the current block base fee). This leads to the final observation.

(Observation 4) If txn b aims to achieve free DA, then there exists a txn a such that txn a satisfies the same Entry in the Summary as txn b. Thus validators can safely deny having seen txn b, because they can claim to have seen txn a instead.

In other words, validators don’t have to store the contents of any transactions that don’t make it on chain, and the state-transition function is still deterministic. The figure below encapsulates this deniability.

  • The slot n proposer creates their Block and Summary. They notice that txn a and txn b are both valid at the slot n pre-state and satisfy the Entry 0xa, 3.
  • The slot n proposer distributes two versions of Txns, one with each transaction.
  • The slot n+1 proposer sees that txn b is invalid in the slot n post state (because txn a, which is also from the 0xa address, is in the slot n payload).
  • The slot n+1 proposer constructs their block with the Summary, but safely drops txn b, because txn a satisfies the Entry.
  • The slot n+1 attester includes the block in their view because they have seen a valid IL (where the Txns object contains txn a).
  • The slot n+1 attester verifies the signature and confirms that the Entry is satisfied.
  • Key point – the slot n+1 attester never saw txn b, but they are still able to verify the slot n+1 block. This implies that the attester can credibly deny having txn b available.

Thus txn b can safely be dropped from the beacon nodes because it is not needed for the state-transition function; txn b is no longer available. This example is slightly simplified in that txn a and txn b are both satisfied by the same Entry in the Summary (meaning they have the same gasLimit). With different gasLimit values, the slot n proposer would need to create and sign multiple Summary objects, which is fine because the Summary is not part of their block.

3. Solving the data efficiency problem

The design above solves the free DA problem, but it introduces a new (smaller) problem around data efficiency. The slot n+1 proposer includes the entire slot n Summary in their block. With 30M gas available and the minimum transaction consuming 21k gas, a block could have up to 1428 transactions. Thus the Summary could have 1428 entries, each of which consumes 20 (address) + 1 (gasLimit) bytes (using a single byte to represent the gasLimit in the Summary). This implies that the Summary could be up to 29988 bytes, which is a lot of additional data for each block. Based on the fact that each Entry in the Summary is either satisfied in slot n or slot n+1, we decompose the Summary object into two components:

  • ReducedSummary – the remaining Entry values that are not satisfied by the slot n payload, and
  • Rebuilder – an array used to indicate which transactions in the slot n payload satisfy Entry values in the original Summary.

The slot n+1 proposer only needs to include the ReducedSummary and the Rebuilder for the rest of the network to reconstruct the full Summary. With the full Summary, the slot n proposer signature can be verified as part of the slot n+1 block validation.

What the heck is the “Rebuilder”?

The Rebuilder is a (likely sparse) array with the same length as the number of transactions in the slot n payload. For each index i:

  • Rebuilder[i] = 0 implies that the ith transaction of the slot n payload can be ignored.
  • Rebuilder[i] = x, where x !=0 implies that the ith transaction of the slot n payload corresponds to an Entry in the signed Summary, where x indicates the gasLimit from the original Entry.

Now the algorithm to reconstruct the original Summary is as follows:

ReconstructedEntries = []
for i in range(len(Rebuilder)):
    if Rebuilder[i] != 0:
Summary = sorted(ReducedSummary.Extend(ReconstructedEntries))

The Summary needs some deterministic order to verify the slot n proposer signature. The easiest solution is to simply sort based on the address of each Entry. We can further reduce the amount of data in the Rebuilder by representing the gasLimit with a uint8 rather than a full uint32.

Inclusion list lifecycle (revisited)

The IL lifecycle largely remains the same, but it is probably worth revisiting it with the addition of the ReducedSummary and Rebuilder.

  1. (unchanged) Construction – The proposer for slot n constructs at least one IL = Summary + Txns, and signs the Summary (the fact that the proposer can sign multiple ILs is important).
    • The transactions in Txns must be valid based on the slot n pre-state (and have a high enough maxFeePerGas), but the proposer does not sign over them.
    • The proposer then gossips an object containing:
      1. their SignedBeaconBlock, and
      2. their IL = Summary (signed) + Txns (unsigned).
    • Both the block and an IL must be present in the validator’s view to consider the block as eligible for the fork-choice rule.
  2. (changed) Inclusion – The proposer for slot n+1 creates a block that conforms to the Summary they have observed.
    • They construct the ReducedSummary and Rebuilder based on the slot n payload.
    • The block includes the ReducedSummary, Rebuilder, and the original signature from the slot n proposer.
  3. (changed) Validation – The network validates the block using the state-transition function.
    • The full Summary is reconstructed using the ReducedSummary and the Rebuilder.
    • The slot n proposer signature is verified against the full Summary.
    • Each Entry in the Summary must be satisfied for the block to be valid.

The figure below demonstrates this process.

  • (unchanged) The slot n proposer signs the Summary=[(0xa, 3), (0xb, 2), (0xc, 7)] and broadcasts it along with Txns = [txn a, txn b, txn c], which must be valid in the slot n pre-state.
  • (unchanged) The slot n payload includes txn c and txn a (order doesn’t matter).
  • (changed) The slot n+1 proposer sees that entries 0,2 in the Summary are satisfied, so makes the ReducedSummary=(0xb, 2). This is the only entry that they need to satisfy in slot n+1, which they do by including txn b in their payload.
  • (changed) The slot n+1 proposer constructs the Rebuilder by referencing the transaction indices in the slot n payload needed to recover the addresses. The Rebuilder array also contains the original gasLimit values that the slot n+1 proposer received.
  • (changed) The slot n+1 attesters use the Rebuilder, the ReducedSummary, and the slot n payload to reconstruct the full Summary object to verify the signature.

This scheme takes advantage of the fact that most of the Summary data (the address of each Entry satisfied in slot n) will be already stored in the slot n payload. Rather than storing these addresses twice, the Rebuilder acts as a pointer to the existing data. The Rebuilder needs to store the gasLimit of each original Entry because the transaction in the slot n payload may be different than what originally came in the Txns.

*-thanks for reading! :open_book::heart:-*


  • What is the deal with the maxFeePerGas?
    • One of the transaction fields is maxFeePerGas. This specifies how much the transaction is willing to pay for the base fee. To ensure the transaction is valid in the slot n post-state, we need to enforce that the maxFeePerGas is at least 12.5% (the max amount the base fee can increase from block to block) higher than the current base fee.
  • Why do we need to include the ReducedSummary in the slot n+1 payload?
    • We technically don’t! We could use a Rebuilder structure to recover the Summary entries that are satisfied in the slot n+1 payload as well. It is just a little extra complexity that we didn’t think was necessary for this post. This ultimately comes down to an implementation decision that we can make.
  • What happens if a proposer never publishes their IL, but gets still accumulates malicious fork-choice votes on their block?
    • Part of the honest behavior of accepting a block into their fork-choice view is that a valid IL accompanies it. Even if the malicious attesters vote for a block that doesn’t have an IL, all of the subsequent honest attesters will vote against that fork based on not seeing the IL.
  • Can the slot n proposer play timing games with the release of their IL?
    • Yes, but no more than they can do already. It is the same as if the slot n proposer tried to grief the slot n+1 proposer by not sending them the block in time. They risk not accumulating enough attestations to overpower the proposer boost of the subsequent slot.
  • What happens if a proposer credibly commits (e.g., through the use of a TEE) to only signing a single Summary?
    • Justin came up with a scenario where a proposer and a transaction originator can collude to get a single valid Summary published (e.g., by using a TEE) that has an Entry that is only satisfied by a single transaction. This would break the free DA in that all honest attesters would need to see this transaction as part of the IL they require to accept the block into their fork-choice view. We can avoid this by allowing anyone to sign arbitrary Summary objects for any slot that is at least n slots in the past. The default behavior could be for some validators to simply sign empty Summary objects after 5 slots have passed.
  • How does a sync work with the IL?
    • This is related to the question above, because seeing a block as valid in the fork-choice view requires a full IL for that slot. If we allow anyone to sign ILs for past slots, the syncing node can simply sign ILs for each historical slot until it reaches the head of the chain.
  • Why use uint8 instead of uint32 for the gas limits in the Summary?
    • This is just a small optimization to reduce the potential size of the maximum Summary by a factor of four. The constraint would be that the Txns must use less than or equal to the uint8 gasLimit specified in the corresponding entry. This becomes an implementation decision as well.

Appendix 1: Rebuilder encoding strategy

The slot n proposer has control over some of the data that ends up in the slot n+1 Rebuilder, and thus can use it to achieve a small amount of free DA (up to 1428 bits = 178.5 bytes). The technique is quite simple. Let’s use the case where the proposer’s payload contains 1000 transactions, which allows the proposer to store a 1000-bit message for free, denoted msg. Let payload[i] and msg[i] denote the ith transaction in their payload and the ith bit in the message respectively.

  1. The slot n proposer self-builds a block, thus they know the contents of the block before creating their Summary.
  2. To construct their Summary, for each index i, do
    • if msg[i] == 0, don’t include payload[i] in the Summary.
    • if msg[i] == 1, include payload[i] in the Summary.

It follows that by casting Rebuilder from a byte array to a bit array, msg is recovered. Since the Rebuilder is part of the slot n+1 block, msg is encoded into the historical state. However, the fact that this is at most 178.5 bytes per block makes it unlikely to be an attractive source of DA. Additionally, it’s only possible to store as many bits as there are valid transactions to include in the slot n payload. The maximum is 1428 if each transaction is a simple transfer, but historically blocks contain closer to 150-200 transactions on average.

Appendix 2: ReducedSummary stuffing

It is also worth considering the case where the slot n proposer tries to ensure that the slot n+1 ReducedSummary is large. The most they can do is self-build an empty block while putting every valid transaction they see into their Summary object. With an empty block, the slot n+1 ReducedSummary is equivalent to the slot n Summary (because none of the entries have been satisfied in the slot n payload). As we calculated above, the max size of the ReducedSummary would be 29988 bytes, which is rather large, but only achievable if there are 1428 transfers lying around in the mempool. Even if that happens, the slot n proposer just gave up all of their execution layer rewards to make the next block (at most) 30kB larger. Blocks can already be much larger than that (some are hundreds of kB), and post-4844, this will be even less relevant. Thus this doesn’t seem like a real griefing vector to be concerned about. We also could simply use a Rebuilder for the slot n+1 payload as well if necessary.


I like the general idea but I’m concerned about a particular griefing vector that utilizes the interplay between p2p clients’ DDoS protection, the minimum maxFeePerGas, and fulfilling a Summary. I can’t think of a way to solve it but perhaps someone else can.

For context, in Geth, a transaction’s gasPrice has to be >10% higher than a previous transaction with the same EOA / nonce in order to overwrite it. Otherwise, it is rejected and goes unpropagated.

The rationale is straightforward: by allowing txs to overwrite themselves with smaller gasPrice increments, priority gas auctions will place larger strain on the network due to a higher amount of transactions propagating and then being overwritten.

An example of the attack vector is thus:

  1. Send a tx (#1) with a maxFeePerGas of baseFee + 10% to a set of nodes (A)
  2. Send a tx (#2) with same nonce, same eoa, and a maxFeePerGas of baseFee + 13% to a different set of nodes (B)
  3. Nodes in set A who have received tx #1 will reject tx #2. Nodes in set B will accept tx #2 and could flag it for inclusion.
  4. If a node in set A needs to make a block with tx#2, it won’t have access to the tx because it would have rejected it.
  5. And tx#1 may be invalid due to base fee rising, resulting in the summary being unfulfilled.

In this example, it’s not hard to imagine that the validator could still request the transaction, but in reality it would be far trickier. This form of “gasPrice-induced intentional censorship” is a common method that MEV bots use to identify validators and each other - they send a unique tx to each of their node’s peers.

If all of the validators peers only ever saw different variants of the baseFee +10% txs, the validator may have no way to figure out who to request a needed baseFee +13% tx from.

Reducing the minimum gasPrice increment (which is not a protocol-level value) feels like it’d be trading one problem for another, and it would only reduce the odds of this situation developing organically - it couldn’t prevent it from happening intentionally should the builder of block N wish to “grief” the builder of block “n+1.”

The node that makes the block will be registered in the P2P network to the global topic that is gossiping the signed summaries from the validator. The validator will include the full transactions in the CL P2P network along with the signed summaries. Proposers (and presumably builders) would then have access to at least one full summary together with the transactions to guarantee availability. I don’t think this grieving vector applies since the validation of the IL happens in the CL side.


Ah! Good point about the full txs being available in the CL.

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with EIP-6493, this may become easier using Merkle proofs, as there will be an on-chain commitment to the from address, and also SSZ fields for both the from address and the gasLimit. It also adds on-chain commitment for the tx hash.

I am unsure what exactly you mean by point 3. Does this mean that because the gas remaining (gas_limit - gas_used) of the execution_payload of the slot n+1 block is less than the gasLimit of any particular txn, so the txn can’t be included in the block. But the entry is still satisfied.

I might be wrong. Please clarify.