A ZK-EVM specification - Part 2

Olivier Bégassat, Alexandre Belling, Théodore Chapuis-Chkaiban, Franklin Delehelle, Blazej Kolad, Nicolas Liochon

Hi all,

Here is an updated version of the specification we shared last year arithmetization of a ZK-EVM, and that we will present at devCon (on the 13th, at 11am, please come :slight_smile: ).

This is a type 2 ZK-EVM in Vitalik’s categorization: it natively supports EVM bytecode, keeping opcodes, including those handling smart contract calls, error management and gas management, as is, but the internal state is represented differently.

The specification covers the stack, the RAM, opcode executing modules such as binary, word comparison, arithmetic, storage. It is still a work in progress. Precompiles & selfdestruct will be added later. When tested against the reference EVM test suite, it runs successfully for 91% of the tests. The implementation will be shared soon.

Here’s the document: ZK-EVM_spec.pdf (2.6 MB) and here it is with a white background
ZK-EVM_spec_white_background.pdf (2.6 MB)

Here is the decomposition of the tests. We split the tests in 3 parts:

  • :heavy_check_mark:: traces are generated and constraints are satisfied;
  • :x:: tests that do not pass (i.e. the implementation or the specification has a bug);
  • not implemented: tests that rely on one or more opcode not yet implemented (e.g. precompiles).
Total :heavy_check_mark: :x: not implemented
TOTAL 17387 15904 43 1440
91.47% 0.25% 8.28%
stArgsZeroOneBalance 96 84 0 12
stAttackTest 2 0 0 2
stBadOpcode 4251 4165 1 85
stBugs 9 5 2 2
stCallCodes 86 66 0 20
stCallCreateCallCodeTest 55 44 0 11
stCallDelegateCodesCallCodeHomestead 58 41 0 17
stCallDelegateCodesHomestead 58 41 0 17
stChainId 2 2 0 0
stCodeCopyTest 2 2 0 0
stCodeSizeLimit 9 9 0 0
stCreate2 178 158 9 11
stCreateTest 175 164 0 11
stDelegatecallTestHomestead 31 31 0 0
stEIP150singleCodeGasPrices 339 330 0 9
stEIP150Specific 13 11 0 2
stEIP1559 1844 1844 0 0
stEIP158Specific 7 4 0 3
stEIP2930 140 140 0 0
stEIP3607 12 12 0 0
stExample 38 38 0 0
stExtCodeHash 65 41 0 24
stHomesteadSpecific 5 4 0 1
stInitCodeTest 22 20 0 2
stLogTests 46 46 0 0
stMemExpandingEIP150Calls 10 10 0 0
stMemoryStressTest 82 82 0 0
stMemoryTest 578 577 0 1
stNonZeroCallsTest 24 20 0 4
stPreCompiledContracts2 203 0 0 203
stRandom2 226 209 0 17
stRecursiveCreate 2 2 0 0
stRefundTest 26 15 2 9
stReturnDataTest 273 266 0 7
stRevertTest 271 157 0 114
stSelfBalance 42 42 0 0
stShift 42 34 8 0
stSLoadTest 1 1 0 0
stSolidityTest 23 18 0 5
stSpecialTest 14 12 0 2
stSStoreTest 475 475 0 0
stStackTests 375 294 0 81
stStaticCall 478 260 0 218
stStaticFlagEnabled 34 25 0 9
stSystemOperationsTest 69 54 1 14
stTimeConsuming 5190 5187 0 3
stTransactionTest 167 159 0 8
stTransitionTest 6 6 0 0
stWalletTest 46 42 19 -15
stZeroCallsRevert 16 12 0 4
stZeroCallsTest 24 20 0 4
stZeroKnowledge2 519 0 0 519
VMTests_vmArithmeticTest 219 217 1 1
VMTests_vmBitwiseLogicOperation 57 57 0 0
VMTests_vmIOandFlowOperations 170 170 0 0
VMTests_vmLogTest 46 46 0 0
VMTests_vmTests 136 133 0 3

Hey @OlivierBBB ,
Is there a way for other team or contributors to participate in the implement of zkevm from consensys?


Hi Gavin! Thank you for your question and please forgive my late reply. At the moment: no, we are carrying on the implementation for the testnet. But there will be a phase for people to contribute and play with it in the not so distant future. When that is the case I’ll get back to you :slight_smile:

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